chapter twenty-nine

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Michelle p.o.v

"Come on we gotta go!" Cecilia said pulling my arm. "No! What about Sabrina?" I said. "She'll be fine now let's go" Cecilia said. I hesitated to answer but I nodded and ran to her. We both ran as fast as we could. But Cecilia ran exceptionally fast. If I didn't start flying, she would've ditched me for sure. We've been running for what it seems like 20 minutes but it was only 5. As we stopped, Cecilia looked like she was just getting started because she didn't even break a sweat, I on the other hand was sweating so hard, you'd think I was a fountain at the middle of a park. "Hey...You..Mind if you...Wanna wait up...And try not to ditch me. What..Were you..Before you were a... Conduit? A....Track Star?!" I said trying to breathe. I know I was flying half the time but My heart was beating so fast..... "Wait? Explain to me again exactly why were we running?" I said confused. "What? You got to be kidding me? No one can be this dumb!". "Just shut up and tell me already!". Cecilia rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You didn't see her?". "See who? Someone was in the room with Sabrina? Who was it?" I questioned. "It was Augustine. She was the one who was with Sabrina" Cecilia explained to me as she started walking. I stood in place. What Cecilia just told me.... It left me horrified. 'I just left Sabrina with her father's arch nemesis! Lord knows what kind of torture she's receiving from that retched women!' I thought. I looked over at Cecilia who had stopped moving and looked at me. She was moving her lips so she was talking. 'Okay I guess I should start paying attention now' I thought. "....Now do you understand why we ran?" Cecilia asked. I nodded, playing like I knew what she said. "Good. Now, let's go find your family" Cecilia smiled as she continued to walk. I smiled back at her but it faded when I looked back at the area we came from. 'Sabrina...' I thought as I let a tear escape my eye.

Raven p.o.v

In the mind

I was still coughing up blood from her previous attack. She's strong. Too strong for me. I can't believe she was so strong. I never imagined such power lying in the depths of my mind. I remember my father telling me something about this


We've been training for days on end. I was beaten up, bruised, bleeding. I had broken ribs, a twisted ankle and a broken arm. I could barely stand and my father was still arguing about me not being strong enough. 'if I could manage broken ribs a twisted ankle and a broken arm and still managed to not fall unconscious means I'm strong enough....' I thought. "Raven, you are a disgrace! You'll never be a demon queen if you are this weak!" Trigon said. "Well my goal was to help people not kill them, I guess I would waver just a little bit" I said sarcastically. As I finally got enough strength to get up, Trigon gave me a backhand so powerful you could see the dark magic embedded in his hand. I was sent flying to the wall. As my back hit it, I winced in pain as all my injuries were affected by his attack. "DON'T BE A SMARTASS!!" Trigon ordered. I landed hard on my bad leg and it hurt so bad. I couldn't take anymore. I had it. One more hit and it's over. I'm over. As I was on the verge of darkness due to me blacking out of the relentless beatings, my father walked up to me and looked me with utter disappointment. "So did your time playing hero with your lover boy and the rest of your boyband worth it when you could've been with me training? I looked into your mind when you were sleeping here Raven. I know where your true power lies, and I must say:it is magnificent!" Trigon said. "W-what..Are you...T-talking about? What t-true...Power?" I asked slowly blacking out. "No, I cannot tell you when you're like this. You'll black out before I get to the interesting part. For now you need to rest up Raven and I'll take care of your wounds..." Trigon said as he stuck out to fingers and placed them on my forehead, knocking me out cold.

