chapter twenty

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Gwen p.o.v

Eugene flew down and helped us up. "Well it's about time! So you think your little Hevean's Hellfire game is more important than seeing your family?" Fetch said slapping him in the back of his head. "No.... I was on my way. What did I miss?" Eugene asked. "Well..... there's a war about to break out on the city! Delsin is fighting Raven and could possibly die cause he lost all of his powers because Augustine took them and I'm partially responsible for that happening......" I explained. ".....but misusing that, no you didn't miss anything" Fetch said. "Wait, you're the reason why Delsin doesn't have no powers! You traitor!" Eugene said about to attack me. Suddenly Fetch's hand pushes Eugene back. Eugene fell to the ground. "Relax! She was forced to betray us. If she was still a traitor, di you really think she'd still be standing here right now? I would've killed her in a millisecond!" Fetch said. I felt a little nervous standing next to Fetch now. I moved a few steps back from her. I've seen Fetch fight and she's actually really strong! She might use her laser to slice my head off! Lucky me. "What do you mean she was forced to? Everyone has a choice to make" Eugene said as he got up. "I'll explain on the way to save Delsin! Let's go!" I said as we all ran to the Tower.

Delsin p.o.v


I was in this place that seemed familiar. It was white. Like all white. "Am I dead? Am I in heaven?" I questioned my self. "No your not dead you idiot!" A voice said. This voice sounded familiar. "Who said that? Where am I?". "You're in your mind. This is where you go when you're unconscious or in a dream. I'm here to assist you when you need me to" said the unknown person. "So I'm unconscious! But how am I not dead? I lost all my conduit powers" I asked. "There was a piece of conduit still left inside you. It's the only reason why you're still even breathing. In fact, you both have met before". "Evil Delsin?" I asked shocked. "Mhmmm" the voice said. "But why?". "You're his vessel. If you die, he also dies as well. He needs your body to help him function, otherwise he'd die alongside you" the voice said. "So that explains the 'am I dead' part. But who are you?" I asked once more. "You still haven't figured it out little bro?" The voice said. "Little bro? The only person who ever called me 'little bro' was.....". "Was who?" The voice said as a figure started to take place right in front of me. The figure started to make its form and its reflection was starting to show. ".....Reggie". The form became clear, showing my older brother. "That's right! I'm the guidance that you're gonna come to when you need me. I'll be like the Jor-el to your Superman. I'll be like Jarvis to your Iron Man. I'll be like Yoda to your Luke Skywalker....." Reggie said. "Yeah.....didn't need all that though!" I chuckled as I ran to my brother and hugged him.
"I missed you so much! All thise times I needed you and you weren't there" I said with tears running down my face. "Yeah bro I know! I heard you! But I'm here now! I'm here now!" Reggie said crying as well. We broke the hug five minutes later. "You've done well on your own Delsin. You defeated Augustine once more, you've made new friends, you've gotten married to a beautiful woman, had kids. I'm proud of you little bro and mom and dad are proud too" Reggie said. "How are they? Mom and dad" I asked concerned. "Their fine. Their really proud of what you've become! The Second Son! They just wished they saw how wonderful you turned out to be in person" Reggie said. "Really?" I asked. "Really. We're all very proud of you little bro" Reggie said putting his hand on my shoulder. "So let's get back on track.....what are you here to help me through?" I asked. "Nothing.....actually, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you. In fact, you're about to be woken up!". I gave Reggie a confused look just before I was sucked back into reality.


As I opened my eyes, I felt my soul being plunged back into my body. I gasped for air. I looked up to see Gwen, Fetch and Eugene. "Delsin! Thank god you're alive!" Gwen said looking relieved. "Yeah D, you really scared us there!" Fetch said putting her hand on her chest. "We thought you were dead!" Eugene said. "Well clearly I wasn't..... hey! Where's Raven?!" I asked as I shot up from the floor. But I felt intense pain as I did so. I guess the other me forgotto heal me. Or maybe he drew all his powers to keep me alive already! Either way, I'm still in pain. I winced as I tried to get up. "Hey! You're in no position to try and find her...." Gwen said as she held me down. "Yeah D...let us heal you" Fetch said as she used her power to heal all my wounds. I felt the pain ease away as the cuts and scraps and stabb wounds disappear. I felt alot better! "Thanks Fetch! I Can always count on you!" I said. "Yeah yeah" Fetch said blushing. "So what now?" Eugene asked. "Fighting Raven without any powers made me realize that I can't go find without any protection. So I'll have to rebuild my arsenal.....
Starting with you two".

Delsin Rowe and the Teen Titans 2: The fight for true love (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now