MHB Chapter 16

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“Hurry up! Hurry up!” Tiffany asked Siwon to hide under the blanket, on her bed. Once Siwon lied on the bed, she covered him fully with a blanket.

“Stephanie, are you inside?” Her mom asked once again since she didn’t receive any response from Tiffany.

“Yes, mom!” She replied in anxiousness. 

“What are you doing? Can I enter?”

Tiffany immediately went to the door of her room and slightly opened it, just gave a small space for conversation between her and her mom. “Yes, mom?” she looked at her mom with nervous heart.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Tiffany shook her head and came out from her room. If she stayed like that, it would raise a suspicion. “Anyways, why did mom call me?”

“No, mom just wants to say sorry because of last night.”

“It’s okay. I understand.” Tiffany smiled. 

“Did you have your breakfast?”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet? Don’t you think you are going to be late to go to school? It’s already 8AM.”

“Oh, yes!” Tiffany’s eyes went bigger since she would be late if she didn’t prepare herself now. “I think I have to get ready now.”

“Ok.” Her mom nodded with a smile on her face. “Mom also has to go back to company.”

“Bye, mom!” She waved her hand to her mom and entered back to her room. “Siwon.” She called him and her eyes locked on the blanket. “You can come out. The situation is safe now.” Siwon pulled away the blanket from his body and sat properly on the bed. “We are going to be late if we aren’t getting ready right now. I think it’s better if you keep wearing that cloth to school.”

“This cloth?” He pointed at the shirt that he was wearing right now. “Well… it’s a bit…” That cloth made Siwon became brighter and younger since how colorful it was like rainbow, with its hood and a cartoon picture on it. 

“Don’t worry. You look smart!” Tiffany gave a compliment while grinning. “Honestly, it looks much better on you than the usual clothes that you wore.” That shirt was completely different from the usual style of the clothes that Siwon usually wore. His clothes were something like darker coloured and matured style that caused him to look old than he was supposed to be especially with his cold attitude.

“Oh… ok.” He smiled.

“I’ve to get ready.” Tiffany went to her big wardrobe which contained various types of clothes which seemed like Tiffany couldn’t wear all of them since they were too much. She was choosing the cloth that she wanted to wear.

“Well… I think it’s better if I wait outside.” Siwon uttered in awkwardness. He was just about to go to the door.

“Siwon, no.” His steps stopped and he turned his body towards Tiffany back. “I’m afraid my mom doesn’t still leave to the company. You just stay here. I’ll change in that room.”

“O… ok.” He nodded. He sat on her bed waiting for her who had gone to the changing room. He really forgot that her villa was so perfect, it had everything even the changing room that was bigger than an ordinary house’s kitchen. 

Not too long after, he got up and went to the front of the mirror to check on how he looked. He still felt weird wearing a style of cloth that he never tried before. “Are you still worried about that?” he heard Tiffany’s voice who was asking him with a chuckle.

“Huh?” Siwon immediately turned his body towards Tiffany. “Well…” He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry. You look great!” she exclaimed while showing a thumbs-up. She took a look at her watch. “Let’s go now. We’re going to be late!”


Tiffany and Siwon arrived at the school just in the nick of the time. Once they were in school’s area, the gate of the school was closed.

“Fuh! We arrived on the time!” She hove a sigh of relief while tapping her chest.

“Thanks for everything.” He smiled to her.

“Ok, bye!” She waved her hand to him while showing her beautiful eye-smile. Both of them were gone to their own class. 

She took a look at her watch. She arrived at school on time but right now, she was late in attending the class. She ran as fast as possible to the class. Once she arrived in front of the class, she immediately entered the class and apologized to the teacher for her late.

“Teacher, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for my late. I didn't do it on purpose. Please forgive me!” She apologized sincerely while bowing her head. “I’m sorry… please…”

“Fany-ah! What are you doing?” Sunny said to Tiffany in astonishment.

“Huh?” Tiffany lifted her head up to look at the teacher whom she thought he was in front of her. However, there was no teacher in the class. She turned her body to the left, towards all the students. They were staring at her while blinking their eyes faster, wondering what the heck Tiffany was doing. “Oh! H… hi!” she waved her hand while smiling in embarrassment and immediately went to her seat which beside Jessica’s.

