Chapter 11

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Jessica P.O.V

"Jack ....... Kiss me" I said not thinking about what I said twice .

"What ? Why ?" He asked and I groaned mentally not the time to ask niall started walking to us I grabbed Jack's neck and pulled him to me and I kissed him I am sure he was surprised but there is no other choices, he started kissing back but it wasnt right all of it was wrong, it is not the soft lips of niall, they dont send me fireworks like niall, they dont make my heart race like niall, It was wrong so wrong that I felt like gagging but I couldnt I parted away from him and took a deep breathe and looked first at jack who was looking so confused and shocked I then looked at niall . Wrong move.

His eyes were big, with tears that are begging to fall, his eyes hold so much saddness, I felt my heart break at the sight, was that all because of me, but why ??, what did I do ?.

"Niall h-hi" I said and he looked at me withouth saying a word but then a girl screamed and I flinched I looked around and found her standing up from the corner of the room and she ran to niall hugging him, he didnt hug back he stayed motionless.

"Can I take a picture with you ?" She asked and niall nodded he tried to smile in the photo but he couldnt do it right, another two girls came and I tried not to slap them and tell them to back off, after they left niall looked a bit calmer, his eyes colors change to grey blue he looked so pissed off, is he bipolar ??, he looked at jack and if looks could kill jack would be a skeleton by now.

"Niall I said hi" I said and he looked at me .

"Hi" he said I smiled and held jack hands.

"this is uh- jack ma boyfriend" I said and jack looked at me I gave him the act-with-it look.

"Ooh nice to meet you jerk ooh sorry I mean jack" Niall said and left, and I actually wanted to laugh but then I looked at jack and he look mad, of course someone had just call him a jerk.

"Can you explain what just happened and why was niall horan here ?" He sked and I ignored him and started concentrating on my work he took the nearest table to me and sat on it waiting for an answer but I wont.

At 1 pm I heared a gasp I looked behind me were jack was seated but he wasnt there I looked beside me and found jack standing with Emma, where is Ella, she probably left, Emma walked to me.

"Is it true what he said ?" Emma asked and I shrugged my shoulders looking at the other costumer I took what he ordered and gave to her the order so she could make it.

"Frappuccino with chocolate cupcake" I said she snatched the paper and looked at me.

"Is it true what he said ?" she asked again while pointing at jack I shrugged my shoulders again.

"I dont know what you are talking about" I said praying another costumer will come.

"Dont play dumb with me, did you kiss jack and identified him as your boyfriend to niall ?" She said and I kept quite the man that ordered looked at me in a sign to hurry up Emma noticed she sighed and gave me a warning.

"We arent done" She said and left to make the order, and the day passed like this by Emma trying to ask me why and jack trying to get me to explain for him, Emma already know why I did that why is she asking ??

"It is already 3 and half pm I stayed here for 6 hours and half still not gonna tell me why you did that, I think I have the right to know and I know it isnt because you love me so there is other reason" Jack said said and I still didnt answer I gave the woman that was standing with a child her order she thanked me and left.

"Jessica for gods sake you just kiss me like this and thought I would let it go, at least I have to know" He said still I stayed quite he started whining I looked at him.

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