Chapter 27

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Jessica P.O.V

I opened my eyes, but I closed it fast, as the bright light made contact with them.

"Jess" I heared someone call my name, but this time I opened my eyes slowly so they could adjust to the light, my vision to become clear, I was in a white room, probably a hospital toom, I looked beside me I found Niall and Harry.

"N-Niall" I said he looked at me and held my hands and kissed it, then I remembered what happened and I felt tears form in my eyes, Niall looked at me, just as I released a loud sob, he sat beside me fast and I fisted his shirt in my hand while sobbing, he hugged me tightly and started rubbing my back and saying soothing words.

"H-He w-was goi-" I didnt complete from my sobs.

"Shhhh dont talk, nothing happened love, it is all ok now" He said and my sobs start decreasing, but there was still tears falling from my eyes, someone suddenly knocked on the door then entered a man he looks in his middle 30's he have black hair with light brown eyes, he looked at me and frowned.

"Hello there Mrs. Harrison, I am your doctor, Dr. Deaver" He said and I rubbed my tears and nodded and then a cop entered he looked at the doctor and then at me.

"Officer Reichs want to ask you some question" Dr. Deaver said.

"But cant you see she isnt really in a good time now, make it another time" Niall said a bit angry.

"I am sorry Mr.Horan but-"

"It is ok, I am ok you can ask" I said cutting him and Niall looked at me.

"Are you sure ?" He asked and I nodded .

"Ok I am gonna leave" Dr. Deaver said and left the cop looked at Harry and Niall then at me.

"It is ok, you can ask infront of them" I said and he nodded.

"Ok, First, Did Mr. Adam touch you in anyway"The cop asked and I felt Niall squeeze my hand hard.

"No" I said remembering what happened.

"What is the relationship between you and Mr.Adam ?"

"He was my friend at High school and we met again" I said and the officer nodded.


"Jessica, call me Jessica" I said.

"Jessica, Mr.Adam had been admitted drunk when the accident happened" he said and I was confused, when he was taking me to his home he didnt look drunk.

"How ?" I asked .

"He admitted it, He said that he drank a beer before giving you your tea" And I nodded that is why it took him long to make the tea, the officer looked at me.

"Mrs H- I mean Jessica do you want to press charges against Mr. Adam and like this he will enter jail ?" He asked and I looked at him for a moment then at Niall.

"No" I said and Niall looked at me.

"What ?!" Harry said and the officer looked at Harry then at me.

"Are you sure ?" the officer asked and I nodded.

"Okay can you please sign here" the officer said giving me a pen and the paper, I signed and he took the paper.

"Thanks for your time, have a good day" He said and left and both of Harry and Niall looked at me.

"How could you ?! How could you just forgive him like that ?!" Niall said standing up .

"Niall he was d-"

"Drunk ?! that what were you going to say, it isnt a reason, do you know what I felt when I entered and saw him ...... a-above you and you just forgive him easily" Niall semi shouted at me and I felt anger and sadness at the same time.

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