Letter 47

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Things make no sense to me God; like not that long ago I was on facebook and my aunt posted an interesting thing about this movie: The Finale Rapture or something like that and I know it's about when you come back Jesus and the ones right with you go home but the rest stay on earth with the devil. It's like....Whoa. Gave me chills but that's not the reason I said I don't get it. It said a lot of people would choose the mark of the beast because of starvation and stuff and it makes no sense because when you side with the enemy you are going to hell. There is nothing but pain, death, and hunger for eternity in that!!! Why choose that?! Why would people choose that Lord? It boggles my mind when I think about these types of question! I wouldn't want that and I don't like thinking about others going to hell. With you there is so much goodness that you give us God! You give us life, you give us food, you give us strength and courage and a brain to work, you give us authority, you give us redemption and love and we never want anything! Going to heaven for me means going home God. It means it is my time and never having to battle with my sinful nature again because you cleansed me and I'm under your loving arms with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It means going above and seeing the rest of my family that I may never see or cross paths down here on earth. I want others to come with me. I want my family to go to heaven, I want my friends and those I meet maybe for 1 sec throughout my day. I want those around the whole world weather they suffer or not to go home. I'm not even sure if I will go home to you Lord but I have my beliefs. I believe you cleansed me. I believe I have been forgiven and redeemed because you said I have. I believe you are the Son of God Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and loves me so much God that you gave your son for sinners like me. Everything is out of my control and that's a great thing. It's sad because I know not all of us will make it to Heaven but I love it because it means everything is in YOUR hands and your ways are always HOLY and GOOD. I am but a servant, a daughter that has yet to be crowned by my father, YOU God but please use me to bring those lost to you so they can be Saved as well. I invite you in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit: Lead me where you may, use me to save others. Amen.


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