MHB Chapter 5

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As time went by, the daytime had turned into night. Leeteuk just sent Yoona and Yuri home without dropping by since it was already late. “Thank you, oppa!” Yoona exclaimed. Yoona and Yuri waved their hands in the air to Leeteuk and he replied it back.

After seeing Leeteuk disappeared from the sight, they entered the house. Yuri felt extremely happy to be at home after what she had been through yesterday. Yuri followed by Yoona behind, entered their room. 

Yuri hopped onto her bed. “Ah~!” she shouted in satisfactory voice while moving her body like she was swimming on the bed. She felt really good and she really missed to sleep in her own bed especially last night, she slept on the hard floor and also with the extreme cold condition.

Yoona just smiled as she took a look at Yuri. She expected that Yuri must have been through something bad based on her action right now. However, she gave Yuri the time and didn’t force her to tell what had happened. “Yuri-ah, if you have any problem, feel free to tell me, okay?” she told Yuri. 

Yuri looked at her while beaming. “Ok!” she felt really happy to have a friend like her. Since she lost her family, she could only depend on Yoona. Yoona would always be caring to her especially when she had a problem. Yuri really wanted to tell Yoona what had happened in Busan but she is still wasn’t ready for it.

Yoona went to her study desk. She took out the chair and sat on it. She put on her spectacles and opened her book and start doing the revision. 

Yuri got up from the bed and sat properly on it. She looked hesitated at first but a few seconds later, she called Yoona as she was ready, “Yoona.”

Yoona turned her head towards Yuri. Yuri didn’t reply anything when Yoona looked at her. However, she still could understand what Yuri wanted through her expression. “Do you want to talk about your problem?” Yuri nodded as a reply to Yoona’s question. Yoona took off her spectacles and went to Yuri. She took a seat beside Yuri. “Ok, tell me the whole story.” Yoona was ready to hear Yuri’s problem and she gave all ears to Yuri.

Yuri hove a deep sigh and started telling Yoona the whole story that had happened between Minho and her, about how they met, how he kept treating her badly and how he left her alone.

Yoona looked very shocked since she really didn’t expect that, not only because Yuri met Minho but also Minho treated her badly. “Em… are you sure he is really Minho? 2SG’s Choi Minho?!” Yoona asked to confirm about it.

“Yes, I’m very sure he is. I don’t lie! I swear, I met him and saw him with my own eyes! He himself admitted that he is 2SG’s Choi Minho!” Yuri raised her voice to show that she really meant it.

“Ok, ok! I believe you!” Yoona replied while tapping Yuri’s back to calm her down. “It’s just that it’s a bit impossible to meet him. Maybe it’s destiny.”

“Besides, Nickhun is the one who saved me, maybe he knew where I was through Minho,” Yuri uttered another prove to show that she was really right.

“Oh, yes… you are right!” Yoona agreed with Yuri and this time she seemed to believe Yuri completely. Yuri lied down on her bed after telling the problem that caused her to be so moody. She felt all the burdens that she carried on her shoulder were gone. She felt much better and relief. She stared at the ceilings blankly. “Luckily, I made a right decision by liking Nickhun. Before I also like Minho but not anymore! I hate him! I really hate him!” Yuri said in confident voice as she was very sure that her feelings right now towards Minho would last forever.

“How could Minho do that to you?! If I ever meet him, I’ll take the revenge for you!” Yoona said angrily while showing her grasped fist to Yuri with angry expression on her face. She looked not too angry and it’s more to cute way. 

“Why?! Don’t you like him?!” Yuri looked at Yoona in astonishment with a frown on her face. 

“I… I…” Yoona paused for a while. She couldn’t let Yuri find out her true feelings. Nickhun was the guy that she liked but she didn’t want to destroy Yuri’s feelings. “Y… yes. I like him…” She finished her words with a grin, “but I love you more!”

“Really? Thanks!” Yuri replied with a beam. She felt so glad after she knew Yoona would choose her, her best friend instead of the guy she liked.


