MHB Chapter 21

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Yuri who still looked confused because of Siwon, walked to the girls while bringing along the food that had been bought by Siwon. 

“Yuri-ah, what took you so long?” 

“Huh?” she asked in confusion while taking a seat beside Tiffany. “I… em…”

“Did you buy all these food?” Tiffany asked in shock.

“What?” Yuri looked at Tiffany who asked her. Just then, she was aware Tiffany was already by her side. “Oh… y… yes.” She nodded hesitantly.

“Are you that hungry? Can you finish all of these?” Taeyeon who sat in front of Yuri, asked in disbelief too.

“Unnie, I think these foods are even too much for Sooyoung unnie,” Seohyun added.

“Ah, y… yes, I’m quite hungry today.” Yuri gave an awkward grin.

“Yuri-ah, it’s okay. I can be your dustbin if you can’t finish!” Sooyoung said confidently though there were already two breads in both of her hands.

“You know what, Siwon asked me out!” Tiffany told Yuri excitedly.

“Really?” Yuri looked very happy and relief at the same time. “Then, you guys…”

“We aren’t in that type of relationship. He just wanted to do something for me because I helped him before.” Tiffany explained.

“Anyways, that’s a good progression.” Yuri smiled. She was still happy because Siwon still tried to be nice to Tiffany and she truly hoped that Siwon could open his heart to Tiffany one day. She didn’t want to see Tiffany getting hurt.

“Oh, hi!” Yuri looked at Taeyeon who was greeting someone. Taeyeon was looking towards her which made her confused. What’s wrong with Taeyeon with her sudden greet towards her? Had she gone crazy?

However, Yuri took a longer stare at Taeyeon. It turned out that Taeyeon’s eyes were locking on someone beside Yuri. Nevertheless, Yuri was still confused since as far as she remembered, there was no one beside her. She did feel curious and turned around.

“Argh!” She suddenly shouted. She was already confused because of Siwon and right now, the person who was sitting beside her, really shocked her since he was also someone that had been bothering her minds lately.

“Why did you shout like you are seeing a ghost?” Minho looked at Yuri while raising his eyebrows.

“Y… yo… you! What are you doing here?” The shocked expression could be seen obviously on her face.

“Isn’t that it’s obvious what I’m doing here?” He asked while taking a bite of his food. He stopped and stared straight into her eyes. “Why? Can’t I be here?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Minho, of course you can join us!” Sunny answered instead of Yuri.

“Yes, don’t worry. You are part of our group now.” Hyoyeon added. The girls seemed like accepting Minho and treating him nicely. They thought it was hard to belief he was a bad guy. Minho smiled to them.

Yuri still looked unsatisfied but she didn’t have other choice. All she could do was just to sigh. She didn’t know how she truly felt right now. Her feelings were mixed up. Honestly, deep in her heart, she didn’t want him to be near her not because she was still mad at him but she really hated how he always confused her lately.

Minho took a look at her. “Wow, those foods are yours?” He asked in amazement. He realized that she still didn’t eat yet. “You aren’t eating yet? Then, let me feed you.”

“W… wh… what?!” Yuri asked in stuttered as she was in disbelief of what she just heard. However, Minho just ignored her and took bread that was in Yuri’s hand. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Say, ahhh…” Minho motioned Yuri to open her mouth. He put a small piece of bread into her mouth. “It’s nice, right?” he asked while smiling widely.

“Urmm… hrmm…” Yuri tried to talk but her mouth was full with food. Nevertheless, she looked obviously angry from the expression on her face. Minho laughed as he kept feeding Yuri with bread to keep her mouth silent.

“It’s really delicious, right?” Minho asked while grinning to Yuri.

“Oh~ Minho is so sweet~” Sunny exclaimed cutely. Yuri couldn’t argue as her mouth was full with food and she just could give a death glare to Sunny.

Meanwhile, as Yoona saw Minho, she also looked around, looking for Nickhun. He should be here too if Minho was here. 

