Chapter 36

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Jessica P.O.V

"Ok" Harry said and switched on the tv, I looked at Niall, and he was still holding my hand tightly while glaring at Harry.

"Niall what is the matter ?" I asked and Niall looked at me then huffed.

"Nothing" He said and I was abojt to ask him again, but one thing caught my attention the was aaid on tv.

"Jessica Samuel Harrison, Niall's new girlfriend, was proven that from just from 4 days, Tuesday night after the intreview of the boys was spotted going with a stranger and then 2 hours later their was cops and ambulance car, it was admitted that Jessica was being attacked by the same man that she left with the studio, But then we have got photos of the two love birds yesterday nighy on a very romantic date, it seems like nothing happened and they are so happy, although from just four days Jessica was about to get raped, To our next n....." The intreview completed and already tears were streaming down my face.

"NO, YOU TOLD ME NO ONE WILL KNOW" i screamed standing and looking at Niall Harry stood fast trying ti calm me down but ai pushed him.

"Jessica please listen, I dont know anything about this , I swear I told simon to keep it a secret and not even a spirit should know" Niall said , I run my hand through my hair .

"Niall, I didnt want anyone to know, they already hate me" I said crying in Harry arms.

"Jessica please calm down, W-we can .... deny it" Niall said.

"They got photos for god's sake" I screamed.

"I DONT KNOW" Niall suddenly shouted in frustration.

"I think I will go talk to Simon.... now, Harry dtay with her" Niall said and left I looked at harry he hot up amd came back with a cup of water, suddenly Louis burst into the arm followed by Zayn.

"Guys did you see the news ?" Louis asked and then he looked at Jessica and he already knew the amswer.

"Where is Niall ?" Zayn asked, Harry was about to answer but then Liam came in too.

"Where is Niall ?" Zayn repeated.

"He went to Simon" Harry said .

"Oh God, I think I will go before he do something stupid" Liam said and left.

Niall P.O.V

I left the room feeling angry and confused, when I reached the ground floor there were a lot of camera and people trying to get answers, The guatds ran to me so I could pass.

"Mr. Horan is it true that Mrs. Harrison was about to get raped"

"How is the realtionship going after the accident"

"Do you still want to be with her" And more question, Finally I reached the car when i entered , I heared someone opening the car door too, I looked beside me it was liam.

"What are you doing ?" I asked

"I am coming with ya" He said and I huffed and nodded I started driving, I looked at my phone, 5:32 PM. When we reached simon house I got out and the guards let us pass, I entered his office room without even knocking he was talking on the phone he looked at us.

"I am sorry I really have to close now, bye" He said "Please Niall sit down, I know what you cane here for, just please sit down" Simon said and I looked at Liam who was giving me the Please-listen-to-him eyes, I sat down.

"How did they know ???" I asked .

"I actually dont know, I made sure no one was around, not even a single cat, I dont know how did they got the photos or how did they even know about ..... you know" Simon said and i ran my hand through my hair.

"What do you mean by you dont know, I told to fucking keep it a secret, do you know the meaning of secret !!" I said trying not to shout but failed miserably, The fuards entered but Simon motioned for them to leave.

"Niall please call down and lets think about how are we going to solve the problem" Liam said and I took in a deep breath.

"Now, you are going to deny this in an intreview, but not now maybe 5 days later or something" He said and I looked at him confused.

"Why not now ?" I asked.

"First of all it is a good thing that you and her went on a date cause if you didnt that will prove for them that what happened is true, and about the intreview, if you made it in a near time that will show them that this is true and you are trying to deny it as fast as you can, just wait and everything will be solved, the most important thing is you and Jessica have to act normally like nothing happened" Simon said and I nodded, I stood up and Liam did too.

"Bye" I said and left.

"So what are you gonna do now ?" Liam asked while I was driving.

"I will go back to Jessica and tell her about what Simon told me" I said and he nodded when we reached the hotel tge people were less now, I parked the car and decided to enter the parking elevator so Idont have to face those people when we reached the room I entered and Zayn, louis Harry and Jessica were laughing.

"What are you laughing about ?" I asked.

"We were trying to cheer up Jessica" Louis said and I nodded.

Jessica P.O.V

I looked at Niall"What did you do ?" I asked.

"Simon told me....." Niall started telling me what Simon told him and I agreed

"Ok but w-" I was cut off by my phone beeping.

"I am sure this is mom, what am I going to say ?" I asked.

"I dont know, maybe dont answer now" Niall said I took out my phone I was surprised to find a message from unknown number.

From Unknown:
The game started :).

"What the hell !!" I said and Niall looked at me.

"What is the matter ?" Niall asked.

"Here" I said showing him the phone.

"Dont worry love maybe by wrong" Niall said and I looked at the message, It doesnt look by wrong.

"I dont think so" I whispered
-Thanks for reading :)

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