(Yuri’s P.O.V)

Today is Monday, meaning its school day. Yoona and I are going to our school, Ying Ye High School by bus. Well, for me… I like riding a bus than a car because I can meet many friends and I can also feel the cool breeze from outside. Maybe others can’t see why these are the reasons I like riding a bus… but, it’s really hard to explain actually… it’s just my inner feelings. However, the main point is I like everything when riding a bus except the annoying guys who kept bothering us. Aish~ we just ignore them!

And, my dream is to ride a bus with my boyfriend. Yes, it looks childish and simple, isn’t? Anyways, that is what I want to do the most with the guy that I like and if possible, that the first thing I’ll do as soon as I get a boyfriend.

I feel really excited when being at school because I can meet and enjoy myself with all my best friends. Besides, I can forget all my problems especially the unluckiest day in my life with a stupid and hateful guy, Choi Minho! I hope today everything would progress smoothly. Including Yoona, I have altogether 8 best friends but Yoona is the one that I’m closest to since I live with her and I  known her since I was young. Besides, she would always be my side. And the last reason is maybe our appearance? We look like twins! Hahaha… just kidding, that’s not my reason to be friend with her but I really like the fact that we look like twins.

I’m not being a shameless but to tell you the truth, all my best friends and I are quite popular in our school! Why?! It’s because there is a girl band in our school, Girls’ Generation that consists of 9 members, which is me and my 8 best friends. So, we are singers too! But, we are only popular in the school because we are the school’s band. We would participate in the music competition or music festival between all schools in Korea.

As Yoona and I are busy having a conversation excitedly, the bus stops as it reaches at the next bus-stop. We take a look at the bus-stop because this is close to where our two best friends live.

“Hi!” Sunny and Taeyeon greeted Yoona and Yuri happily while taking the seat beside Yoona and Yuri. 

Taeyeon and Sunny join our conversation. We kept talking about what the activities that we did last weekend excitedly. Sunny tells us that she went to her grandparents’ house at the countryside. Her uncle taught her the techniques how to plant the carrots and cucumbers. And, the person next to me is Taeyeon. She is the leader of our band. We picked her because she is the oldest and we’re sure she can lead us well. She said on the weekend, she went ice-skating with her family. Oh~ I’m very envious at both of them. They had such a wonderful weekend. I think it would be better not to brag anything about my bad weekend because I don't want to ruin our happy conversation. Besides, I know I would just be angry all the times when talking about him.

After a few minutes later, the bus stopped again at the next bus-stop. They could see a beautiful young girl walked towards them hurriedly.

Oh, that’s Seohyun, our maknae!

“Hello unnie, hello unnie, hello unnie, hello unnie,” Seohyun greeted while bowing her body to Yuri, Yoona, Sunny and Taeyeon.

“Oh, Seohyun-ah~ just take the seat,” Taeyeon pulled Seohyun towards her with a smile on her face. Seohyun gladly took a seat beside Taeyeon.

Hahaha… that's our maknae! She still insists to use honorific even we have asked her to drop it. She is so pure and innocent! She doesn’t even have interest in guys and she rather chooses her favorite food, sweet potatoes than a guy. I think maybe it’s because she’s still young but once her heart is filled by love, we’ll see if the sweet potatoes still become her first choice!

The bus stopped once again. Finally, Yuri, Yoona, Taeyeon, Sunny and Seohyun alighted from the bus as it reached in front of Ying Ye high school. They entered the school’s area but they didn’t go straight to their class. They were waiting for someone.

Not too long after, there was a luxurious BMW car stopping in front of Ying Ye High School. A pretty girl with a short hair and pretty eye-smile came out from that car. She ran towards Yuri, Yoona, Taeyeon, Sunny and Seohyun hurriedly with a heavy bag that was clinging on her shoulder. She don't know that there were a few guys who dressed like bodyguards are following her. They also came out from the same car with the beautiful girl where she came out. It looks like that they are the girl’s bodyguards.

Tiffany stopped for a while to catch her breath after some running. “Hi!” she greeted happily while showing her cute eye-smile. Then, she realized about the presence of her body guards. “Hey, why are you guys following me?” she asked the bodyguards angrily with a frown on her face.