“Who are you looking for?” She heard someone was whispering to her ear. She turned her head towards that voice. She smiled as it was Nickhun, the person that she was looking for. “Can I sit here?” he pointed to the seat beside Yoona.

“Of course!” she exclaimed while nodding.

Nickhun sat beside Yoona. “Have you eaten?” he asked her.

“Yes.” She nodded. “You?”

“I’m just starting~” He said playfully while showing his food to her which made Yoona laughed. “Anyways, where is your oppa?” He found it was quite strange Leeteuk was still not here to check what her dongsaeng was doing. He always guarded to check if there was any guy trying to getting close to Yoona.

“Well, I’m also wondering about the same thing too.” Yoona looked around, trying to find any trace of her older brother.

“What did you guys talk behind my back?” Leeteuk whispered to Yoona and Nickhun as his head popped up between them.

“Oh! Oppa!” Yoona blurted out in shock. Nickhun seemed shocked too with Leeteuk’s sudden appearance.

“Did you say something bad about me?” Leeteuk gave a suspicious look to them.

“Of course not!” Yoona immediately replied. “Anyways, oppa has come…” she added in disappointment which showed obviously on her face. She just hated how Leeteuk always protected her like she was still a small girl.

“Yah! Why did you look so upset?!” Leeteuk slightly raised his voice as Yoona reacted like that because of his presence.

“Nothing.” She forced a grin. “Oppa is here, I’m so happpyyy like crazy!” she added sarcastically.

“Aigoo~” Leeteuk patted Yoona’s head like she was a small girl. He turned his head towards Nickhun. “Can you move a bit to the side? I want to sit here.” He asked to sit between Nickhun and Yoona, like a bodyguard of Yoona.

Yoona was just about to reply something to Leeteuk but Nickhun talked first. “Hyung, this is my seat. There are still many seats. Why don’t you sit there?” He pointed to a seat which was quite far from them. 

However, Leeteuk just ignored Nickhun’s words. He tried to push Nickhun’s away from Yoona. “Oppa…” Yoona was just about to scold his brother.

“Hyung, I won’t move, I come here first.” He said firmly and he was the one pulled Leeteuk away. Yoona looked at Nickhun. She was quite shocked.

Leeteuk looked at Nickhun thoroughly. “Can you tell me why you didn’t want to move?”

“Because Yoona sit here and I want to sit beside her.” Nickhun moved closer to Yoona and put his arm around her waist which made Yoona became more shocked.

“Yah! Im Yoona! Are you lying to me?” Leeteuk asked angrily.

She was still nervous because of what Nickhun did but she tried to stay relaxed.“A… about what?”

“You said that you aren’t lovers but two of you always act like you are lovers.”

“Y… yes, yes. We are just friends.” Yoona actually didn’t know how to explain since she also did feel like Nickhun was treating her more than friends.

Siwon appeared not too long after. “Leeteuk, let’s go!”

“Wait a minute, I’ve a thing to settle with my sister.” Leeteuk changed his focus on Nickhun. “You and my sister…” He pointed at him seriously.

“Hyung, like Yoona said, we’re just friends.” Nickhun explained. As expected, Leeteuk was still in doubt with both of Yoona and Nickhun’s explanation.

“Let’s go!” Siwon finally dragged Leeteuk away. Actually, even he didn’t know well about girls, he still thought that Leeteuk was overprotective towards Yoona.

“Yah! Nickhun! If you lie, you’re dead!” Leeteuk gave a warning for the last time while being dragged away by Siwon.

“Aigoo…” Yoona hove a sigh of relief. “Now, we can eat with ease. I’m sorry for my brother’s behalf. He is always like that.”

“It’s nice to joke around with him.” Nickhun grinned. “Anyways, I win! Oh, yeah~” 

“What do you mean?” Yoona seemed clueless.

“You are mine! I won against your brother.” He grinned widely.

Yoona laughed because of how Nickhun was acting like a child right now. She didn’t expect there was this childish side of him too. She suddenly stopped smiling once she recalled his words. ‘You are mine’, did it have a deep meaning behind it or he just said it unconsciously? How she wished, it would be true one day.