“What the heck did you do just now?” Jessica asked.

“I thought the teacher is already here.” Tiffany grinned. Jessica laughed at Tiffany’s weird action just now.

“Tiffany!” Yoona called from the side. Tiffany turned her head towards Yoona. “Why were you late? And, what happened last night? You know, I’m very worried.”

“Last night, I was with Siwon who was drunk. He vomited on me! That’s why I asked for Leeteuk oppa’s number since I don’t know his house. However, I couldn’t reach Leeteuk oppa. I think he was sleeping. And…”

“And what?” Hyoyeon asked excitedly. “Were you being with Siwon all night?”

“Y… yes. I brought him to my villa. Don’t think nonsense thing! It’s because I don’t have any choice, okay?”

“So, you guys slept together?!” Sunny asked almost raising her voice.

“Yah! Please be quiet!” Tiffany gave her a warning. Sunny covered her mouth while nodding vigorously. “We both slept in my room… BUT! We didn’t sleep together. He slept on my bed while I slept on the sofa, okay?”

“Anyways, you guys got closer, right?” Sooyoung asked.

“Yes, I think so.” Tiffany nodded with a happy smile on her face.

“So, Fany-ah. I think you have a chance!” Hyoyeon exclaimed while giving a tap on Tiffany’s back or actually it could be considered as a quite hard hit.

“Ouch!” Tiffany touched her back. “Yah!” she hit Hyoyeon’s arm.

“Anyways, Fany-ah. It’s really great to know that you are getting closer to Siwon.” Yuri smiled. She felt quite relief. “You are very happy about that, right? I think slowly he will start to love you.”

“Yes, I’m happy enough just to be his friend. That has meant a lot for me. I’m sure it was almost out of question for him to like me.”

“Why?” Sunny looked at Tiffany with questioned face.

“Because he likes you.” Tiffany pointed to Yuri.

Yuri looked shocked and worried at the same time. “F… Fany-ah, why are you being like this?” She gave her a frown.

“Don’t worry.” Tiffany held Yuri’s hand. “I know he likes you. That fact is not something that we can change. However, I don’t intend to put the blame on you at all.” She smiled to Yuri showing that she really meant what she was saying.

“Oh, the teacher is coming!” All the students were sitting on their own place and the atmosphere became silent.

“My pen! Where is my pen?” Yuri was looking for her pen on her table but she couldn’t find it. She just remembered that she lent it to Hyoyeon. “Hyoyeon-ah! My pen!”

“Ok!” Hyoyeon threw the pen but unexpectedly, the pen was landing on the desk behind Yuri’s seat which was Minho’s seat. 

“Aigoo!” The frustrated expression was on Yuri’s face. Minho must make a big fuss even for small thing like that. She looked at Hyoyeon. “Hey, why did you throw it over there?!” she mouthed to Hyoyeon. However, Hyoyeon just replied her with an evil laugh without any sound which seemed like she did that on purpose. She gave Hyoyeon a death glare.

“Yuri…” Minho called from behind nicely.

“Thanks.” Yuri turned her body to the back while taking quickly the pen from Minho’s hand. She immediately turned her body forward without taking any glance at Minho. Honestly, she felt quite weird like something was wrong. He didn’t even get mad at her even a little. Honestly, she was ready if he picked up a quarrel. She slowly turned her body to the back once again to check him out.

He was focusing reading on something. She kept her stare on him for a moment. He didn’t look angry at all. “Why?” he asked but his focus was still on the book which startled Yuri.

“Nothing!” She blurted out as she turned to the front.


Siwon took a seat beside Leeteuk. Leeteuk just stared at Siwon in astonishment but happy at the same time. “Why did you keep staring at me like that?” Siwon asked in annoyed voice.

“Wow, you look different today!” Leeteuk exclaimed in amazement.

“What do you mean?”

“Well… you look smarter, younger and more cheerful!” Leeteuk gave him a big compliment while showing a thumbs-up. “This way you will be able to have a girlfriend!” Siwon just raised one of his eyebrows, hearing what Leeteuk was saying. “Anyways, why did suddenly you change? I think I have tried so many times to buy you different design of the cloth, much better than your usual design that looks very old-fashioned but you still refused it! And, now you are wearing this type of cloth?! It’s unbelievable! Is this Choi Siwon that I know?” Leeteuk drew his face closer to Siwon while observing on his face carefully.

