chapter thirty

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Raven p.o.v

In the mind

I was looking at her, straight in the eyes. I could see her rage through her eyes. She has so much hatred. Not just towards me, but to everyone else that is outside this body. She's a psychopathic killer and she needs to be put down.....And I'm the only one who can do it. We stared each other down some more. She evily chuckled at me, leaving me confused. "What's so funny? You're about to be killed by my hands and you're laughing?" I said. She looked at me with killer intent written all over her face. She smiled at me, showing me her teeth had sharpened. It looked like my father's teeth but hers looked more vicious. I looked at her nervously but not trying to show it. 'No! I will not fear her! I'm the top dog around here!' I thought boosting my self confidence. She smiled at me with her shark teeth. "You still don't get it do you? I can sense your fear, too. There's no point so just GIVE UP!!" Raven said as she charged at me. Her speed is incredible. It's like nearly as fast as Fetch! Luckily enough for me, I actually paid attention to Nightwing back when we were teenagers. He taught the team a couple of martial arts moves and I kinda had some of them mastered. I dodged he quick attack by summer saulting to the side. As Raven missed her attack, her back was turned so it was an opening for me to attack. I just tried to stay in hand to hand combat, I'd have a better chance of beating her there but I wouldn't know how will she wait to use her powers. I ran to her as I tried to kick. Lucky enough, it worked. She tumbled down and layed flat on the ground. I immediately swooped in and started punching her in the face, HARD! Every punch I made would make her spot out blood. As I kept going, I couldn't stop. It was a rush for me. To finally cause pain to the thing that caused me pain over the years. I just..... Couldn't get enough of it. Finally, I focused some of my power into my fist that would knock her out, killing her instantly. As my fist thrusted forward to meet her face she caught it with her hand, gripping it like her life depended on it...... Which it did. She stared me in the eyes as her began to glow red with more hatred towards me. "You idiot, you can't kill me with your hatred!" Raven said using her free arm to wipe her mouth of the blood. As I was about to use my free hand to punch her but she grabbed my other hand and pulled me down to headbutt me. As my head flipped back from the attack, she kicked my chest, sending me in the air for a few seconds. As I landed, I used my powers to heal my broken nose. "Did you really honestly believe that just martial arts would would work on me! Are you insane?! It was fun letting you think that you might actually win but now let's get really serious" she said as she used her magic and summoned her magic hands. But instead of just my magic hands, one pair of demon claws, she had ten pairs of them. I looked at her in the a smile of determination. I as the arms started reaching in my bubble of space, I started dodging them. Doing backflips, front flips and summer saults. "Come on is that the best you've got?!" I said as I summoned my pair of hands. I couldn't summon as many as Raven could but mine were better by size. Her arms were the size of a regular human arm, but mine were the size of a human body! I could manage to wrap up five of her Demon claws in one of my demon claws. I grabbed five of them in my left claw while the other set of claws were a struggle. "You think you surpress my power?! No! Not anymore! Today....Today I will be free!" Raven said as she summoned more claws out of her back and it was more like twenty this time. "LETS SEE YOU DODGE ME THIS TIME!!". She swung all her arms at me, with great interest in killing me. I retracted my claws and made a run for it. I ran into the city and tried to hide for awhile. As I ran into an office building, I ran to a nearby desk and hid under a desk. I started to think of a strategy that will help me in this current situation. 'I can't face her like this. If I do, I will surely be killed! She'll eventually find me, I have to think of something' I thought. "RACHEL! GET OUT HERE NOW!" I heard down on the streets. "Oh what's the matter?! You were talking all high and mighty, what happened to your idea of me being killed by your hands?" She said. I let a sweat drop from my forehead. For the first time in a long time, I'm petrified! I closed my eyes and began to cry silently. "Delsin.... I...Need you. I need you...Here with me" I cried silently. I curled up in a ball and cried some more. Suddenly, I felt a palm on my kneecap. I lifted my head, thinking it was Raven, finally finding me to finish the job but it wasn't her. The hand that had touched me had a chain wrapped around its wrist. As I followed the hand, it lead to a slightly covered arm. It was covered by a white sweater but it was pulled up a little so the sleeve ended at his forearm. My eyes traveled a bit more to see the person's chest. He had been wearing a jean jacket vest over his whit swear, and it also had pins on it with symbols of birds and other punk stuff. Looking up a bit more, Finally, meeting the man's eyes and gasped. "D-Delsin?......"

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