The chief of bodyguards replied, “But madam ask us to…”

Tiffany immediately interrupted, “Just wait for me outside the school!” The bodyguards seemed don't agree with Tiffany’s request because her mother asked them to always keep eyes on Tiffany. After seeing the reaction that had shown by the bodyguards, Tiffany added, “And, this is my order!” Finally, the bodyguards obeyed Tiffany’s order and walked away hesitantly. As the bodyguards disappeared from the sight, Tiffany changed her focus on Yuri, Yoona, Taeyeon, Sunny and Seohyun. They stared at her with a confused expression on their face. Tiffany gave a stiff smile while saying apologetically, “Did you guys wait for long? Sorry!”

“Nope, let’s go!” Yuri grabbed Tiffany’s hand. They all started walking to their class.

“It’s really annoying when there is someone always following you, isn’t?” Tiffany asked Yuri. Yuri nodded as a reply with smiling.

This is my another best friends, Tiffany! Her real name is Stephanie Hwang Miyoung. She really hates when someone calls her Miyoung. So, she asked to call her by her English name but she shortened it to Tiffany. However, sometimes, to make it easier, we shortened it to Fany. From the incident just now, everyone can conclude how she is, isn’t? Her family is one of the richest people in Korea! Well, it doesn’t matter… it’s not my reason to be friend with her! And, I’m very glad she doesn’t arrogant at all even she is very rich. There are many guys chasing her. Truthfully, I don’t know they want her because of her wealth or her appearance since she has both of them! However, she didn’t show any interest in those guys as her heart has been stolen by someone, mean that she already likes a guy.

As they reached their class, they walked towards the three girls who were at their seat.

Oh~ finally, my last three best friends! Including me, altogether are nine people, isn’t it? hahaha, I have many best friends! Anyways, it’s extremely fun! The two girls who are having a conversation are Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. However, compared to having a conversation, I think it’s more like an argument! Actually, these two are the noisiest, I mean in a good way. They really brightened up the atmosphere with their nonsense argument. Even a small matter, they argue with each other.

“He is mine!” Hyoyeon glared at Sooyoung. She pointed to a popular male singer’s picture.

“No, no, no!” Sooyoung shook her head. “He is mine!”

Taeyeon patted Sooyoung’s shoulder. “Hey, what are you guys doing? What’s the matter?”

Sooyoung pointed to Hyoyeon. “She wants to steal my man!”

“What?! Your man?! Who is you man?! Huh?!” Hyoyeon hit Sooyoung’s hand which was pointing to her. “He is mine!”

“What is this?!” Tiffany whined. “Are you guys arguing over something like this again?!” she asked in disbelief. Then, she sighed as she saw how childish her two friends were.

Sooyoung lifted her head up and looked at Tiffany while making a cute expression like a puppy. “Yes, I know you already have a guy you like…” She pointed at the picture. “So, you don’t show any interest in this, isn’t it?” Tiffany just raised one of her eyebrows while making a force smile.

“I think it’s unnecessary for you to have argument over this matter, okay?” Sunny asked while taking a glance at Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. “Because this man…” she pointed to that picture… “…won’t be yours…” she turned her head towards Hyoyeon, “… and yours!” she turned her head towards Sooyoung. “He’ll be mine!” she exclaimed and took that picture. She jumped cutely while hugging that picture.

“What the…!” Yuri rolled her eyes. “I thought you are going to stop their argument!” she added in disbelief. Sunny just ignored Yuri and jumped cutely while starring at the picture like she was starring at her boyfriend’s picture.

And, the last person who is sleeping soundly behind Hyoyeon and Sooyoung is Jessica. She really likes to take a nap. We gave her two nicknames, Sleeping Beauty and… Ice Princess. When I first saw her, I thought she was angry because she looked coldly. When I knew her deeply, she is actually totally different with my first impression on her. Once you know her, she is funny, friendly and it’s really fun to be around her.

(End of Yuri’s P.O.V)

“Is she sleeping again?” Yoona pointed Jessica who was burying her face on her arms, on the desk. 

