chapter twelve

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Time jump (2 years)

Sabrina p.o.v.

It's been 2 years now! Still no sign of mom and still no sign of Zack. Everyone has officially given up hope on Raven. Even my dad is starting to see the light. But I know where they are and I can save them but I'm just not sure this is the right time. I know its been 2 years but I just have a bad feeling that I will get captured as well. So I'm here just waiting. Everyone says that Mom and Zack is probably dead. But me and dad think otherwise. Mom and Zack are strong. They can survive anything. Me and dad decided to stay in the Tower because if we go back home, there would be too many memories that will remind us of Zack and mom. At dinner, everything is silent. No one talked. No one made eye contact. All we heard was the sound of forks and spoons gently hitting the plate. Untill uncle Grayson broke the silence. "Hey Delsin? Are you okay?" Nightwing asked. Dad just shook his head. "Delsin it's been 2 years, I think it's time to move on. Wherever Raven is I'm sure she's done the same" Cyborg said. "I'm just not ready" Delsin said. "It's been 2 years Delsin" Garfield said. "Yeah come on Delsin. It's time for you to find someone else" Cyborg said. "I don't know Cy, ever since Raven.... Im not what I used to be. Who would want to date me?" Delsin asked. "I would" Gwen said blushing. "What?" Delsin asked confused. "I would love to go..... on..a date...with..uh w-with you" Gwen said nervous. I was astonished. I wasn't ready for this. I hoped dad said no. It's not that I didn't like Gwen. I'm just....not ready for change! I still have hope that mom is still out there. Maybe Zack too. "I...I don't know what to say" Delsin said. "It's a simple question, just yes or no" Terra said. "I-I'd love to go on a date with you" Delsin said. Gwen looked at him and smiled brightly. Dad returned the brightly smile. "Glorious! I will set up arrangements for a dinner" Starfire said as she flew off. Oh no!

In Seattle

Rachel p.o.v. (A.K.A Raven)

"Rachel, where is that coffee I ordered?!" My boss said. "Yeah, yeah! It's coming!" I said as I poured the coffee in the mug. "Rachel, where's that omelet I requested?!" Another waitress yelled. "Can you wait?! I'm rushing here!" I said as I started cooking the omelet. "Don't worry, I'll get the omelet, you just bring the coffee around" Phill said. "Thanks Phill, you're the best Boyfriend a girl could ever ask for" I said as I kissed his cheek. Phill is my Boyfriend. We started seeing each other when I got this job at the diner. He spilled coffee on my shoes and he helped me clean them up and while he did so, we just....connected. I ran to my boss and gave him the coffee. "It's about time!" He said. "I'm sorry Mr. Richardson" I apologized. Working at Olafs is quite enjoyable...most of the time. "Yeah yeah! Just get back to work!" Mr. Richardson yelled. I got back to the kitchen to start taking orders until I saw a 10 year-old skate punk walk through Olafs' s front doors with his friends. Phill came walking out with the omelet and handed it in. He saw me staring at him. "Is that...". "Chris!" I yelled and saw him quiver to his knees.

Chris p.o.v. (A.K.A. Zack)

I saw my mother as she walked over here. "Oooo! Chris is in trouble!" Tevor said. "Yeah! You might get spanked by your mommy!" Alex said making baby faces at me. "Shut up you guys" I said. Tevor and Alex are my best friends. The first time we met was when I was getting bullied by some top notch skateboarding punk. The skater punk challenged me to a skate off and Tevor and Alex were the only ones who stood by me. I mean I probably didn't need the support. I could've taken him with my powers, but mom said while we are laying low we can't use our powers. But we were allowed to use a piece of our powers to disguise ourselves. But sometimes I get a little homesick. I mean here in Seattle is awesome, I got the most coolest friends in the world and cool skateboard but it doesn't beat being at home with dad and Sabrina. "Chris what are you doing here? Your supposed to be at school!" Mom said. "Well I decided to take a day off but I thought you wouldn't be in work today" I explained. "Ohh your in big trouble! Get home now! I'll meet you there after my shift to discuss your punishment" mom said. "Well...we're just gonna..." Alex said as Trevor and Alex started running out of the diner. "I will be calling your parents when I get home you two!" Mom shouted as the two reached the door. I ran after them because we all live in the same building so might as well walk with them. " 'oh yeah guys, let's go to Olafs. Chris's mom won't be working today, I know her schedule' oh please what a bunch of bull...". "Okay I get it! I'm sorry!" Alex apologized. "I only came to Olafs because you said Vanessa would be there" I said. "Oh yeah! Sorry we had to play with your emotions like that but wouldn't have come otherwise" Tevor said. "Yeah your right I probably wouldn't have". "Dude, when are you guys gonnastop pretending. You like her, she likes you. Just ask her out already" Alex said. "It's not that easy, Alex. She and Chad are going out, remember? Even if she likes me, and even if we started going out, Chad is like my arch nemesis. He'll dedicate his life to try to ruin my relationship with Vanessa" I explained. "Oh yeah, but we can tell she obviously wants to be with you. We can tell by the way she looks at you when Chad isn't looking" Trevor said as we crossed the street. Suddenly, a D.U.P. truck passed because it was chasing a conduit. It looked like a giant angel and it's angel followers. I knew who he was from the spot. "Ya! Go Eugene!" We all shouted. Eugene turned around and waved at us boys and went back to fighting the Dup's.
"Isn't Eugene the best?" Alex said. "No, Delsin Rowe was the best. He took out Augustine all by himself..." Trevor stated. "....with a little bit of help from Fetch and Eugene" Alex pointed out. I just fell into a deep depression. I miss dad. I also miss...Sabrina. but mostly dad. Mom thinks she can replace dad while were here. But she's only fooling herself. She knows she can never replace dad. She only probably dated Phill because he probably has some ways that dad has. Mom is always trying to get me to hang out with Phill because in case a day came where phill proposed, she wants us to get along. "Alright guys, this is me, see you tomorrow" Alex said. "Yeah we should hang out after school" I said. "Yeah we should see a movie... you know, if we're not grounded" Trevor said as he walked in to his apartment. I got in my apartment and closed the door.

