Untitled Part 112

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Dear Dad,

Today I am finally feeling great despite the cough and sneezing going on. I don't mind it though because it just means that I am healing nicely. God, thank You for that. While I was in the middle of sleep and consciences, God, I just started thinking about Moses and how much you used him. All he had was a staff, yet You used him to free Your people. I remember saying "I want God to use me like He used Moses." and then I woke up. Last night I was watching Elevation worship on youtube and the pastor was talking about how much we humans talk ourselves out of our purposes that You give us. We come up with excuses and reasons while because of our fears. That and when we look at ourselves, we struggle (at least in my case) to see how we're qualified for the job. God, You are good though because when I woke up and began to look into my bible, I came across callings and found psalm 37:23. I also looked at 1 Samuel 10. God, it was interesting to see that You direct us and delight in our lives like it says in psalms. After that, God, I started reading exodus because of the sleep thing. I've come to notice some things in the beginning of Moses. God, Moses made excuses for himself too but what more was that when things started to look bad, Moses too struggled to see through the eyes of faith. He asked why you wouldn't do nothing when Pharaoh made the Hebrews get their own straw while still making their status quo of bricks. Moses saw it as a bad thing but he didn't see how You were moving. You told Moses that Pharaoh wouldn't let Your people go unless Your hand forced him too. Maybe Moses had an idea in his mind that things would go smoothly or that it wouldn't take so long. That's how it is in my life. In my mind, God, I want things to go smoothly as possible and when it doesn't, I think I failed and I start to fear because things get worse. However...God, You are good and use everything for us who love You. You never promised life would be easy or smooth - if anything - Jesus You said that life would be harder for us but You also gave us Your peace God and joy. Your joy can never be taken from us. Things are bad in this world and God, I find my heart heavy and fearful when I look outside and see the pain going on....yet You are in control. I picture a bruise....because bruises look bad when they are dark and discolored but in reality it is good when they get like that because that means the wound is healing. We have to go through the progress before we reach in goal. We have to take the bad before we enjoy the good. We must face hardships because that will only strengthen us for the race. God, I'm thankful. When I look back at my old letters...it was all sad and grieving yet now it is different. There's still hard things, yesterday at work was a battle, but You're teaching me how to have deeper faith and how to be still in those battles. You're reminding me to chose differently than my emotions - to subdue sin that crouches at the door; the anger or depression threatening to control me. God, You remind me of You, my God and my Salvation - the fortress I can run to and find comfort. I know something Good is coming my way because You said so. A new season is coming...God, You are good. My God, thank You in Jesus name. Amen.

I love You God, my Heavenly Dad.  

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