chapter twenty-five

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Delsin p.o.v

I kept searching the halls and yet no Cecilia and worse, no sign of my teammates anywhere.  I was starting to lose faith in whether we'll find them. I was wondering if they weren't tortured to death. I may have beaten Augustine, but the bitch was terrifying! And honestly, I don't think I have the slightest chance of getting her to join our side but it's worth a shot. I promised everyone that I'd at least try. So I owe it to them. As I kept walking the emergency lights hit. The alarms were blazing through the entire facility. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Initiate code 779! Hunt them down! Bring them to the boss!....." the P.A announcer said. Then a whole army of soldiers block my path. "Delsin Rowe, you're under arrest!" The soldiers said in unison. "Guys, come on! You know I'm not gonna surrender!" I said as I let my chain drop, getting ready for combat. "If I were you, I would" a soldier said. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. Suddenly, the soldiers stepped aside to the wall, making a pathway.....But making a pathway for who..or what. Then the floor started to shake. The closer the thing got, the bigger the vibrate waves got. Finally, the thing made the corner, and when I saw him, I gulped. This man was at least 7 feet tall and as huge as bane. And he carried around a 5m axe. "He's quite big, isn't he?" the soldier said. "Augustine calls him Devestator! Cause of how big and how much damage he can do!" the other soldier said. Devestator looked at me with sadistic look as he raised his arms about to strike. I used my new water trick and dashed past him and kicked his back. He didn't even flinch. The other soldiers picked up their weapons and ready to fire. I shot a neon cinder bubble and made them get stuck in bubbles. As I turn my attention to Devestator, he stepped on me and smashed his crunched up hands on my face. I got up dizzy from impact so I was stunned for a while. Then I felt hands on my sides and then I flew through a couple of walls and ended up outside in the sewer. "Damn it! I'm out of the compound! Kori needs to be warned that this mission is compromised!" I said. I put my hand in my pocket to reach my phone. As I took it out, the screen was cracked and my phone wasn't turning on. 'great! My phone is broken. Guess I just have contact them the old fashion way' I thought. Suddenly, Devestator charged through the wall was running right at me. Without concrete powers, fighting a 7 foot tall behemoth was gonna be difficult. I tried to water dash past him but as my leg refromed from water, he grabbed it. I twisted my body and used my other foot to kick him in the face. As let me go, I shot all my heavy missiles at him. Then as he was stunned I used my new ice technique and freezed him solid! As I finished him off, I started to feel weak. This always happens when I get new powers. I just need time to adjust. Then I heard a crack. It was a crack I didn't want to hear. Not at this momment. As I'd expected, Devestator broke out of the ice and grabbed his axe and charged at me. To tired to fight, I did the only thing I could do at this moment. I ran. I neon sprinted away form him as fast as I could. I ran back into the facility and tried to cut in as many tight turns as I possible could, but Devastator will not let up. As I reached a room in the endless hallways, I charged in the room to see to my surprise to find Kori, Sabrina and Michelle standing there. "Daddy! Oh my gosh I was so worried about you!" Sabrina said as she ran to me and hugged me. "Delsin are you okay? We tried to reach you on your phone but it was cut off or something. We thought Augustine got to you and....." Kori hesitated to finish the sentence. She suddenly ran up to me and hugged me as well. "I'm just glad you're alright. Dick already got caught, I don't want Augustine to get you too" Kori said hugging tighter. "Don't worry about me. Right now we need to be worrying about that thing thats outside" I said locking the door and turning off the lights. The only way we saw was that I had lit up my body as a nightlight by using my neon ability. "There's a huge man outside. He's one of Augustine's henchmen. The call him Devastator" I explained. "Why would the call him that?" Michelle asked. "Because he's practically 7 feet tall with a 5m axe his carrying!". The others looked shocked at what they just heard. "I tried to freeze him but I he was just too strong and I couldn't...." I said disappointed in myself. Me. Delsin Rowe. Able to defeat almost anyone who crossed my path, Looks like he's the one of the ones who I couldn't defeat. "Well you couldn't defeat at this momment" Michelle said. "Excuse me?" I said listening more closely. "We'll you're not at full power yet. Remember Uncle Delsin. You lost your smoke and concrete. You mostly needed concrete to beat this guy because it is the most heaviest power in your arsenal, and you lost it. Don't blame yourself for being too weak" Michelle said as she put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I was shocked. Michelle was HUGGING me! This was surprising because Michelle wasn't a hugger type. Even Star and Sabrina were shocked. As Michelle let go, she looked me dead in the eyes and said "if you ever tell anyone that, I'll have to kill you" and I smiled. Suddenly, we heard screaming coming from outside the door. It sounded like someone was being tortured or killed! "Who is that?" Sabrina said. Kori looked at me and I looked right back at her with the same confusion. Then I thought to myself. 'the only person out there is the Devestator. And I'm sure he wasn't getting tortured. So who...'. Suddenly the door burtsed open and he walked throught it. " that him dad?" Sabrina said scared. "Yep it's him" I said kissing my litte girl's forehead and gave her the 'stay here' look. Kori followed me towards the giant war machine. We both got into our fighting stance, ready to defend our children. As he raised his arms about to strike once more. I readied myself to neon sprint away from his attack. Kori was already hovering so it looked ready as well. Suddenly, he just collapsed on the ground. "What just happened?" Michelle asked confused. Star and I looked at the body with nervousness, then we look at each other. Star slowly walked to the body with trembling hands. As she touched him, he twitched. As he did Starfire immediately shot a starbolt at his head. Now he was completely dead. "Starfire!" I said disappointed in her. "I'm sorry, I got scared" she apologized. I walk over and flipped the body onto his back. What we saw was unbelievable. There was paper shurikens everywhere on the Devestator's body. "What are this things, dad?" Sabrina asked as she and Michelle got close to it. 'I can't believe it! She helped us!' I thought. "Delsin, what's wrong?" Kori asked. I stood up and walked out of the room. I looked around the hallway untill I saw her. "Cecilia". She looked at me without saying a word. Kori and the kids followed afterwards. They all looked at her, not knowing what to say untill Star broke the silence. "Delsin who is that? Do you know her?". I slowly started walking closer to Cecilia. "Her name is Cecilia. She's a conduit just like me" I explained. Cecilia struck out her hand ready to shoot out her oragami daggers. "Hey! Easy....I just want to talk to you. Why did you save us from that man?" I said pointing to the body by the doorway. "He...he was a bad man....they all are.." Cecilia responded. "Who are 'they'? You mean the soldiers?" I asked walking a little closer. She nodded her head. "They hurt me...and my friends. They stuck needles in us and put us in machines and call it 'tests'" Cecilia said. As I heard that I clenched my fists. Augustine went too far. Now she's taking little kids into this facility. They're only kids! How could she do this? "But why did you attack me earlier?" I asked. She hesitated to answer. "I saw how you worked. When you see another conduit its always shoot first and ask questions later. I mean I just panicked!" she said. I looked at her shocked. But Cecilia walked up me and grabbed my hand. "Please you have to save them Delsin. My friends. Please!" Cecilia begged. "If you do, I'll help you find your friends. I know where they are!". Me and Star's eyes widened. "What?! You know were my father and friends are?! Show us!" Michelle said anxiously. "" Cecilia muttered. Then I put my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about your friends. Which is why me and Star here will find your friends while you lead my daughter and niece to our friends" I said. I guess I got through to her because her face beamed up. Well I guess that her face beamed up but it was hard to tell because she was wearing that paper mask. "Thank you so much Delsin" she smiled. "No problem now go!". "Okay, follow me this way!" Cecilia said as Sabrina and Michelle followed. Then it was just me and Star. Star looked down at her feet for 5 minutes untill she spoke up. "I have a bad feeling about her Delsin. Are you sure it was wise to send her with Sabrina and Michelle? This could be a trap" Star said. "I thought that too but no, I don't think she'll double cross us". "How can you be so sure?" Kori asked curiously. "Because, she saved us from the Devestator. I don't think she'd kill her own. Besides she escaped her cell. Where Augustine keeps her" I explained. "How do you know that?" Kori asked curiously. "I heard some soldiers talking. They said 'Cecilia is loose. Search the facility'. My thoughts were that she escaped and seeks revenge on Augustine". Kori still looked concerned with my belief in Cecilia and worried for the children. "Don't worry Kori. I believe in Cecilia. She wouldn't betray us. But if this is a trap and if something happens to my little girl......I'll kill her" I said as I continued to walk. Kori walked by my side as we hunted for Cecilia's friends.

