Chapter Thirty-Five

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Author p.o.v

"....and that's how I became a full demon" Raven said. Everyone was shocked. Everyone except the children knew how troublesome the demon was and how dangerous it can be when Raven doesn't keep it in check. Sabrina and Michelle knew as well as they faced a portion of 'Raven' already. Delsin knew her as well as even before the Raven and Delsin showdown, he remembered that Raven told him about her inner demon and Delsin told her about his. His is not really a demon but more of a alternate person. He changes into his reversed self. He remembered when he first turned into alternate Delsin.


Delsin p.o.v

"Leave my brother alone, you bitch!" I shouted at Augustine as she trapped Reggie's legs in concrete. It was spreading rapidly, and I couldn't simply stop it with smoke, video or neon. That's why Augustine was the number one conduit after Cole Macgrath....her concrete couldn't be beat. Augustine gave a look to me that showed she didn't appreciate the comment and sent the piece of concrete that was hovering over them crashing down on the ground, breaking through the ground and collapsing that part of the fortress. "Oh shit!" Reggie said as he fell with the debree. "Reggie!" I said said as flung myself to save my older brother. I was hanging on the ledge of the entrance of the fortress. The whole tower collapsed. When the concrete hit, I guess it hit a weak point and the whole shit fell like a deck of cards. As I was struggling to hold on to the ledge and hold Reggie while he was squirming,  Reggie was trying to get a better grip on my hand with both hands. Reggie accidentally let his free hand fall at his side and the concrete was spreading, adding more weight. Reggie looked up at me with a sad look. "Delsin.... Delsin listen to have to let go" Reggie said. My eyes widened. "What?! No! I can do this! I can do this!" I repeated myself. Reggie shook his head. "No, it'll spread to you if I hold on!". My eyes started to tear up. "N-No. No....". "I'm so proud of you..... Always have been....". Tears leave my eyes. "No! No! No!" I said. ".... I love you bro" and with that, Reggie slipped from my hands. "NOOOOO!!" I shouted. I watched as my own brother drowned in the water. I cried as I still hung on the ledge. I cried. I cried. I cried. The last of my immediate family was dead. I am truly alone. Just then....something in me.... snapped. I pulled myself up and saw Augustine looking at me. My body was hot from my smoke powers awakening automatically. I just felt hot.....but I didn't care. I was angry. Enraged. I couldn't even think straight. Only one thing was on my mind: kill. Then I heard that voice. A voice that sounded like mine but somehow different. It was full of malice and hate and gave off murderous intent that could could turn grass trees or just about anything with life wither and die. It said 'Kill Augustine. That's what she deserves..... She killed Reggie........ She and Hank! They both killed Reggie...... End them!......Make.. them... suffer!' The last thing I saw was in a puddle. Red flames were emerging from my body and my eyes were golden brown. They changed from red but time to time but also send images of Augustine's death. It was a gory site. She layed there on the ground in a pool of blood. Her arms legs were so broken that the bones broke through the skin and poking the tight clothes she wore. Her guts were spilled out.... literally and wrapped around her neck, as if someone had choked her with them. Her face was bruised badly. Her left eyes the only one open as her right eye had been...removed forcibly. In her mouth was one of Eugene's video swords. It was forced down her throat and blood was oozing out. It was a bloody image....a bloody image he liked and wanted to make a reality...... "ARRRRRRGG!!!" I screamed as my voice sounded demonic. I felt like a demon. The power coursing through my vains. It was vile yet powerful. So full of evil and hatred. I've never felt like this before......and I liked it. I felt as if no one can match my power. I want to avenge my brother and my Akomish clan and now I have the power to do so. As my eyes turned it's direction to Augustine, I could see her sweat a little and step away a little. "Oh no! You ain't getting away" I said as I ran infront of her and shot a devestating right hook to her face. Augustine went flying into the air. I then vanished and appeared by her in thin air and kicked her into a concrete wall she created. I landed on the edge of the wall and stared down at Augustine who was obviously in pain from the kick. I didn't know what to do with myself. My power had skyrocketed. Speed. Strength. All of it. Improved. I neon sprinted down the wall with anger and attacked her again. This time however she was ready and defended herself. He military training came into use as she blocked most of my attacks and gave real devestating blows due to her infusing her fists with concrete. To me though, due to my newfound power and anger, it all felt like lovetaps. Having been fed up with the bullshit, I grabbed her arm, twisted it to make an opening and kicked her gut. She flew back a few feet but decided it was time to retreat as she merged with the ground. "No! Don't run from your fate!!!" I said as I shot out laser beams from my eyes, destroying everything in site. Soon the fortress too much damage that the whole thing collapsed all together, right on top of me.

2 hours later

After a lot of swimming to reach the city, I felt weak. My powers we going back to its original levels. I felt cold. I felt weak and insignificant. I felt like nothing. As I crawled my way back towards shore, I wept in silence. I felt.... disgusted with myself. Relying on such destructive and unstable power. '.....but isn't it my power?...' I was so lost. So confused. " me..."

Flashback end

Delsin shook the memory off. He didn't need to be thinking about this. Not right now anyway. He looked towards Raven as she was talking to Terra. Delsin grabbed her and looked at everyone else. "Can we have a moment everyone? Please?" Delsin asked politely. Everyone, though curious about what they would be talking about, complied and left the area to debrief the soldiers. When she was sure every left, she turned to Delsin. "What's wrong Delsin?". "Can I do it?....." Raven looked puzzled. "Can you do what?". "Take control of my powers like you did. Can I do it as well?" Delsin asked again. Raven's eyes shot open. "I-I-I don't know..... I think it should work on you since yours is an alternate person. The opposite of you....". "Alright let's do it!" Delsin said. If Raven's eyes could go any wider she would rip the skin, allowing the eyeballs to fall out of her skull. "Wha.... I can't just do it out of thin air Delsin! This could be dangerous. The fight for control over your body not only affects your mind, it affects your body and everything around it" Raven explained. "Your powers are strong Delsin but your alternate person's powers are even stronger. One screw up and it's over. You lose control over mind, body, and soul. Please.....just reconsider this. Your already powerful. I didn't even get a choice. The only reason I fought my inner demon was because it was the only way to get back to you and the kids. I don't want to have to deal with the possibility of losing you" Raven begged him. Delsin however remained unchanged. "Raven, nothing's gonna keep me from you or the kids. If I knew I had the power to protect you guys better, I need to obtain it. I know I can do you believe in me?". At this Raven was baffled. Of course she believed in her husband. However, her worry over him is even greater than her beliefs.  She nearly died fighting her inner demon. She didn't know how Delsin will handle his. "Please.....just don't..." Raven said as she shed tears. Delsin leaned in and kissed her tears away. "I have to do this. If there's a way for me to control it, then I have to do it". Raven shed more tears but wiped them with her sleeve and smiled. "There's no way I can talk you out of this, is there?". Delsin smiled and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Nope" he said as he pulled back.

This chapter is really short because one this is the chapter showing that Delsin is going to have a showdown. The next one or two chapters are gonna be about the two Delsins fighting. Two, I'm hella tired as I pretty much cramped this chapter in all day today, even during school to satisfy the fans so if this isn't the ideal chapter, please wait untill next chapter. It'll be way better. Trust! But please.

Comment and vote you thoughts on this chapter thx 😁😁😁😁😁

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