One Shot- An Interview to Remember

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One Shot: An Interview to Remember

Honestly, don't care about being awkward. About being weird. Take it from me. If people were to judge me based on how I acted or take me into the job I'm in today based on how normal I was, I'd be living on the streets.

~Day June Winters, Celebrity Journalist and Interviewer

"How are you today, Madam?" asked Tony, my makeup assistant. He had his best professional voice on and was dabbing something on my face. I'd lost track of what went on it before I interviewed someone.

"I'm actually in a surprisingly good mood!" I exclaimed a little too loudly, and I saw some people in the room turn and glare at me. I slunk into my chair. I was over freaking twenty two and I was still just as awkward as ever.

"Good to know," whisper-yelled Tony. "How are things with Dylan? The company?" he asked, conversationally.

"Great," I whispered back. "He'll be here in around half an hour, he's in a meeting he couldn't postpone. But he never misses my interviews so I mean he'll be here soon enough."

"It's not like you bribe him or anything, psht," Tony said, waving his hand dismissively. "No other reason for him to diligently keep coming to every single interview but his pure, undying love."

"Me? Blackmail and bribe my fiancé? Gosh, Tony, what kind of a monster do you think I am?" I asked, placing a hand on my chest dramatically. "Oh no. All I do is cut off his food supply and once I think I replaced his shampoo with glue and squirrel droppings. That's all. I'm such a good person, really."

Tony faux-shuddered. "I thank my lucky stars every day that I'm not in a relationship with you," he teased, before smoothening out my eyelid to put on his signature 'swish' of eyeliner, as he liked to call it. Personally, I think it made me look like a blonde cat but Tony said that I looked ravishing. Oh well.

"I'm a great person to date," I said, defensively. "I'm funny, I'm cool, I'm smart and I even have a great pay. I'm basically the whole package."

If I was a guy I'd totally date me.

"And, an added bonus is that you're not horribly self-obsessed at all!" Tony said, a teasing smile on his face. I shook my head in response and clicked my tongue.

He finished and turned my chair around so I could look at myself in the mirror. I gasped, even though I was used to Tony's incredible transformations by now. From looking like an awkward college dropout he'd managed to make me look like a model. I didn't understand how he did it.

"How do you manage to make me look so nice all the time?" I asked in awe.

"No, sweetheart, you do that for yourself," he said, although he was obviously really happy because he knew that my own so called beauty didn't cut it.

Tony was gay, and he was like my best friend. My best friend minus Ben, obviously. But he was a great person and I was glad he was my makeup artist because he was so talented.

"When will Mr. Coleman be here?" he asked, smiling.

"You mean my egotistical best friend who I'm going to have to interview today?" I asked, faking a sigh. "He'll be here in a bit. Apparently one of his models refused to come, so he was trying to pacify her. Some new girl, I hope he's not torturing her too much. Although I'm excited to meet her, he's been talking about her and I've never heard Ben talk about a girl before. She must be pretty special."

Suddenly, I felt someone kiss my hair and I turned around and squealed, hugging Dylan really tightly and making him emit an odd choking noise. "It's great to see you too, Snowflake," he said, laughing. "You look gorgeous. Tony deserves to be an illusionist because there's no way you'd look like that in real life," he teased, messing up my hair. Tony immediately began combing it out again.

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