Letter 20

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God...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I DON'T KNOW! I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW ANYMORE AND I'M SORRY I KEEP ASKING THIS QUESTION BUT IT'S REALLY BUGGING ME! Man...I feel like I'm at war with myself...and the one I'm fighting in me is perfectly matched. I start out the day just fine and feeling great but then by the end of the day lately I feel so wrong. My thoughts are stupid and I feel so frustrated when I start thinking about things that I feel I shouldn't think about and I want to punch something! Or pull my own hair out or slice my arms! My chest feels weird and it's freaking me out. Maybe tomorrow will help me and I just have to hold on longer. I've been crying a lot more lately and I don't know why anymore. Maybe besides the depression, I have anxiety disorder? I was reading about it on my phone and it seems relatable but hey who am I to analyze myself? Maybe this is finding myself? I'm finding out things I never faced, finding you again, and actually looking around at my family. I'm still thinking about my grandmother in Texas. I can get my application done and then get baptized, I can go to Texas and watch over my grandmother. What do I do? I keep asking questions I ain't got the answers to. Wondering things that just confuses me all the time. It's tiring to be honest and makes me want to split my head open in whatever way possible. I'm sorry for feeling this way but I do. I'm sorry.


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