“Hey!” Siwon pushed Leeteuk away. “What are you doing?!”

Leeteuk just burst into laughter. “Anyways, I really wonder what caused you to change!”

“I didn’t change anything. Tiffany gave this to me.”

“OH?! Tiffany?!” Leeteuk widened his eyes. “Really?” Siwon nodded. “Wow!” He clapped his hands in amazement while shaking his head. “I gave you a cloth, you insisted to not wear it. Tiffany gave a cloth, you are wearing it right now! It’s interesting!”

“What is so interesting about that?” Siwon was dumbfounded with Leeteuk’s weird behavior.

“Of course it is! I, your best friend have tried to change you and I have put many effort into it but still there was no change. However, just because of a girl, you changed easily. Don’t you think it’s because…” He paused while smirking.


“You are falling in love with Tiffany!” Leeteuk exclaimed while pointing towards Siwon.

“Hey~ what are you talking about?” Leeteuk just smiled confidently because he was sure that he's correct. Siwon just bowed his head, thinking what Leeteuk had said. “Are you sure? That’s love?”

“Yes, it’s one of the signs of love. Someone can change because of love.”

“What are the other signs?” Siwon asked out of curiosity like a kid who was curious about a new thing in this beautiful world.

“Yah, Choi Siwon!” Leeteuk patted Siwon’s shoulder. “I know that you have never been in love and don’t know anything about love but don’t worry because you will find out by yourself naturally when you are falling in love with someone.”

“Nevertheless, love isn’t my priority right now.”

“Yes, I know that you have so many secrets that I don’t know but I’m sure those secrets which made you become a person like this, a dull person. Nevertheless, you still need someone, someone who can give you a happiness that may be the thing that you found the most precious in your life.” 

Siwon just gave Leeteuk a smile, thanking him for his good advice. He really appreciated it and honestly, he thought that he might have been the way like Leeteuk advised him to be soon. He didn’t know why he thought like that and he was really confused by his own thoughts.


It was the recess time. Not all the students were in the class. Yoona and Nickhun were staying in the class because of their cold. Yuri was gone to somewhere. So, Nichkhun sat on Yuri’s place, beside Yoona’s to accompany her. However, because of that, the girls were enjoying their time by teasing them.

“Wow, you guys are really compatible for each other! Catching a cold at the same time!” Sunny said excitedly while hopping around excitedly. “The most wonderful thing ever!”

“Couple catching-cold? Is that a trend for couples nowadays?” Sooyoung asked sarcastically. 

“Yah! What are you guys talking about?” Yoona gave a death glare to them.

“Anyways, what makes it more exciting, what did you guys do together last night?” Hyoyeon gave a suspicious look to Nickhun and Yoona. “There must something that caused you guys to catch a cold together, right?” She smirked.

“We didn’t do anything!” Yoona denied while slightly raising her voice.

“Ceh!” Jessica rolled her eyes. “Im Yoona, do you think we can believe you easily?”

“What is there to have a doubt about?” A frown could be seen on Yoona’s face. However, Nickhun didn’t reply anything to explain the misunderstanding and he just smiled widely enjoying the girls’ conversation. He found they were really funny and it was really nice to be around them. He finally understood why all nine girls, which are famous in this school as Girls’ Generation were always having their happy moments together. He really liked how they found a way to create a fun atmosphere.

As Yoona tried her best to explain, she sneezed all of a sudden. “Aigoo!” She sighed.

“Are you okay?” Nickhun asked as he took a tissue from the tissue box. He held the back of her head and wiped her nose with that tissue.

“OH!!! They are so sweet towards each other!!!” The girls were hopping around while shouting excitedly because of the sweetness that was shown by Nickhun to Yoona.

“I think I have got goosebumps!” Tiffany exclaimed while rubbing her arms.

“I… it… it’s okay,” Yoona stuttered as she took the tissue from Nickhun. “I can do it by myself.”

“What do you mean by okay? You can’t see where you wipe your face. Let me help you.” Nickhun insisted to help her and keep her sat still.

“You guys are really a real couple, right?” Sunny asked.