Meanwhile, Minho kept teasing Yuri by feeding her non-stop until she couldn’t utter any words. Yuri finally could catch her breath since she had eaten all her food with Minho’s help. As she was chewing the last bite, she looked at Minho while giving him a death glare. Minho just beamed at her as a response. She swallowed the food. “Choi Minho, you are dead!” She exclaimed before drinking the water to relief her digestion system.

Minho looked at her while raising his eyebrows, wondering what she was going to do. After drinking, she took bread. “It’s your turn now!” She was the one now kept feeding Minho with the bread.

“Yoona-ah!” Hyoyeon called while looking at both of Yoona and Nickhun. They looked at her. “Have you kissed?”

Yoona and Nickhun obviously looked shocked of Hyoyeon’s nonsense question. “ Hy… Hyoyeon-ah, who are you talking about?” Yoona pretended to be clueless about who was meant by Hyoyeon.

“Eh~ about you and Nickhun of course!” Sunny who sat beside Hyoyeon, answered.

Now, all of them except Minho and Yuri who were busy in their own silly argument, were looking at Nickhun and Yoona with full of interest of the answer for Hyoyeon’s bold question.

“Yah! Y… yo… you… what are you talking about?!” Yoona unconsciously raised her voice. “We’re just friends!” As Yoona scolded them, Nickhun just gave an awkward smile.

“Why not?” Jessica raised her shoulders. “Yuri and Minho did!”

“W… what?” Both of Nickhun and Yoona looked very shocked. “They really did it? But, how did you know?” Yoona looked very confused. Just to imagine Yuri and Minho treated each other well was hard but to imagine they had kissed was just too… out of questions!

“Yuri, I’m talking the truth, right?” Jessica asked Yuri. “Yuri?” She called once again since she didn’t get any response.

Yuri was too busy playing with Minho until she wasn’t aware Jessica and others were talking about her and Minho. It seemed like Minho and her were busy in their own world. She kept feeding him. Minho tried to stop her by grabbing both of her hands. Because Minho was holding Yuri’s hands tightly, she jerked forward which caused the distance of their faces became very close. They ended up staring at each other.

“Hey, what are you two doing?” Tiffany, who sat beside Yuri, asked. However, both of Minho and Yuri didn’t give any response to Tiffany’s call. She poked Yuri’s waist which was the sensitive area as she was ticklish.

“Ah!” Yuri blurted out like she just realized from her and Minho’s world. She immediately moved away from Minho as he let go of her hands. They both looked anxious. She cleaned her throat while correcting her position on the chair.

“What the heck did you guys do?” Sooyoung mocked.

“I… I… I didn’t do that on purpose!” Yuri explained in stutter. 

“So, now… two of you are getting along well, huh?” 

“What?” Yuri herself looked confused. She didn’t believe that she just played along with Minho just now. She had lost her sense! How could she just be happy playing along with the guy that she hated the most?! “Well…” She didn’t know how to explain.

Yoona who wanted to know the truth, finally asked. “Yuri-ah, is that true?” 

“W… what is true?” Yuri became more nervous as all of them were staring at Minho and her like they had done something extraordinary.

“You had your first kiss with Minho, right?!” Hyoyeon exclaimed while clapping excitedly.

Minho and especially Yuri looked extremely shocked. She felt like her heart was dropping because of the shock, like she had fallen from a high place in a high velocity. “Y… yo… you… how did you know?”

“So, it’s true?” Sunny asked while smirking.

“Seriously, how did you guys know?!” Yuri asked desperately.

“We watched the show, of course!” Taeyeon answered while smiling widely.

“The show?! Everything can be seen?!” She still couldn’t believe it. “Wait…” She paused with a frown on her face. “Then, there are many people know about it?!”

“Yuri-ah… not many people, everyone would see it!” Tiffany corrected Yuri’s words. The rating of the show was very high, so it must be definitely many people watched it.

“See!” Sunny lent her cell phone to Yuri, asking her to take a look at something. Yuri’s eyes went bigger as she checked out what was on Sunny’s cell phone. “You and Minho’s kiss topped the search internet engine!”

