Untitled Part 113

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Dear Dad,

God, today was a good day. I didn't make a video today but I got to type out a skit on my laptop and also continue editing the story I'm writing. Today the voices kept bugging me but God, thank You that You got me through this day. Dad, I struggle. Honestly...I keep pushing back the video and I know I want to make a video and You are bringing me into this season...so why do I struggle taking that step. It's odd, really, and I annoy myself because of this. There's nothing to lose and I may not know everything about filmmaking but I can learn along the way. God, I want the future You promise me. I want to be closer with You. I know though that I am weak and on my own, I'll just stay in the same place as before. God, don't let me stay in the same place. I know You designed me to reach higher than mediocrity. I know You put me here for a purpose...God, help me to take that step forward. There's so much to learn and so much to do but with You, all things are possible. God, my Heavenly Dad, Thank You that you given me a calling and the desire to climb higher. Today, in proverbs 12:24 I was reading about how hard work helps us become a leader and also how laziness makes us a slave. When I think about it, God, I picture entrepreneurs because they work hard from beginning to end and it pays off. They become leaders, making something good or even wanting to help others around them. The lazy people are the ones that don't work...like that girl on Dr. Phil who stole money from her boyfriend and mom. She said getting a job was easy and paying off her debt would be easy but its not....obviously that girl needs to recheck her thoughts. But I also know what that stood out to me. God, thank You for reminding me to work hard, especially if I want things to change and You're opening the door for me. Often times I get lazy myself...I get distracted by Tv, media, or I simply procrastinate, talking myself out of things when I need to talk myself into things. God, thank You for showing me this and also that You are making me aware of this...convicting me of this and showing me how to break that habit of laziness. I am thankful God. Please help me to stop being lazy and thank You that You are on the move. Always and forever, God, I love You Jesus, amen.


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