“N… no! Hey, can’t you guys stop talking rubbish?!” Yoona said angrily.

“Then, if you really aren’t couple… Nickhun, can you wipe my nose too?” Hyoyeon asked while smirking.

“I can’t.” Nickhun smiled widely while taking a glance at Yoona before continuing. “Because I don’t want to make Yoona angry.”

Nickhun’s answer had made the girls went crazy again and they kept teasing Nickhun and Yoona.

“What?!” Yoona stared at Nickhun in shock. However, Nickhun just replied her with a silly grin. He really drove her crazy with his weird behavior.


Wooyoung was walking to his class while whistling happily. It seemed like he was in a great mood. He stopped walking when something caught his eyes. He stared at a girl who was sitting on a bench under a shady tree.

“Oh!” He smiled as he recognized that girl very well. “It’s Taeyeon and she is… reading a book.” Just seeing her could make him happy. That’s one of the signs of love. He decided to just stare at her without bothering her.

However, her body slowly was falling to the side. He wondered what had happened to her. He waited, observing her condition but she was still falling and he immediately went to her and sat beside her on the bench. Eventually, she was lying down her head on his shoulder.

His heart was beating faster once she was too close to him. This was the first time they had been this close. It felt very nice but somehow, he felt quite nervous. Anyways, he became more relaxed as time went by. He found how cute she was as she could fall asleep even when reading a book. Was the book too boring for her? However, she was still holding the book in her hands tightly though she was already asleep.

“Woah!!!” All of a sudden Sungmin and Junho appeared behind them.

“Yah! You startled me!” Wooyoung was really startled by them. However, Taeyeon was still asleep though Junho and Sungmin had caused a loud noise.

“Oh~ what are you doing to her?” Sungmin asked sarcastically while pointing to Taeyeon. He gave Wooyoung a suspicious look.

“I didn’t do anything to her! Sshhh!” Wooyoung put his index finger on his mouth. “Why don’t you guys go away? She is sleeping! Go!”

“Alright, alright! We won’t bother you!” They walked away, leaving Wooyoung alone with Taeyeon while letting out an evil laugh.

As time went by, her hold on the book became looser and finally she dropped that book. Because of that, she was awake and lifted her head up. She looked confused what was happening when she was sleeping. 

“H… hey, you are awake?”

She stared at him and slowly, a frown appeared on her face. “Why are you here? What did you do to me?”

“I… I don’t do anything. It’s you who sleep on my shoulder. I was just passing by here but I see you are falling and that’s why, I come here to…” He pointed to her.

“Really?” Her cheek turned red because she had scolded someone that gave a help to her. “I’m sorry and also thank you. “She took her book on the ground and immediately went away while accelerating her speed as she felt too embarrassed.

Wooyoung just stared at her. He wondered what she thought of him and he really hoped he didn’t become a bad guy in her eyes.


Yuri was bringing a lot of books in her hands. Those books looked quite heavy. All of a sudden, she found Minho who was walking in front of her. She was really shocked until she accidentally dropped all the books onto the ground. It was because she really didn’t expect she would meet him here especially when their relationship was still awkward.

He immediately ran towards her. “Are you okay?” he asked as he helped to pick up all the books on the ground. She didn’t answer and just kept her focus on picking up the books. How she wished she didn’t become too careless in front of him. It seemed like his presence really affected her.

They both got up. “Thanks.” She replied as she tried to take the books in his hands. However, he didn’t let her to take the books. She tried once again but he still held the books tightly. Had he change to his old-self? She stared at him with a frown on her face. “What are you…?”

“Let me help you.” Instead of giving the books to Yuri, he took the books in her hands. “Where should I send this book?”

“It’s okay. I can do it by myself.” Yuri refused to accept his help.

“These books are very heavy. I’m a guy. I should help you, right?” He looked at her with a sweet smile on his face. This was the first smile ever he gave to her. Honestly, Yuri looked shocked and confused with that. “Anyways, where should I send this?”

“T… to… l… lib… library.” Without her realizing, she answered his question in stutter because she was really shocked and also scared at how his behavior changed drastically. Her answer also meant she accepted his help.

