42|| I got Bad Luck in the Neighborhood Department

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Chapter 42: I got Bad Luck in the Neighborhood Department

It's sad how the things you don't want to do or the people you don't want to see always end up being the ones or things that follow you until you can't say no.


There are 7.125 billion people in the world. 6.78 million people following the online superstar, @Starlight24. 5.89 million people connect with her on many different levels. 3.68 million people check her profile on a daily basis.

Out of all those people in the freaking universe, Popcorned had to be my next-door-neighbor.


Okay, this was simply wonderful. Not only had I fallen for Dylan Daniels, my temperamental, bipolar, play-boy –next-door, but I'd also fallen for his online profile, Popcorned, my sweet, calming, cocky and hilarious e-best friend.

I had fallen for the same person twice. What sort of twisted fate was this? I'm pretty sure the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fate, Wyrd, was laughing hysterically from the heavens above me.


The most important question blared through my head. How was I supposed to address this situation with Dylan!? What was I going to say? Oh, Hey Dylan. I know we're not talking and stuff, but... I just wanted to say that I'm your online love. You know, the one you've been chatting with? She goes by the name Starlight? Yeah, hi. It's me. Great to see you, huh? This is awesome, because we'd even wanted to meet each other, anyway! Ha, ha.

Oh, joy. I even sounded awkward in my own head. I couldn't even begin to imagine how awful the real thing would be.

I slipped on a pair of ripped jeans and a tight-ish pink crop top and slipped on a pair of converse and a snapback to hide my untamed curls as I darted out of the house. Popcorned- Dylan, was probably cursing me right now, because I'd just left after I had my epiphany of his identity.

Dylan freaking Daniels was Popcorned. The guy I thought I could tell anything to. The guy I thought I could connect with on so many different levels that it scared me. The guy I'd go as far as to say the word Soul Mates actually made sense.

I sounded like such a freaking sap.

"Morning," he said, casually as we waited for the bus to come. I kept my trap shut and pushed my glasses further up my nose. I'd ended up tearing my contacts this morning in the bathroom and it had gone down the drain... literally.

He stared at me, waiting for my response, but I wasn't going to cave in and talk. I was far too awkward.

Dylan liked me! He liked me a lot, both as Popcorned and as himself!

He cleared his throat as if trying to signal my attention, but I turned away and stared at the tree in the backyard which was shaped like a fat leg.

Cue the internal, long sigh.

"Hey, Day?" he asked. I grunted in response. "I'm sorry. I was unreasonable and mean to you yesterday. I was just kind of pissed off and I was chatting with someone who..." he took a deep breath as if he couldn't describe his relationship with Starlight. Or rather, to make myself feel even more uncomfortable, his relationship with me. "Someone who means a hell of a lot to me, and I couldn't even concentrate and she's probably pissed because she actually ditched me two minutes later, and I was just overall... angry. I didn't mean to get it out on you. You didn't deserve it. So... what do you say? Friends?"

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