“What the heck?!” Yuri shouted desperately. “Geez!!! This is really driving me crazy!!!” She grasped her hands.

“Yuri, how was it? To kiss Minho? Great?” Jessica started to tease Yuri.

“Yah! What do you mean by that?! Listen here, that kiss is just an accident! We didn’t do it on purpose, okay?!”

“Anyways, that kiss still remains a kiss, isn’t?” Sooyoung asked.

“Yah!!!” Yuri shouted in anger. Nevertheless, the girls still didn’t stop teasing her. Minho just smiled watching Yuri’s reaction. Somehow, even how much she wanted to forget that kiss, eventually that topic still appeared especially now everyone knew about it.

Nickhun was just being silent. He was still thinking what he truly felt after knowing about that. Somehow, he didn’t feel angry or sad like he expected to be. His feelings confused himself. Didn’t that he like her? But, why he didn’t feel anything? Nevertheless, he won’t stay still if Minho planned to treat Yuri like the girls that he used to be with. He would protect Yuri from Minho.


Tiffany took a few of her garments from the wardrobe and lied them down on her bed. She took one of them and went to the mirror. She checked herself whether she would look good on it. She shook her head while pouting her lips.

She took another garment and went to the mirror again. “This is not right!” She muttered. She put that garment on her bed back. “Geez! It’s really hard to choose!” Someone knocked the door of Tiffany’s room. “Come in!” she informed.

“I bring a glass of milk for you.” The chief of maids, Auntie Lee came.

“Thanks, Auntie!” Tiffany took the glass and drank it.

“Anyways, are you going somewhere?” Auntie Lee asked after seeing a few garments on Tiffany’s bed.

“Yes.” Tiffany nodded. “I really don’t know what to wear. Can Auntie help me?” 

“Are you going to a date?”

“Date? Well… it’s not. He just asked me out. Auntie remembers him? He is the one that I brought home before.”

“You like him?” Auntie Lee smiled widely.

“Y… yes.” Tiffany smiled bashfully. “But, how did Auntie know?”

“Your face is telling everything. Besides, you won’t be nervous like this to choose a right garment for you, right? You want to look pretty in his eyes, right?” An eye-smile from Tiffany answered all Auntie Lee’s question.

Auntie Lee took one of the garments from Tiffany’s wardrobe. “I think this is the best for you.” She showed Tiffany a white simple dress with a big red ribbon on the belly part. Though it looked simple but Tiffany would look stunningly beautiful in it since the pure and innocent side of Tiffany would show naturally.

Tiffany took the dress and went to the mirror. She checked herself out. “Yes, this is better for me.” She turned around. “Thank you, auntie.” Auntie Lee gave a smile as a reply. Tiffany took a look at the clock. It’s already 7PM but he still didn’t call or inform anything to her. She sat down on her bed and the disappointed expression was shown obviously on her face. 

“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to get ready yet?”

“He told me that he will call me first but I still didn’t get any call or message from him until now.” She pouted her lips. “Did he forget it?” All of a sudden, her cell phone rang. “Hello!” She answered excitedly without looking at the caller’s name. 

“How is your date?” A girl’s voice replied. 

“What?” She frowned as she never expected that it would be the girls since her minds were focusing on Siwon. She took a look at the caller’s name. “Oh… Yuri-ah…” her voice sounded sad.

“Why? Anything’s wrong?” 

“No. It’s just that he hasn’t called me yet.” 

Yuri looked hesitated and worried. “I… I think he will soon.”

“Yes… hopefully…” Someone knocked the door of Tiffany’s room. “Yuri-ah, wait a minute.” Auntie Lee helped to open the door. “Yes?” Tiidany looked at one of her bodyguards.

“There is someone wants to meet you, miss. He said he is your friend, Choi Siwon.”

“Oh?!” Tiffany’s jaw dropped a bit. “Ok, ok. Thanks!” She exclaimed excitedly and her eye-smile finally appeared again on her face. She spoke up to Yuri back. “Oh, Yuri-ah, I have to go now.”
From her happy voice, Yuri could guess that there was good news. “Ok, ok, I get it. Have fun!”