“Ok.” Minho walked first and Yuri just stared at him in confusion. Why did he become like that? He realized that she wasn’t by his side which caused him to stop his steps. He turned his body to the back, towards Yuri. “Why don’t you follow me? Please show me the way to the library. I’m still not used to this school.”

“Ah… yes.” She nodded and walked towards him. Her action was out of her control. She don’t know why she did like he asked her to though she found it was really strange for her to act like that and if their relationship was like before, she would have never done what he asked. It might be because she became too confused by him.

They walked together and passed a few students. Their presence attracted the student’s attention.

“Look! Minho is so sweet! He is helping her to carry the book!”

“Wow! That girl is so lucky! I’m envious at her!”

Minho just smiled to the students. Yuri felt very awkward with this situation. It’s really killing her right now. How she wished she won’t be in this awkward situation. 

Then, another few students came closer to Minho and asked for his autograph. As time went by, there were more students coming and the atmosphere because more chaotic. Some of students also had involuntarily pushed Yuri in order to get closer to Minho.

Yuri thought it would be much better to go away. “The library is over there.” Yuri said to Minho while pointing to a big building which wasn’t too far from them. He took a glance at her before looking at the direction where she was pointing at.

She walked away from the chaotic situation where the fans kept circling around Minho. However, his eyes kept locking on her. She accelerated her pace, going back to the class. Honestly, she felt scared, very scared with his sudden change. Why did he become so nice all of a sudden? He really made her scared with his nice side. 

“Why he… Why he… WHY!!!” She shouted to let out her feelings. “No, no!” She tried to comfort herself. “I should get back to my sense! Whatever he did, didn’t affect me at all! Okay? Kwon Yuri, you must understand that! He's not concern to you!” She grasped her hands. “Yes, I should stick those thoughts in my head. So, I won’t be confused again!”


After the class ended, Leeteuk went to the girls’ class. “Hi, oppa! Do you want to meet your dongsaeng?” Yoona asked happily.

“No!” Leeteuk just passed Yoona’s seat and he went to the seat behind Yoona’s which was Nickhun’s seat. “Hey!” He knocked Nickhun’s desk.

“Hyung, hello!” Nickhun greeted cheerfully.

“Oppa, why are you always being like this? Talk nicely to him!”

“I can drop the honorific, right?” Leeteuk asked Nickhun.

“Yes, sure.” Nickhun nodded.

“See?” Leeteuk said to Yoona.

“I meant the way you talk and your tone, be softer. Not the words you use!”

“Whatever.” Leeteuk changed his focus on Nickhun back. “Hey, have lunch at our house. My parents want to meet you.”

“Oh… hm… okay.” Nickhun agreed while nodding.

“Oppa, why are you suddenly asking him to have a lunch at our house?” Yoona asked with a frown on her face. It seems like she didn’t agree with that suggestion. Actually, she didn’t want to burden him.

“Hey, dongsaeng-ah, you know. Mom and dad want to meet him. Besides, I think he should be responsible for that.”

“What?! Responsible?!” Yoona asked in disbelief. “What responsible you are talking about? Oppa!”

“I have given my sister to you.” Leeteuk pointed to Nickhun. “Don’t you think you should be responsible?” He asked Nickhun. Nickhun just nodded with a wide smile on his face. 

“Oppa!” Yoona raised her voice. “He isn’t my boyfriend. He is just my partner in the show!”

“Isn’t that the same thing?” Leeteuk asked. Yoona was about to open her mouth to argue more with her childish brother. However, he stopped her. “Alright! Anyways, you will be having lunch at our house, right?”

Instead of Nickhun, Yoona answered his brother’s question. “Oppa! He is a singer, of course he is busy. He couldn’t give off his time just like that.”

“Yoona, it’s okay. I’m free today.” Nickhun added. Yoona looked at Nickhun with slightly frustrated look. She had tried her best to help him but eventually, he destroyed it.

“There aren’t other problems, right?” Leeteuk asked Yoona instead of Nickhun since she was the one who kept insisting to not agree with that suggestion. “We’ll go by my car, okay? Let’s go!”

Leeteuk went first to the parking car. Yoona approached Nickhun. “There are many people saying you’re my boyfriend. I had denied it but why don’t you deny it too?”

“Why? You really hate when being said as my girlfriend?”

“What?” Yoona asked in shock while widening her eyes.