Tiffany took her seat beside Jessica and put her bag on the chair. “Well… what more she would do except sleeping if she has a free time?”

The teacher entered the classroom. All the students stayed at their seat and kept their mouth shut. The teacher put the books on the table and faced the students. The teacher could spot Jessica easily. She really stood out since the other students were sitting upright. “Jung Soyeon!” 

All the students changed their focus on Jessica. However, Jessica didn’t show any reaction and it looks like she fell asleep deeply. Tiffany cleaned her throat awkwardly. She looked askance at Jessica as she didn’t want to be too obvious and she poked Jessica’s shoulder. However, Jessica didn’t react at all.

“Jung Soyeon!!!” the teacher raised her voice.

“Sica-ah!” Tiffany called in a whisper rate while shaking her shoulder.

Finally, Jessica showed some reaction and she lifted her head up. She turned her head towards Tiffany. She just opened her eyes briefly as she still felt sleepy. “Why?” Tiffany didn’t face Jessica and she just looked straight. She poked Jessica’s thigh. Jessica bowed her head in confusion. Tiffany pointed to the teacher under the desk. She knew if she was caught by teacher for helping Jessica, they both would die! Jessica immediately looked at the teacher after getting the signal from Tiffany. “Y… yes…” she got up from her seat.

“What are you doing?” the teacher looked so serious. “Are you sleeping?!”

“N… no…” she shook her head. “I… I… I’m memorizing something… some formula,” she stuttered.

“Ok, sit down!” the teacher ordered. Then, she continued the lesson.

“Thank you.” Jessica slowly sat down back on her seat. She hove a relief sigh while tapping her chest. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” she whispered to Tiffany.

“I woke you just now!” she defended while raising a bit her voice. Jessica should be thankful to her instead of whining to her. If not because of her, Jessica would be finish.

“But, it’s too late!”

“Ppsssttt!” Sooyoung hissed from behind. Jessica and Tiffany turned their head to the back after confirming the teacher was writing on the whiteboard. Sooyoung put her index finger on her lips. “I’m afraid both of you would get scold by the teacher again!” Tiffany and Jessica nodded for a few times to show that they understood it. They both looked at the whiteboard back to pay attention to the lesson.

Jessica was still sleepy. She supported her face with pressing her arms on the desk. She stared at the whiteboard blankly while opening her eyes briefly as she felt extremely sleepy. She tried her best to keep her eyes opened and it seemed didn’t work at all. She fell asleep and her head became heavier, heavier and heavier. As her arm couldn’t support anymore, her head knocked the desk. Because of that, a ‘BAM’ sound was made. 

Tiffany was startled with the sound and she looked at Jessica in confusion. “Hey, what are you doing?!”

Jessica slowly lifted her head up. “Ouch!” she rubbed her forehead and actually, the pain from the knock that she felt had completely woke her up. She take a look at the surrounding. All the students were staring at her in astonishment. Then, her eyes locked on the teacher who was looking at her seriously.

“What are you doing again this time?!”

Jessica slowly got up from her seat while rubbing her neck. She already embarrassed herself for the second time. “I… I accidentally knocked my head.”

“Are you sure that’s only the reason?”

“Y… yes…” she nodded her head hesitantly. The teacher motioned her to sit down and she continued the lesson again.

“Hey, why are you so sleepy? How much time you get to sleep last night?” Tiffany whispered to her as soon as she saw the teacher was focusing on writing on the whiteboard again.

“E… I think around 10 hours?” Jessica replied lazily.

“What?! You got to sleep for that long yet you’re still sleepy?!” Tiffany looked disbelief of Jessica’s answer.

“Is that wrong?” Jessica raised one of her eyebrows. She asked back like she had never done an unusual thing.

“Of course it is! You are really an abnormal person!”


Finally, the most anticipating time for all the students… the recess time. As usual, Girls’ Generation went to the canteen together to eat while having some enjoyable conversation. Besides, they could be considered as the loudest group. Because the members of their group was many compared to other groups.

“Seohyun-ah, are you going to eat the sweet potatoes again?” Taeyeon asked Seohyun.