Tiffany immediately got up. “What should I do first?” she looked panicked since she knew Siwon was waiting for her.

“Stephanie, just be relaxed.” Auntie advised while smiling seeing how nervous she could be because of the guy that she liked. “You just take the dress and change. I will prepare to put the makeup on you.”

Ok, thanks Auntie!” She exclaimed before running to the changing room with a dress in her hand.


“Auntie, how do I look?” Tiffany asked in anxiety after getting ready. Actually, she looked very beautiful with the white dress on especially getting the makeup done.

“Don’t worry. You look fantastic!” Auntie Lee showed a thumbs-up.

“Really?” Tiffany still looked unsure.

“Yes. Hurry up, hurry up. He’s waiting for you.” She pushed Tiffany gently to the door. “Have fun!”

“But, auntie, mom is not here yet, right?”

“Yes, I don’t see her. Maybe she is still at the company. Why did you ask?”

“Just… I think mom must have asked me to bring my bodyguards too. I don’t want they follow us. It would be uncomfortable for us especially for Siwon.”

“Ok, I’ll keep a secret from your mom.”

“Thanks. Bye, auntie!” Tiffany waved her hand to Auntie Lee before going to downstairs. She looked for Siwon in the living room, in front of the door but he was nowhere to be found.

“Miss, he is waiting in front of the gate.” The bodyguard informed.

“What?!” She asked in disbelief. “What didn’t you ask him to enter?!”

“We’re just being careful. He might be a bad person.”

“Aish! This is really driving me crazy!” Tiffany said in frustration. “Alright, alright. You may go.” The bodyguard bowed his body before walking away. “He must be mad at me!” 

She immediately walked but got stopped by her mother’s voice. “Stephanie.”

“Yes!” She unconsciously raised her voice as she was very shocked. “Oh, no!” she mumbled with a frustrated expression on her face. She turned around hesitantly. “Oh, mom…” She gave a force smile.

“Are you going somewhere?” Her mother could guess from the way Tiffany dressed.

“Y… yes.” Tiffany nodded hesitantly. “The guy who saved me before, Choi Siwon, asked me out because he wanted to thank me after I helped him.” She didn’t have other choice except telling the truth.

“Oh, ok. Have fun.” Her mother smiled to her which actually shocked her. 

“Then, I… I may go now?” She looked obviously confused. “Without my bodyguards?”

“Yes, of course. He has saved you before and I’m sure he will protect you again if anything happens.”

“Mom! Thank you!” Tiffany shouted while running to her mother to give a tight hug.

“Yes~” She stroked Tiffany’s hair gently. “But! You guys are just friends, right?” Tiffany let go of her mother and looked at her. “I hope you guys can just stay as friends.”

“Y… yes.” Though she didn’t agree with it, she just said yes since she had made Siwon waited for long. “Ok, mom. I have to go. He’s waiting for me.”

“Ok, bye!”


Tiffany immediately ran towards Siwon once she spotted him but she couldn’t run properly because of the high-heel shoes. Siwon turned around as he heard the sound from Tiffany’s running. He gave a smile to her.

“I… I… I’m… so… sorry… I… I’m… re… really… sor... sorry…” She was catching her breath but at the same time, she kept bowing her body continuously, asking forgiveness for her late.

“What are you apologizing for?” Siwon held Tiffany’s shoulders to stop her.

“I’m really sorry for making you wait for long.” She gave an apologetic smile.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” Siwon smiled, showing that he really meant it. “Let’s go.”

They walked together side by side. As time went by, they were further from Tiffany’s villa. “Are you mad at me? You have waited for long.” Tiffany asked, checking whether he was mad at her.

“Of course not. I’m not mad, really.” 

“Why didn’t you call me first? You said that you would inform.”

“I just wanted to make a surprise.” He smiled widely.

“Surprise?” She really didn’t expect that he could act like this. “A.. ah, yes… it really surprised me.” She was surprised not because of his surprise but how he acted made her surprised. What was bothering her minds right now was whether she looked good or not. He didn’t say anything. She continuously looked down, checking herself. 