The next day

I woke up in my bed, still tired as hell. But my body was still aching. As I moved my arm, I felt like it was gonna decay. It hurt so much but I endured it as I put my hand on the blanket and flipped it over the other side so it could reveal my body from underneath it. As I looked at my body, it was all healed. I was astonished. 'Father....Healed me?' I thought confused. 'I thought one of his main purpose in life was to make my life a living hell! Yet he healed me?... Must be because he wants me to be at full health so he leave me at the brink of death again' I thought. I slowly got up from my bed due to the pain. As one foot touched the ground, I winced in pain. '....And that wasn't even my sprained ankle'. As I stopped with the hesitation of moving my bad leg, I twisted my body so that I wouldn't have to move my leg entirely. As my bad leg touched the ground, I hesitated once again. "Come on Raven you can do this. You suffered much worse...." I said trying to give myself courage. As I tried to get up, putting more pressure on my good leg even though it still hurt. But still I came crashing down to the floor cause of the little pressure I put on my bad trying to move. I layed on the floor, cloaked in despair. 'what's happened to me?... I usually get up when I have a sprained ankle. But that was when I could levitate. But not here since father has stripped me of my levitation ability since he'll think I'll just fly away! Silly bastard! But now, I'm useless!' I thought. Suddenly, I felt myself levitate and move over to my bed. I looked over to the door to see my father there with his arms around his back. "You know Raven, just because I'm not pleased with the way your training exercises are going, doesn't mean I'm not proud of you" Trigon said. My eyes widened at his comment. "What did you say?!" I said shocked. "I said I'm proud of you! You may not have exceeded my expectations of you but your being powerful in your own way. That's all I could've ever wanted. Look, you manage to expel me from Earth before I destroyed it and I was going to crush the planet with all my might and you stopped me! No one has ever stopped me before" Trigon said as he gave me his demonly smile. I stared at him with a dumbfounded stare. 'is he.... Complimenting me?'. "I...Thank you I guess. Is that all you want to tell me?" I said in an awkwardly voice. "Oh yes, training will be moved to tomorrow morning due to your injuries and I want you rest up, we'll get some rest" Trigon said. I didn't know what happened to me at that moment. It must've been the pain it must've. The pain must've had me delusional. Because I did the one thing that I never thought I'd ever do when it came to speaking with my father.... I smiled. Then I remembered. "Wait father!" I called out to him. "Yes...". "You were telling me about some power that lies within me. What is it and how can I obtain it?" I asked. "In time child. But I will give you pointers if you ever wanted to obtain this power. I will tell you. It won't be easy. If you fail, the power will destroy every part of you and will take over your body, possessing you and you will never be able to stop it..." Trigon explained. I gulped. "But...." He continued. "If you should succeeded, you be granted limitless power. So much power that you'll can even go toe to toe with me! You'd be very strong Raven, so strong that you'll even be able to take on that Kryptonian back on earth". 'Kryptonian?......Superman!' I thought. "But in order to do such an action, you must be determined, brave, strong and have no doubts about yourself. Otherwise it'll be catastrophic....For you" Trigon said. I let a sweat drop from my forehead, I want to achieve such power but if I had a little shred of doubt, it's over. So I let that idea go and just continue with the training methods. "Alright.... thanks Father" I said. "Don't thank me! It's my job to prepare you for the war!" Trigon said as he left.

Flashback end

As soon as I remember what she was, I realized what I had to do. She was my inner power. And if what my father said was true, I have to fight her. If she's not the source of my powers I still have to fight her one way or another. She's the only one standing in my way of fully possessing my own body. I have to fight her....And I have to win!

As I could manage to get up and stop spewing blood from my lungs, I started screaming her name....Well my name to be exact. I shouted "Raven! What's the matter?! I thought you were tougher than me? But your just showing me how much of wimp you really are! SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!!". As if cued, Raven showed up. She was glaring at me. Her eyes glowing red with hate and darkness. Boy if looks could kill..... I'd be dead the first time we ever met. "Do I have to phase my hand through your chest again Rachel? It's not that I don't enjoy our little conversations...Which I don't but the fact is how you speak to me with so much confidence. You know full well that if you face me...You will die! You don't have enough power to kill me" Raven said as she walked closer to me. She used her magic to push me down and she kicked me across from her. She walked closer to me and sighed. "So weak! Tell me. Where does your power come from?". Silence was once among us. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours...." Raven said in a singy song voice. Still more silence. "Fine, I'll tell you mine only to get you to be confident to share yours. My power comes from hate! When there's hate in this heart, I will always have power! but not only do I get power from my hatred, but also other people's hated" Raven said as she levitated me and crunched up my insides. My body was in a curled up position due to the magic. She then threw me around like I was a frisbee. I hit a couple of buildings due to the fact that we're still in the same area. Finally she had enough of throwing me around and plopped me back down on the ground. "You see Rachel, not only do I feed off of hate, I feed off of people who have doubts of themselves. You carry some doubts, so it is likely for you to die facing me. And if Delsin were here.... He'd be in the same fate" Raven said smirking. My eyes widened at her last sentence. "What did you say?..." I said quietly still trying to breath from the recent attack. "I said Delsin would die trying to face me. Look at him. The guy is full of doubts. He doubts himself on the little things in life. But the two main doubts he has 'is he ever going to find you?' and 'will he even beat Master Trigon and stop the upcoming war?'. I tell you, the guy he's something else. To think someone is practically made of doubts of themselves. It's just..... Pathetic". "To think he calls himself a hero, pfft! Yeah right! I guy like that is just....Bound to fail" I started to get angry. 'No one insults Delsin! He deserves to be called a hero! After everything he went through, he is a hero and I won't let her trash talk him I WONT!!...'. "LET YOU!!!!!!" I said as I jumped up and uppercutted Raven. She went flying in the air for more than 5 seconds. As she landed, she immediately shot up and wiped the blood coming from her mouth and glared at me. "Finally, you're getting serious...." She said. I growled at her, answering her question. "Shall we begin?"

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