Seohyun who was taking out something from the plastic bag replied, “Of course! Unnie wants some?”

“It’s okay. You can eat all of them!” Taeyeon smiled as she saw Seohyun’s undeniable love for her sweet potatoes. 

“Oh, I forgot to take it! I’ll come back soon!” Seohyun informed before running back to the class.

Meanwhile, instead of eating her foods, Tiffany was doing another thing. She supported her face with pressing her arm on the table while staring at a guy. She was smiling like an idiot.

“Look! Our Fany has been conquered by him!” Sunny exclaimed when seeing what Tiffany was doing. 

Tiffany didn’t care even a bit about what Sunny said and she just continued dreaming in her own world. She was more excited to go to the canteen to meet that guy instead of eating. He was Choi Siwon, the guy that Tiffany had a crush on. He was really handsome, the most handsome guy in this school. He was really popular and had many fan-girls including Tiffany. However, his identity was a bit mysterious. He looked like a quiet person and he rarely hung out with his friends.

“Fany-ah!” Jessica shook her shoulders to make her came back to the reality. “Do you think your stomach would be replete by staring at him?”

Tiffany just gave an embarrassing smile as a reply. Then, she looked at the table to take her foods. “Eh! Where is my food?!” There was nothing on the table, in front of her. Tiffany scratched her head in confusion. “I swear I put it here!” Tiffany looked at Sooyoung, whose seat that facing her. Sooyoung was eating with her hands full with foods. “How did you get so many foods?!” Tiffany looked at Sooyoung while frowning. “Did you take my foods?!”

“Yes!” Sooyoung replied confidently like she didn’t do anything wrong. 

Tiffany burst into angry. “YAH! CHOI SOOYOUNG!”

“Why? You are rich! Don’t be too stingy. Besides, you can make your stomach be replete by staring at Siwon, isn’t?”

“Aish, you are really…” Sooyoung interrupted her by giving a grin.

“But, Fany-ah… talking about Siwon… I think he likes Yuri,” Hyoyeon out of nowhere said.

Yuri whose seat in front of Hyoyeon, almost choked after she heard what Hyoyeon said when she was eating. 

“Are you okay?” Yoona patted Yuri’s back to make her feel better.

“Yah, Kim Hyoyeon! What nonsense are you talking about?!” Yuri scolded Hyoyeon. She looked at Tiffany with a guilty expression was on her face. “Fany-ah! Don’t take it to heart!” she tried to comfort Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled at Yuri. “It’s okay. I also think he’d like you.” Tiffany told the truth that kept bothering her minds. Truthfully, she couldn’t deny that she’d feel hurt by it but for her, the friendship was much important. Besides, it didn’t make any sense to blame Yuri if Siwon really liked her and she didn’t want a forced love.

“FANY-AH! I said don’t take it to heart!” Yuri looked at Tiffany with a frown on her face. Yuri turned her head towards Hyoyeon and glared at her. “This is all of your fault!” she poked Hyoyeon’s forehead with her index finger.

“Why?!” Hyoyeon put away Yuri’s index finger from her forehead. “I’m telling the truth! He keeps looking  at you!” she pointed to Yuri.

Yuri turned her head to the back, towards Siwon. She wanted to confirm it. When she looked at Siwon, her eyes went bigger as their eyes met. Hyoyeon was right, he was looking at her.


Seohyun was on the way to the canteen while bringing along her sweet potatoes. She looked very excited to the point that sometimes she would jump cutely. Because she was still too young, only sweet potatoes could make her feel so excited. She felt so happy and she didn’t realize the presence of 4 guys who was on her way.

As one of the guys was joking around excitedly with his friends, he accidentally bumped into Seohyun. Because of that, the sweet potatoes that were held by Seohyun fell to the ground. “Oh, no! My sweet potatoes!” she squatted down and took a look at sweet potatoes carefully like they were alive.

“M… miss… are you okay?” Yonghwa asked hesitantly. 

Seohyun got up and glared at him. “I’m okay! But my sweet potatoes are not!” she said to Yonghwa angrily. She looked extremely angry for what Yonghwa had done to her sweet potatoes.

