Letter 84

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God. Thank You it's Tuesday! Church is today and in the morning I wasn't really excited. I just felt and feel so weird. Empty but not. Frustrated but trying not to be. I'm finding it hard to pray. Like my mind is blank and I'm not even sure if I'm letting You in Jesus because of the blankness. Collosians 4:2 says to be devoted to prayer, be watchful and thankful. My eyes feel heavy. Could it be that because of all the things I've been learning about praying to You God that I forgot how to pray? They say just a simple prayer would do but it's like if I don't pray long I feel like I'm not praying at all. My grandma last night said to talk to You just how me and her talk but is that even allowed? Every time I talk to You Jesus, the devil pops up like some annoying tick and I get distracted from talking to You because I keep trying to send the devil away. God...there is one silver lining with this madness; I must be getting close to You Jesus if the devil keeps popping up. Take one baby step at a time and the things get thrown my way but Jesus- the same thing happened to You. You could have shrugged and said that we weren't worth the pain and gone home but You didn't Jesus. You didn't leave or walk away from sinners like us. Instead You continued on and pressed on for us and that's what I still want to do for You. I want to press on and I should give You the controls God. This is a car race and I can't drive! Thank You God. Thank You that I still have my letters to You Jesus, God, Holy Spirit. You promise that You will never leave me...I don't like being alone so thank You. God, lead me with Your spirit today and open my eyes and heart. I want to be ignited for You Jesus. I feel like my flames been put out, can You ignite it for me Jesus. Amen.


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