Letter 34

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It is interesting learning about your human side Lord. I hope that didn't come off wrong or something...I just find it comforting to know that you were human too. It's hard for me to comprehend it but it's also beautiful. You're our teacher, savoir, everything we feel you been through times 100! I guess I never paid any attention to that side of you Jesus. When I think of you I think of Batman or Superman but tripled because you and God are all powerful but you felt just like we do. You cried, you had to grow up. You were tempted, bashed, hurt. You endured when everything else screamed for your fall but you rose above and proofed all else wrong! I love that side of you as well. As much as I love you in all your glory! I find comfort knowing that my savoir is perfect yet has emotion and loves us all. I can never live up to you but I will trust you Jesus and follow your teachings. You are my teacher and I am your student. Please continue to show me the way and to stay strong and keep my faith like you did. Thank you God for giving us such an awesome gift. Amen.

Love Candy:)

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