“You look pretty.” Siwon suddenly said.

“Yes!” She unconsciously raised her voice since the thing that has been bothering her minds, finally being mentioned by Siwon. “Ah, yes. Thank you.” She smiled bashfully. “Anyways, where are we going?”

“You will know once we reach there.” He smiled. Tiffany stared at his face and slowly her lips curled up. Was he always like this? He really shocked her lately. Maybe getting knows him better, she would find out many hidden side of him. Gradually, her impression on him changed. Nevertheless, he was still the one in her heart no matter how was him.


“Look! There is a photo booth!” Tiffany exclaimed. They could see a few girls were around the photo booth, were taking their own pictures. “It’s really nice to see they are taking picture. Honestly, I really want to do it with my friends but you know…” She looked quite sad. There were really many things that she wanted to do. Maybe in others’ eyes, those simple things were just common things and there was no special about them but for Tiffany, they were very precious.

Siwon stared at Tiffany. Leeteuk was right. She was too lonely even she still has her family. This was the best choice to make her happy.

After a hesitation, Tiffany finally could muster all her courage to do what the thing that was on her minds. “Let’s take picture!” She grabbed his hand as she tried to pull him to the photo booth.

“Wait!” Siwon stopped her. Tiffany looked at him. Actually, Siwon really hated taking pictures and since he was little after suffering a hurtful past, he didn’t take any picture anymore except for something important.“But, I…” He was silent, recalling what Tiffany said just now. “Nothing. Let’s go.” He smiled. Tiffany grinned as she was too happy and they went to the photo booth. 

They were standing in front of the camera. Tiffany was ready to make a cute pose while Siwon just stood beside her with a smile on his face. The picture was taken. She looked at the picture. “Why are just smiling?” she looked at Siwon, obviously didn’t satisfied with the photo. 

“Then, what should I do?”

She took his hand and placed it on his chin. “Do it like this, okay?” She taught him how to do many types of cute pose. Though Siwon felt quite awkward doing this sort of thing, he still tried his best to make Tiffany happy. 

After taking many photos, they went out from the photo booth and continued walking side by side. Tiffany stared at each of the photos with a satisfied smile on her face. This was the first time, she ever saw Siwon making many cute expressions and she didn’t expect that he could be this cute actually. “You look mmmuuuccchhh cuter!” She exclaimed excitedly while looking at Siwon. He just replied her with a shy smile but his ears were turning red and Tiffany did notice that. “Are you embarrassed?” She boldly asked.

“Huh?” Siwon looked quite shocked. 

“Your ears turned red.” Tiffany said while grinning.

“N… no…” He stuttered while holding his ears.

“You don’t have to lie to me.” Tiffany elbowed him playfully.

“Did my ears show that obvious?” Siwon asked while smiling shyly. Tiffany nodded vigorously. “Can I keep a photo?”

“Oh, sure.” Tiffany gave a photo of them to him.

After walking for few minutes, they arrived at the Han River. "Wow! It’s very spectacular! Tiffany automatically spoke in English as she was too happy. The view was very spectacular with the colourful water show was playing. “I never thought it would be this beautiful at night!”

Siwon looked at her while smiling. “It’s your first time here?”

“Yes.” Tiffany nodded. “I have always wanted to be here but all this time, I just passed this place by car.” They stood facing the river, enjoying the beautiful moments.

The silence was broken by sudden loud voice. “Attention! Attention!” They both turned to that voice. They could see a guy who looked a MC was talking to the people which were around the Han River. There were also a few people around the MC who assisted him. “All the lovers can participate. There will be a present for the winner! Come and join!”

After hearing the announcement, there were quite many lovers joined the game. “It seems like there is a game for the lovers.” Tiffany said.

“I think it will be fun. Let’s go!” Siwon suddenly grabbed Tiffany’s hand and pulled her to the crowded people who wanted to join the game.

“Wh… What do you mean?” Tiffany asked in confusion.

“Let’s join the game!” Siwon beamed at her.

