chapter seven

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Sabrina p.o.v

As I step into the portal, I noticed it was kinda hot in here. I didn't think mom was in here so I tried turning around and heading back home but the portal was gone. I tried summoning it again but it didn't work. Why isn't it working? I did last time. "Maybe the spell book can help me" I said opening the book. I was about to chant the three magical words, I heard a noise. It sounded like a cry of pain. "What the heck is that?" I said walking towards the noise. It was a big sandy hill, plus it was hot and I was wearing a cloak so this is going to be a long walk. Suddenly, I saw a castle. It was a decent castle. Not that I've seen castle before but it's wasn't the dream house I've always wanted. It was soo hot! I decided to fly there instead of walk. But my powers didn't work. Maybe it's because I'm too hot. I got to the tower door. Before I opened it like a fool I thought 'what are you doing?! You can't just walk into a castle like you own the place! There are guards! You have to be sneaky'. I opened the door but closed it quietly. I guess in here has air conditioning because I can float in here. Then, I heard another scream. It sounded like..... mom! She's here! Okay I've gotta be cool. I followed the sound of my mother. There was this one room where the guards were covering the door. I think mom is in there. I've got to get to her. I decided to go in the air vents like those cool spy kids in those movies. I got up in the air vents by using my magic to unscrew the bolts and fly up. I was crawling through the air vents to find the room my mother was in. Until I found her in the room and she was with this man. He was red. Really buff too. Had white hair and had black tattoos all over his body. This must be the guy in Zack's visions! Then suddenly saw my mother fly across the room. She hit the wall and landed on the floor and I don't think she did it on her own. "You're foolish Raven! You are weak! I thought you were stronger than this!" The man said as he slapped my mother. "I'm sorry master" was all she could see. "You should be! This is embarrassing! Come on! How are you supposed to be my apprentice if you can't fight! You Embarrassment!" The man said as he kicked my mother. She slid across the floor with a little trail of blood. He then grabbed a whip and started whipping her. Her crys of pain made me start to cry. I didn't like seeing my mother like this. She didn't deserve this. The whip marks on her back were getting grusome. Finally the man put the Whip down and pants to catch his breath. My mother faints from all of this pain. TAKE HER TO HER ROOM AND CLEAN HER UP!" the man said as the guards came and picked up my unconscious mother and brought her somewhere in the castle. I had to get out of here. Mom must've hadva good reason to come here because she is getting killed if she's stays and I think she already knows. I tried to make to the bathroom to open a portal but I got interrupted. "S..Sabrina?" Mom said. I turned around to face her. She looked beaten up. She had a black eye. Her hair was messy. Bruises on her legs and arms. Torn clothes. "Hey mom. It's nice to see you" o said shedding a tear. "How did you get here? Is your father here as well?" She asked looked around for dad. "I opened a portal to find you and no, he's back at the house. He didn't even know I left. He thought I'd be in bed" I said. "Sabrina you have to leave. If he finds you...". " who will find me?" I asked. "Trigon, the man you saw in the vents..". "Wait. You knew I was in the vents?" I asked. "I saw someone in the vents but I didn't know it was you. Anyway, the man who was beating me. He's the man who was in Zack's visions. The evil force is your grandfather, Trigon" mom said. "So why are you here?" I asked. "To save your brother. When he was in a deep coma, it turns out your grandfather kidnapped Zack's soul and kept it here. I had to trade my life for your brother's freedom" mom said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Sabrina, you have to leave. Now. Here I'll summon you a portal. Don't tell your father where I am" mom said summoning a portal and pushing me through. "Wait mom! What is this place?" I asked. "Azarath honey. Goodbye!" Mom said as she closed the portal. Azarath? What the heck is Azarath? Is it some kind of dimension or a part of earth? Well, whatever that place was I never wanna go back there again. But I have to go tell Dad. Wait, mom said not to tell Dad where she was. I can't tell him about this but I can help him get there. I didn't tell him where it is, therefore, I'm not telling Dad. I'm so smart!" Sabrina said.

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