chapter twenty-eight

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Sabrina p.o.v

"Uhhh.....How long has it been since we left mom and uncle Delsin to find everyone. We've been walking forever!" Michelle groaned. "Relax, it's only been 45 minutes" I said smirking. "45 minutes?! Are you kidding me?! It feels like two days down here!". "Well yeah we were down here for two days. And we'll be down here longer if we don't find everyone, so stop whining and let's go!" I said. As I turned around, I heard Michelle mumbling behind like I don't hear her. "......You died and made you leader..." Was one of the things she said. "Will you just shut up and actually act like your a superhero! Geez what is wrong with you!" Cecilia said to Michelle. Michelle just glared at her. "For your information, I'm a superhero in training, okay? I can act however I want!" Michelle argued. "Oh wow Michelle! Such a big difference between the two. You're so fake, you realize that?!" Cecilia shouted. "Me? I'm fake?! Says the one who wears a paper bunny mask and hides herself from the world" Michelle said. "Enough!" I screamed. Both of them stopped arguing and stared at me nervously. "What was the point of this fight?! Michelle, if you didn't realize, WE'RE ON THE BRINK OF WAR HERE?! We don't have time to be messing around" I reminded her. "Cecilia, we cannot help you if you're not willing to help us so would you just ignore Michelle and just keep on going, please!". "Why would we keep moving if we are already here?" Cecilia asked. "We're here?" Michelle asked. Cecilia nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?" Me and Michelle asked. "I wanted it to be a surprise". "Okay whatever let's just go in and save them" Michelle said. As we walked up more, we saw a giant metal door. It had a keypad on it so we need to know this password. "Cecilia do you know the password?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, all I know is that your friends are behind this door". "Sabrina, didn't your mother teach you how to hack computer Software with your powers?" Michelle asked. "No, I don't even think there even is a spell for that" I said. 'Man, I wish dad was here. He could've used his video power to hack the keypad and get us in' I thought. "You know what? We ran out of subtle options. Now it's time to get rough!" Michelle said annoyed as she grabbed the bottom of the door and started lifting it. She actually started opening quarter way up before it started falling on her. I used my powers to help her out. This thing was heavy! It felt like 1000 pounds. " you c-can..Help us out!" Michelle said puffing and panting cause she's using all of her strength to hold up the door. If only my mom was here. She would've able to summon a portal to go through the door so we wouldn't have to waste our strength trying to open it by force. "My powers have no affect in this kind of situation. Therefore I cannot help" Cecilia said just watching us struggle. "You don't need your powers just help Michelle push!" I said. Cecilia nodded and ran up and layed down on her back and decided to push with her legs.  "Come on!" Michelle said. Cecilia rolled back and stretched. "It's no use. The only way we'll get passed this is if Sabrina holds the door open with her powers and we both roll under and then Michelle would hold it for Sabrina" Cecilia explained her plan. I nodded. I couldn't lie, the plan was genius. Michelle nodded as well. As Michelle dropped the door, I already started my chant the magic words. "Azerath Meterion Zinthos!" Sabrina chanted as a magic black arm appeared holding the door. Michelle and Cecilia nodded at each other and ran at the door and slid under it so they would end up on the other side. "Good now hold it up....". Suddenly, before Michelle could grab the door, it immediately closed shut. I was shocked. I looked at the door with fear. There was concrete on the edges of the giant door. I knew who it was. I didn't even turn around. "So.... You're Delsin's daughter?" Augustine said. "Sabrina? Are you okay? What's happening over there?" Michelle asked worried. "You look alot like your mother, you know? But you do have your father's hair. I mean I wouldn't know because he has that stupid ass hat on but I guess you would have his hair since his looks black" Augustine said. "Augustine, what do you want?" I asked coldly. "Where's your father?". "It's not in my position to say...." I smirked. "Don't play games with me child! Now tell me where Delsin is! I don't want to have to ruin such a pretty face" Augustine said. "I'm not telling..." I said levitating, getting ready to battle. "Oh, very well. Just remember....".   I clenched my teeth in anger. "....I did ask nicely" Augustine said before whipping out her concrete chain. I blocked it with my magic sheild. I shot some magic shards and she countered it with her concrete shards. She started skating on the concrete like it was ice and started hiding in it. I levitated higher up so she couldn't surprise attack me. "Sabrina, what is happening over there?! Are you alright" Cecilia asked. "Yeah I'm fine just, go find the others. I'll find a detour, just get out!" I said before Augustine sprung out of nowhere and punched me in my face. I fell down on the
ground, mouth bleeding. I looked up at her and smiled. "Is that all you got?" I smirked at her weak attack. "Trust me kid, you don't want to know what else I got in my sleeve" Augustine said as she ran at me and grabbed me by my throat. She started squeezing tightly. I could barely breath. The room started going black. "Now I'm gonna go easy on you since I have a soft spot for children, I personally have nothing against you. I'm going to ask you once more, where is your father?" Augustine asked as she started squeezing a little lighter just so that I can manage to talk. "A-And I already t-told you.... I ain't telling y-you anything!" I struggled to say. Augustine gave a look saying she had enough and stabbed me with a concrete shard in the side of my stomach. "Arrrghhh!" I screamed in pain. She threw me to the ground. Blood was all over the ground. "That hurt me more than it hurt you, ya know" Augustine said walking closer to me. I starting crawling away from her. Everytime I crawled, the more blood I lost. It was a trail of blood cause my wound was rubbing against the ground and I wasn't gonna stop moving. "W-why don't you just finish me off" I asked holding my free hand on my wound, putting pressure on it. "You're just a child. No matter whos child you are. You don't know what you're getting involved in just give up and tell me where your father is and I'll heal your wound. You shouldn't have to die for something pointless" Augustine said. She lifted her hand up, rearranging the concrete on the ground. The concrete blocked the only exit. She kicked me over to the side. I spat out blood. "This isn't a game! Tell me or I will kill you child! Your father can't save you if you're dead" Augustine said as she punched me. 'This is it I guess. One more hit and I'm done for' I thought. "If you're going to kill me, kill me already cause I'm not going to tell you anything" I spat in her face. Augustine frowned at me. She let a tear escape her eyes. "I'm sorry but you leave me no choice" Augustine said as she turned her arm into a concrete drill. I used what was left of my power to push her off me. Augustine went flying in the air and crashed through her her own concrete wall. I chuckled slightly but pain immediately took over my body,  but before I past out, I see Augustine walk over to my body. As my eyes were closed, I heard her say "come on you're coming with me". I shut my eyes. 'Daddy, please help! Save me!'

Sorry for the short chapter. I am very busy at school with all the tests and quizzes and stuff. I'm trying to squeeze in every moment to write but there are so many hours in a day please vote and comment

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