“But, we aren’t…” Siwon ignored Tiffany’s explanation and just pulled her.

“The game is just simple. All the guys must carry their girlfriend in the bridal style. With that position, you must sit down, stand up, sit down and stand up again continuously. The lovers who can do this the most is the winner.”

All the guys did like the MC asked to. Siwon was just about to lift Tiffany up but she still looked unsure. “Are you sure to join this?” she asked. Siwon just gave a nod as a response and then, he lifted her up. She wrapped one of her arms around his neck.

The game began after the MC counted. All the guys stood up and sat down continuously while carrying their own girlfriend. As time went by, there were many lovers who gave up the game. This game was tiring for the guys.

Siwon still confidently carried Tiffany in his hands while standing up and sitting down continuously. Though Tiffany was very happy, she was still worried about him. “I’m very heavy. Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m okay.” Siwon gave a smile to convince her.

As they talked to each other, they didn’t realize that they had been the winner. “Now, we have gotten our winner!” The MC announced.

“Huh?” Both of Tiffany and Siwon looked very confused. They looked around to see what was going on. Everyone was looking at them while clapping their hands. It turned out that they were the one couple left which meant they were the winner.

“We’re the winner!” Tiffany exclaimed happily. Siwon put Tiffany down. They made high-5 while smiling happily.

“Congratulations to both of you!” MC exclaimed while giving them a small box which was the present for the winner. 

Tiffany took the present. “Thank you.” She showed her eye-smile.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Everyone started to cheer while clapping their hands.

“What?!” Tiffany and Siwon looked very shocked. Their eyes went bigger. They looked at each other awkwardly, didn’t know what should do. 

The cheer from the people around became louder. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

Siwon bit his lips, thinking what he should do. After a hesitation, he finally drew his face closer to Tiffany and gave a peck on her cheek. It really shocked Tiffany since she never expected he would do that. She smiled bashfully while touching her cheek.

“Thank you for joining and congratulations once again.” The MC shook hands with Tiffany and Siwon. “You two look really good together and I will pray that you will be together for the rest of your lives.” Siwon and Tiffany couldn’t utter anything and just gave an awkward smile.

They slightly bowed their body before walking away. They did feel quite awkward now. Siwon tried to break the silence. “Anyways, what is the present?”

“Ah, yes!” Tiffany blurted out. She immediately opened the wrapper of the small box. “Oh! It’s couple rings! What should we do with this?” It didn’t make any sense for them to wear that couple rings. “You should take this.” Tiffany put the small box that contained the couple rings in Siwon’s hand.

“Why?” He looked confused.

“You should give this to your girlfriend-to-be.” Tiffany gave a force smile since she really hoped that she would be that lucky girl.

“Then, how about you? I shouldn’t be the only one who get this present.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t do anything to win that game. In fact, you are the one who put more effort, right?” Tiffany tried to keep a happy face. Siwon still looked hesitant. “Just take it, okay?” He finally gave a nod.

“Well, do you want to eat ice-cream?” He asked delightfully. Tiffany nodded enthusiastically while showing her famous eye-smile.

They went to the ice-cream stall. “I want two vanilla ice-creams, please.” The seller gave the ice-creams to Siwon and he paid it. “Thank you.” He smiled before walking away. “Here.” He gave one of it to Tiffany.

They both ate the ice-cream while walking around the Han River. Tiffany took a look at Siwon and just then, she burst into laughter.

“Why?” Siwon looked clueless what caused Tiffany to laugh. He wasn’t aware that the part around his mouth was grimy. 

“You eat like a child!” Tiffany took a piece of tissue from her handbag and wiped his face. He really looked like a little cute kid. The more she got know him, the more she felt he was different from his impression. She never thought she could see he was being like this.

As Tiffany was wiping his face, he stared at her and eventually, put some of the ice-cream on her face. She looked quite shocked. He just gave a grin to her before running away.

