44|| When Pigs Fly

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Chapter 44: When Pigs Fly

When pigs fly, people will stop talking about you. They'll stop with the jealous stares and the rumor mills. When pigs fly, you'll be better than everyone else and everyone will worship the ground you walk on for no apparent reason. 
When you fly, you won't care about all this stuff because you'll be too high above them anyway. So spread your wings and take flight, butterfly.


"You guys are so cute," cooed Deeds and I grinned at her. It had been three weeks since Dylan and I had gotten together, and it was fun doing all this couple-y stuff. Dylan had stayed with me at the hotel that night (apparently we stayed over at that hotel. I don't even know anymore) and he'd told me everything about pretty much everything. He told me about Deirdre and Jase, and I'd even confronted Deeds about it, and she'd cried. I'd never seen Deeds cry so much in my life, and she was crying about what a bad friend she'd been. Turns out Jase had liked her the whole time, but had kept me around because he was unsure or something.

I knew there was a reason I gave up on that guy.

Dylan and Deeds talked everything out too, and now all of us are pretty chilled out with each other. I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends. Now that I've told everyone I'm Starlight, things seem so much lighter on me and I feel like I've got no more secrets to hide, and no more weights tied down on me and pulling me to the ground.

"You know what would be better? If she actually agreed!" Dylan pestered, guilt-tripping me again for the tenth time that day.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes exaggeratedly. "N-O spells no, Dylan," I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Okay, give me one good reason," he said, looking annoyed.

"It's junior prom, I don't feel the need to go somewhere only to see that other people wear a stupid tiara on their head while moving around in gowns that probably weigh as much as them while people eat and drink. I'm perfectly fine staying home."

I'd had the same conversation at least a hundred times in the past one hour. Deeds had gushed about how we'd finally ended the 'Dylay', which was a pathetically funny pun on our ship name, apparently. Then, Dylan had slipped in that prom was two weeks from now.

I had obviously declined. Come on, me in a dress voluntarily DANCING!? No, that wasn't happening.

"And what are you going to do at home?" asked Hailey, rolling her eyes at me. She was going with some guy in her math class, Marie and Zach were going together and Deeds was dragging Jase along. Speaking of Jase, the two of us had talked things out too. I was practically in a perfect situation now.

"I am going to sit in my bedroom under my covers, eat ice cream and watch movies," I said, honestly.

"What about me?" asked Dylan in an accusatory voice. "What will I do?"

I turned to him and pecked his lips. "You are more than welcome to join me as I sit in my bedroom under my covers, eat ice cream and watch movies," I said, giggling at his exasperated expression. I felt bad for the guy, I truly did. It must be a pain dating me.

Dylan rolled his eyes and stole my brownie, but I didn't say anything in objection because I was being a bit of a brat.

"You're impossible," he grumbled, and I laughed.

"I'm not stopping you from going, Daniels," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm only stopping you from going with a date," I clarified.

"But I don't want to go to prom if it's not with you!" he whined.

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