MHB Chapter 15

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Siwon came closer and closer towards Tiffany. Eventually, he vomited on her arm. “Siwon!!! What did you just do?!!!” she shouted in frustration while stomping her legs. 

“Fany-ah! What’s wrong?! Please tell me what's happening there! Did you get in trouble?!” Yoona asked in anxiousness.

“I’m seriously in a biigggg trouble! Anyways, just send your oppa’s number to me.”

“Are you okay?”

“Well…” She looked at her arm in disgusted look. “Don’t worry about me. Bye.” She ended the call and put her cell phone into her bag. She took a look at Siwon. He was lying down back on the bench and it seems like he was sleeping comfortably again like a baby. “Urgh! How can you be so cool after making me into something like this?!” she hit his back while making angry expression. “Aish!!! What should I do with this?!!!” She stomped her legs in frustration. “Wait here. Don’t go anywhere?! Understand?!”

She got up and looked around. All the shops had closed. Where could she find a cloth?! “Oh?” She spotted an old wooden shop which was still running its business. From the way how that shop looked, she was sure she couldn’t get an evenly pretty cloth but that was better than nothing. She could see the owner of the shop was closing her shop. “No!” She immediately ran towards the shop. She blocked the door of the shop with her hand. “Ouch!”

“Oh, what the heck?!” The old lady blurted out as she was shocked of Tiffany’s sudden appearance. “What is this smell?! It’s so smelly!”

“Ahjumma, hello!” Tiffany bowed 90° brightly.

“Yah! Ahjumma?! Do I look that old?”

“Yes?” Tiffany looked at the old lady which was old enough to be her mom, in astonishment. “Oh… ok.” She let out a chuckle. “Then, unnie?”

“Yes~ that’s right.” The old lady nodded in satisfaction. “Anyways, what do you want?” She pinched her own nose. “And, what is this bad smell?! Aigoo!” She looked at Tiffany’s arm with disgusted look.

Tiffany gave a stiff smile before explaining to her. “My friend has vomited on my arm. That’s why, I want a cloth. Can you give me an evenly pretty cloth?”

“Hey, miss. What time is it right now? I’m going to close my shop.”

“Oh, ahjum…” Tiffany cleaned her throat. “I mean, unnie~ why are you being like this? It isn’t like I just take the cloth without paying. I’ll pay it and it isn’t like you’ll incur losses! I don’t think there is other customer beside me for today, right?” She observed on the condition of that shop. It was very old and shabby. She thought it was almost out of questions to gain a customer. “Please~” 

“Ok ,ok! Wait here! Don’t ever take a step into my shop. Otherwise, you are dead! I don’t want you to…” The only lady went into her shop to find a cloth for Tiffany.

“Yes, yes. I got it. I’ll stay here.” She smiled widely. As she was waiting, she looked at her arm back. “Aigoo! How could he do that to me after I help to him?!” She took a glance at Siwon who was sleeping soundly on the bench without any guilt. She just hove a deep sigh.

The old lady came back after a moment. “Here.” She gave a blouse and a long skirt to Tiffany.

“Unnie, what is that?” Tiffany looked at the cloth that was given by the old lady with disgusted look.

“Hey, little girl! What did you ask me to give you just now?! And, now you are saying you don’t know what this is?”

“Unnie! I asked for an evenly pretty cloth, not something like this!”

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