“Look, I’m really sorry,” Yonghwa apologized as sincere as he could.

“You think an apology can solve everything?!”

“Ok, I’m really sorry. I can give the money how much as you want… or you want me to buy it for you?”

“Did you see me as a greedy person?!”

“No, no!” Yonghwa shook his head intensely. “I don’t mean that way!” Seohyun felt extremely angry to the point that her tears were forming on her eyes. As she lost her temper, she slapped Yonghwa’s cheek hardly. Yonghwa looked so shocked and at the same time, he was in pain. Seohyun glared at him while taking a few deep breathes. Then, she ran away while her tears were falling onto her cheeks. 

“Hyung, are you okay?” Minhyuk asked while putting his hands on Yonghwa’s shoulder. Yonghwa didn’t reply anything because that incident had made him speechless. Yonghwa just stared at Seohyun with a blank face. He didn’t belief that he just made a girl cry. He really felt guilty on that girl.


“Seohyun-ah, what’s wrong?!” Taeyeon asked worriedly after seeing Seohyun came back to them while crying and without anything in her hands. Seohyun immediately hugged Taeyeon tightly. Taeyeon patted Seohyun’s back to comfort her.

“Seohyun-ah, are you okay? What happened?” Everyone looked at her with a concerned face.

“That guy… he… he…” Seohyun couldn’t speak properly as she started to hiccup. 

As soon as they heard Seohyun mentioned about a guy, all her 7 unnies except Taeyeon who was still comforting Seohyun, got up from their seat immediately. They looked very angry at that guy for hurting Seohyun. “Seohyun-ah, tell us who is that guy! We’ll give him a lesson!”

“I… I… don’t know his name.”

“Sit down first!” Taeyeon ordered to Yuri, Yoona, Tiffany, Sunny, Jessica, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung to take their seat back. Taeyon gently pulled off Seohyun’s hands which were hugging her tightly. Taeyeon wiped Seohyun’s tears, “Tell unnie what that guy did to you first.”

“That guy made me dropped the sweet potatoes onto the ground when he was bumping into me!” Seohyun explained the reason that made she cried.

“And because of that… you cried?” Hyoyeon asked in disbelief. All her unnies were heaving a relief sigh since it was not a big deal actually. They thought something worst had happened.

“Or he scolded you and didn’t even apologize for that?” Yoona gave another suggestion that maybe caused Seohyun to cry.

“No… he’d apologize to me…”

“So, what’s the problem?” Sooyoung asked in confusion.

“He asked if I want money… he can repay it for those sweet potatoes. Did he think I’m a greedy person?!” Seohyun said angrily.

“Seohyun-ah, I think you misunderstood him…”

“No! I don’t think so!” Seohyun still believed that her thought about that guy was right. “And, I also slapped him!”

“Really?!” Everyone looked so shocked as their eyes went bigger. They really didn’t expect their pure and innocent maknae could do that.


“Yuri-ah, you have a plan for today, isn’t?” Sooyoung asked excitedly. She looked at Yuri with her eyes were sparkling.

“Plan?! What did you mean by that?!” Yuri asked with a frown on her face. She really didn’t get what Sooyoung was trying to say to her.

“Eh~ don’t lie to us!” Sunny exclaimed as she was trying to help Sooyoung.

“Well… what it is?!” Yuri asked.

“This evening, there will be 2SG’s fanmeeting!” Hyoyeon finally said what they meant.

“Really?!” As soon as she heard about it, her eyes were sparkling.

“Don’t tell us that you forget…”

“Yes. It really slipped from my minds!” Yuri nodded. “Thanks for telling!” Yuri replied them with a wide grin.

“Make sure you get Minho and Nickhun’s autograph, okay?!” Jessica reminded her.

“No, I’ll get only Nickhun’s, ONLY Nickhun!” Yuri replied seriously while emphasizing the words ‘only’.

“Why?!” Everyone except Yoona looked extremely shocked of Yuri’s reply. They knew Yuri liked Nickhun more but she also very liked Minho. So, it made them wondered why suddenly Yuri acted like that.

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