Chapter 31

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Jessica P.O.V

"Jack" I said before he could move another step, He looked at me.

"Yes ?" he said.

"Just a last question ........ and important"I said and he nodded fast .

"Why did you drink, The police officer told me you drank before you gave me the cup of tea, that means you did it on purpose , you wanted to be drunk on purpose, why ?" I asked he looked a bit nervous.

"Cause I-I didnt t-think I couldnt have done what I did, while I am sober" He said frowning, and I was a bit shocked, but why I am ? I think that what I should expect. I didnt say something.

We walked till we reached the living room, all eyes were on is, I cleared my throat "Jack will stay here ....... with US" I said and I noticed Niall clenching his fists, I know that what I am doing isnt the best thing, But I want them to forgive him as well, cause I did, I was actually a bit nervous that Niall will suddenly snap at me, I looked at Zayn, as if asking what to do, he squeezed my shoulders and motioned for me to enter, I did and we sat down, The tension was noticeable in the room.

"So when is Harry gonna finish ?" I asked.

"He came from a minute and said that the food will be ready in 2 minute so the 10 of us coulde-"

"11" I said cutting Niall, He looked at me then at Jack as if he want to punch him.

"You are unbelievable" He said .

"New fact about me" I said and he glared at me.

"I thought we talked about it" He said.

"And I think I told you my answer" I answer my voice rising a bit.

"Didnt you fucking tell me in the phone that you will forget about the topic" He said rising his voice as well.

"If yOU had FORgot about IT, but No you WENT and brought him, AND you didnt HEar him, so you dont have the right to judge him" I said standing. He laughed, a mocking laugh.

"Hear him ? Whatever reason he had told you in there, doesnt give him the right to do what he did" He said standing.

"You dont know him !!"

"AS IF YOU DO ?" Niall shouted.

"YES I DO, WE WERE AT HIGH SCHOOL TOGETHER AND WE DATED BEFORE" I said losing control not realising what I said, But when I didn I just smirked a bit, he looked at me speechless.

"Guys can you stop this" Liam said coming between us, Niall wanted to leave like before but Liam grip was strong.

"Stay" Liam said.

"Guys .... Food is readyyyy" Harry said in a cheery voice but when he noticed our expressions and how Niall and I faces are red he looked confused.

"Uh- umm what did I miss" He asked .

"We are coming Harry" Louis said as if telling Harry to just go now, Harry nodded and left.

"Lets go" Liam said still holding Niall, I went to Jack.

"Come" I whispered.

"See Jessica, I already did for you a lot of problems I can already l-"

"I said Come" I said angrily "Huuuuh, I am sorry just come" I said again he noded and he got up, We got up and went to help harry set the table, we all sat down and Harry came.

"What did you do ?" Louis asked smiling.

"Mushroom soup, with Macaroni with white sauce, and I also made tacos" Harry said and they all cheered except Niall and Jack.

"Emma can you please now come with the food" Harry said smiling looking so excited.

"Coming" She said and they started putting the food infront of us, the food is mouth watering, I looked at Jack who looked nervous, after they all finished Harry and Emma sat beside each other, Niall in the front of the table, I was sitting next to Jack and Zayn was beside me, Liam was between Jack and sophia, Ella and Ryan next to each other, we started eating, and there were couple of moans .

"God you two, must to take a medal of the best two cheifs in the world" Louis said and Harry grinned.

"I agree" I said smiling and they all agreed too, Harry and Emma high fived each other, and started eating, I noticed Jack not eating so i nudged him.

"Go on" I said he smiled and started eating he smiled .

"That is so delicious" He said and I smiled.

"Harry Jack is telling you this is so delicious" they all went silence.

"I know I know"Harry said and we laughed, K smiled happily, at least someone isnt given him a hatred glare, I mouthed a thank you to Harry he winked and completed eating.

After we finished eating, Ella and I helped Harry and Emma in cleaning the dishes after we were done, Harry brought us desert.

"So I made, chocolate cupcake with whipped cream and a small cherry in the top, pancakes, and strawberry mixed with milk and banana juice" He said we all grinned excited for it. It felt like a party, We were now at the living room I glanced at Niall he was talking to Liam and Louis.I looked at Jack, Ella and Ryan, they didnt talk to Jack they were talking to me that angered me but I let it slip, harry came with our plates, and we looked like children, we thanked Harry again, that was the best meal I had ever had in my whole life.

Harry was now talking to Jack, and I smiled, I am really thankful to Harry, Zayn was talking to Emma, louis joined Harry talking to Jack, Ryan talking to Ella, Liam with Sophia, I noticed Niall alone I went and sat beside him.

"Hello" I said.

"It is me" He said and I was confused, then i understood and Chuckled.

"I was wondering if after all this years you would like to meet" .

"To go over everything"

"They say time is supposed to heal but I am not done much healing".


"Can you hear me ?"

"Yes Jessica, I can hear you, you are right next to me" He said rolling his eyes and I laughed loudly this time.

"So you are ok now" I asked he looked at Jack then nodded.

"You forgave him, I think I will just need time to get used to it, and to know you used to date" He said.

"No Niall, It was in the past" I said and he nodded.

"I know, You may have moved on but I dont think he did"

"He didnt actually" I said sad that he still doesnt, that is really sad, to know someone loves you but you cant share those feelings.

"I am excited for the date" He said smiling and I did too.

"me too" I said, he gave me a small kiss.

"I love you"

"Love you too"

"Dont say Love you too, I feel you are just agreeing with me when you say it" he said and I chuckled.

"Sorry, I love you"

"I love you" He said smiling and I rolled my eyes .


-Worst chapter ever isnt it !!

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