Nickhun just grinned to her. “Let’s go!” He held her arm and pulled her towards Leeteuk who was walking to the parking car. They both walked to the parking car. “Anyways, sit at the back seat with me, okay?” he whispered to her.

“Why?” Yoona raised one of her eyebrows and her lips were curling up.

“I don’t want to be alone. Okay, please accompany me?” Nickhun smiled.

“Ok.” Yoona agreed and let out a chuckle. Honestly, she wondered what was wrong with Nickhun. Sometimes, she thought he really acted like he was her boyfriend. Anyways, she didn’t bother to ask him why he acted like that because she couldn’t help but being happy how he acted right now.

“Hop in!” Leeteuk said before he got on the car at the driver seat. Both of Nickhun and Yoona got on the car at the back seat. Leeteuk started the engine and he looked at the seat beside the driver seat. Just then, he realized Yoona wasn’t there. “Yah! Im Yoona! What are you doing? Sit here!” He asked Yoona to sit at the seat beside driver seat.

“Oppa, I want to sit here.” Yoona insisted to sit beside Nickhun at the back seat.

“Yah! Come here! Im Yoona, I said come here!”

“Oppa, Nickhun is our guest! How can we leave our guest alone?”

“What?!” Leeteuk asked in disbelief.

“Hyung, let her sit beside me.”

“Hey, Nickhun, you are too much! What is there to be afraid of when sitting alone at the back seat?”

“Oppa! I don’t care, I want to sit here! I want to accompany him.”

“Yah! He isn’t your husband yet but you're already sided on him?!” Leeteuk said in disbelief. “Wow!” He rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright! I’ll keep my eyes on both of you. Don’t you dare to do anything behind my back, understand?”

“Yes~ oppa!” Yoona replied playfully. Leeteuk drove the car.

“Thanks!” Nickhun whispered to Yoona.

“Huh? For what?” Yoona raised her eyebrows.

“For not leaving me alone.” Nickhun smiled widely. Yoona also replied him with a wide smile.

“Hey, what are you talking about?! Are you cursing me?! Do you think I can’t see you?!” Leeteuk asked angrily while taking a glance at Nickhun and Yoona through the mirror.

“Nope, oppa!” Yoona pouted her lips because of her childish brother.


[Yuri’s P.O.V]

Today I will be going home without Yoona and Nickhun which means I will be alone with him… again. Aish! I really don’t like this! The awkward moments with him are really killing me. I really wonder what has caused him to be so nice to me. Did he eat a wrong medicine? It’s really weird! I think… it’s better if he changes to his old-self back. He, being so nice is really making me confused, he is driving me crazy!

And, now… where is him? I already waited for him in the car for about 30 minutes! Where the heck is he? Oh! Wait! Why do I keep thinking about him? Aish! Seriously! KWON YURI!!! Have you lost your sense?! Oh, please! Just throw him away from your head!!!

“Yuri, are you okay?” The manager of 2SG asked from the front seat.

“Yes?” Yuri looked shocked. “Oh, yes… I’m okay.” 

“Minho will be here soon.” He added.

“Ah, yes.” She forced a smile.

Ah! Why did he mention about him again?! Seriously, I’m trying to forget about him but… Argh!!! Aigoo! I should keep my mind on other things! Oh, yes! Talking about other thing, I remember what Tiffany said this morning. She is sure that Siwon likes me which I’m also wondering about that too… but it’s that true? Siwon is so mysterious… how did he know about my necklace and what makes me more curious… why did he ask me to take care of this necklace well? I don’t understand. What is the connection between my necklace and him? It seems like this necklace also is important to him. But… why?

I take off my necklace and observe on it carefully, trying to find the hidden meaning behind this necklace. This necklace seems has something hidden in it because it looks quite unusual but what is it? I tried to find out about it but still until now, it makes me clueless.

(SHESNSD's Note : Yuri's necklace. Its shape is like this. I know it looks ugly but the real necklace isn't something like this, ofcourse, much prettier (in my imagination). Please forgive me, I just made a scratch on how Yuri's necklace looks like. So, you guys will be able to imagine how it looks like.)

(Yullie's Note: The actual example of Yuri's necklace in the Multimedia. Happy 1000 reads by the way.)


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