Time jump (3 hours)

I taking a nap on the couch, waiting for mom to get home. She opened the door and had a disappointed look on her face. "Zack get over here now!" Mom said. I walked over there and stood there. "Now, why did you skip school?". "I just wanted to hang out with my friends" I explained. "Well your friends aren't really friends if they pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable doing" Mom said. "No! They didn't pressure me! We all decided to go together". "You're so lucky Phill was there, if it wasn't for him you'd be grounded for a month!" Mom said. "Oh wow! The fantastic Phill saved me again" I said sarcastically. "Look you need to get along with Phill, he absolutely adores you! He really wants to get to know you" mom said. "And I really don't want to get to know him. He's not dad! When can we go home?" I asked. "I don't know if we'll ever go home so that's why I'm settling down, you should too" Mom said. "I don't belong here! We don't belong here! You're just using Phill to fill the emptiness of your heart where dad is. It's not fair to Phill! It's not fair to you! So stop pretending that you're happy with Phill because we both know you're not!" I said. Mom gasped and she slapped me. I looked at mom and rubbed my cheek with tears in my eyes. " hit me" I said standing there in shock. Mom realized what she and looked horrified. "O-oh my god! I'm so sorry! Za...". She tried to hug me but I neon sprinted to my room and locked it. I jumped on my pillow and started crying. I hate it here! I want to go home!

Rachel p.o.v

"No Zack! Please come out of your room! I'm sorry" I tried to explain but the door was still locked. I can't believe I hit Zack! My son! I hit my son! I don't know what makes me more upset, the fact that I hit my son or the fact that Zack was right about me and Phill. I am using Phill to fill the emptiness of Delsin. It's been 2 years since I've seen him and Sabrina and the others. But what am I supposed to do? Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I ran to the door seeing Phill standing there. "Oh, hi Phill. Now's not really a good time. So can yo...". Phill interrupted me by just brushing past me. I scoffed at his behavior. "Hello Rachel....or should I say, Raven" Phill said facing the. My eyes widened. "H-how do you know my name?" I asked. "See Raven, I'm not what you think I am" Phill said as he turned around. "You're...not normal. L-like a conduit?" Raven asked confused. "No Raven, I'm not even human. I was sent by your father to bring you home. His project is finished. It's time" Phill said as his eyes glowed yellow. "You are not bringing me back to that hellhole!" Raven said. "If you disagree then I must bring you in by force!" Phill said as he walked closer. I tried using my powers but Phill grabbed in before I could chant the first word. I pushed him to the wall and he kicked me on the couch. He charged at me but I grabbed a lamp and threw it at his head. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor.  I got up and ran to Zack's room. "Azarath Metreion Zinthos!" I chanted as my magic busted the door down. Zack lifted his head as he saw me standing there. "No time to explain, we need to leave right!" I said as I grabbed him and jumped out the window and flew. Zack was on my back, confused. "What's going on?" Zack asked. "Just look behind you and see if Phill is following us" Raven said. "Phill? Following us? What's going on?!". "I'll explaine everything later just look out for....". Phill then grabbed my leg and pulled us down. Zack tried to punche him but phill grabbed his arm and threw him. "Zack!" I screamed and saw him land on the street. He was knocked out cold. Phill threw me down on the hard ground and choked me. "I can not kill you. No, master Trigon will not like that but I can bring you back a little bruised" Phill said as he raised his fist in front of my face. I closed my eyes to brace for impact. Suddenly, an angel beam struck Phill. The angel grabbed Phill but Phill tried to grab onto me but he grabbed my necklace and it broke. Suddenly my identity changed back into myself. Phill grabbed a pole and threw it at the angel. The angel grabbed the pole and bended it. He grabbed his sword and tried to slice his head off. But Phill dodge it and ran off. "We'll meet again Raven, you cannot escape your destiny!" Phill said as he ran through a portal. "Raven?" The angel said as he went back into his human form. "Eugene?" I said as I walked over to my son. I picked him up and held him in my arms. "What are you doing here?! Delsin has been worried sick!" Eugene said. "I'm in hiding! Now please help me! We need a place to stay! Please Eugene?" I begged. Eugene hesitated for a minute. He then looked at Zack's unconscious body. "Fine, follow me" Eugene said. "Where are we going? " I asked curiously. "My hideout"

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