She let out a chuckle wiping her own face with the tissue. “Choi Siwon! Don’t run away!” She started to chase him slowly since she was wearing high heels. Not too long after, Siwon purposely stopped under a shady tree. Seeing he stopped, she also stopped. “Why? Something’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing. Let’s sit.” He sat down on a bench under the shady tree.

“Oh~ you made me nervous.” She hove a relief sigh before sitting down.

They enjoyed the view of Han River together. However, the main factor of Tiffany’s happiness right now was because of Siwon. She swung her legs cutely like a little kid. She was falling in love with him more as she spent more time with him especially her impression on him was changing gradually.

She looked at him. “Can I ask something?”

“Yes, what it is?”

“Why are you so quiet and look depressed all the time? Is there something that caused you to be like that? Do you have a hurtful past?”

Siwon did look quite shocked with Tiffany’s sudden question about his attitude. He bowed his head, staring at the ground blankly.

Tiffany felt hesitant. “I… It’s okay if you didn’t want to tell me. I don’t mind.”

“I saw my parents died in front of me. I saw them, with my own eyes when I was still a kid.” He finally uttered the hurtful words that had been bothering his life all this time.

“S… Siwon… I… I… I don’t mean to ask about this…” She put her hand on his back while looking at him worriedly. She didn’t mean to make him feel sad.

“It’s okay. I have to say what are in my heart. It feels so hurt to endure this by myself.”

“Ok, you can tell me everything. I’ll be a good listener.” Tiffany gave a smile to convince him.

“On that night, my parents and I were on our way to go home by car. Suddenly, we heard a sound of shot. So, my dad stopped the car. He got off from the car to check what happened though my mom asked him not to.”

Siwon suddenly was silent which caused Tiffany to ask him. “And then, what happened?”

He replied, “Actually, I didn’t too remember what had happened on that night. Maybe it was so painful that caused me to forget about it. But, I still remembered that, there was a guy shot my dad and my dad fell to the ground. And… my mom was so sad and angry… she went to the guy that shot my dad and hit him angrily and then, I heard a sound of shot once again. I saw my mom fell to the ground too, beside my dad. They weren’t alive anymore.” He held his head while closing his eyes. “I can’t remember what happened after that.”

“Shhtt… enough, enough.” Tiffany patted his back gently. “You don’t have to force yourself too much. Stop recalling that painful memories, okay?” She felt very sad for him. He was different from other people because he had faced such a painful suffer. Those painful memories have turned him to be a person like this. He couldn’t enjoy his own life.

Siwon looked at Tiffany while smiling. “I felt much better now. It feels like my burdens have been reduced. I never told about this to anyone even to my best friend, Leeteuk. You are the first person. I don’t know why but I feel like don’t mind to share my pain with you. Thank you.”

“It’s okay. Don’t have to thank me. Whenever you feel like wanting to share something, just say to me.” She was happy that Siwon had assumed her as a close friend.

“Thank you.” He uttered his thanks to her once again but this time, he gave her a hug. Tiffany looked very shocked with his sudden hug but just then, her lips curled up. He let her go and smiled.

“So, you don’t have any family member anymore?”

“Actually, I have a younger sister. On the day of the accident, we left her at home and our maid took care of her on that time. She was still a baby. Since the accident, I separated with her. Honestly, though we are separated, I’m glad that she was at home on that time. Otherwise… I can’t imagine… She would be around your age.”

“Is she alive now?”

“Like I said to you before, I didn’t remember too much but I did remember I tried to find her at our house. As expected, there was no one in that house. I was very worried but I tried to be optimistic while looking for her.”

“You haven’t found her yet?” 

“Actually, I found her.” He nodded.

“Really?!” Tiffany asked happily and a spark could be seen in her eyes. “Then…”

“I haven’t told her yet about it. I don’t want her to be too shocked especially about what had happened to our parents. I’m sure she will ask about that after she finds out about me. But, I’m very happy to see her, to look after her as much I can. She is doing well right now. I’ll tell her if I feel it’s the right time to do so.”

“I’m so happy that you finally found her. Don’t worry, she must be very happy that she has a good and loving brother like you.” 

My Hateful Boyfriend (Eng.)Where stories live. Discover now