18||Feign Frustration Because of Surprise Cleanups (Feat. the Haunted Underwear)

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Chapter 18: Feign Frustration Because of Surprise Cleanups (Feat. the Haunted Underwear)

It's funny how people keep telling others to just 'be themselves' but in reality would judge them as soon as they did.


It was funny how I'd just cleaned my bedroom yesterday, but I really couldn't even find my bed today. Was it because of the innumerable clothes on my floor? Sure. Was it because of the books that were scattered across my table? Definitely. Was it because I was a very, very good girl and I kept my stuff well? Haha, no way.

"Aargh!" I screamed, feeling frustrated. I didn't know why. I felt like I wanted to wear some boho clothes but I had nothing in my cupboard. I felt like my hair was soft but I had no style to put it in. I felt like my room needed cleaning and redecoration but I didn't know where to begin.

"Whoa, chill it," muttered Dylan shaking his head in disbelief from his window. I hated how he always did that, and owing to my frustration I'd already had bottled inside me I threw the closest thing in my room directly at his face without registering what it was.

The piece of cloth hit his face, and he grinned at it and I internally face palmed. Of course, out of everything that I could've thrown, it had to be my underwear. Thank goodness it was a fresh and clean one, though.

"Day, you could've just come over," he smirked. "Don't throw your lingerie at me and try to act all sexy. Especially if it's a Winnie the Pooh one."

Jesus, this boy was going to be the death of me. However, despite my furious frustration that I'd developed a few minutes ago, I couldn't help but crack a small smile and try to smother down the red that was working its way up my cheeks. "It's just an underwear and it was an accident. Now give it back." I muttered, feeling my face heating up.

"Nah-uh, pick it up yourself. Unless you wanna give me more, while you're at it? What about a Piglet one? Oh, and I'm sure Tigger feels lonely and so does Rabbit." He said this with a very serious expression on his face and I burst out laughing.

I hated laughing when I was supposed to be angry. It ruined the fierceness.

"Stop making me laugh. I'm trying to be angry and frustrated and temperamental." I informed him this with full seriousness.

"Sweetheart, you can't force yourself to PMS," he said, giving me an impish grin and I had to use all my willpower to not slap that silly expression off his face. "Oh, so that's why you didn't come over. You couldn't have done anything anyway."

I'm pretty sure my face was going to spontaneously combust because of my embarrassment. "Go away!" I yelled, deciding to be productive and clean my room instead of get into long and pointless conversation with this ultimate loser.

My room was too much of a mess for me to ever clean. So I decided to call someone who would probably help me out... Max. Then again, I don't think I'd want Max to come into my room that looked like it had been turned upside down and ransacked. It literally looked like a tornado had taken a visit.

Deeds was with that weird guy that she'd met at the mall; he was a college kid -yes, I was right! -and his name was Adam. Hailey was out for the weekend camping with her family. Marie was with Zachary and even if she was free she'd probably never help me. Dylan? Well, I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. And I'm fairly certain that Jase would get the wrong idea too.

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