Sabrina p.o.v

As me, Michelle and Cecilia walked down a hallway, it was really awkward. 'I hope Zack's okay. If she hurts you so help me god......' I thought. "You're worried about Zack, huh?" Michelle asked. "Is it that obvious?" I confessed. "No, its just that I'm worried about Nick and Dad. And I know you're worried about Leo too!" Michelle teased. " no! Not just Leo! Everyone! Uncle Greyson, Uncle Garfield, Aunt Terra. All of them!" I said crying. Michelle put her hand on my shoulder. "Its not your fault. Listen, Zack is the weirdest kid I've ever seen but he's strong like Uncle Delsin. Plus, my father is looking out for him and Nick. And not to mention they have Uncle Gar, aunt Terra and even Leo! Don't worry, Zack's is being protected as we speak" Michelle said comforting me. I stopped crying. "Yeah. You're right, thanks Michelle" I said.  "Are we ready to continue?" Cecilia said in a monotone. "Geez do you always ruin a good heart to heart moment?" Michelle asked. "Sometimes when it's necessary, yes" Cecilia said. "That's kinda sad. Girl, we need to find you a man" Michelle said. "I do not need a man to make me feel special. I know that I am special in my very own least that's what my mother told me"  Cecilia said looking down a bit. " I'll take that as a 'maybe'. So to make yourself look more impressionable we need to start with your look. How about we have a look at your face......" Michelle said as she reached for Cecilia's paper mask. When Michelle's hand was only inches away, Cecilia grabbed it and gripped it hard. "Owww!.....". "Don't you EVER touch my face again!" Cecilia said angrily. 

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