Chapter eight

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Raven p.o.v.

The night was very hot. I  was thirsty and hungry. My father hasn't been feeding me since I got here. He wants me to complete the training exercise. I have to pin him to the ground without using my magic. He's too strong I can't do it,but he doesn't want excuses. He wants me to be a success. But at this rate, by the time I master this technique, I'll just be skin and bones. My stomach starts to grumble fiercely, I have a hunger headache. By morning, I won't be able to stand. "I need to eat while I have the strength to get up" I said to myself. I got out of bed and walked to my door. I opened the door and saw my father standing there with a plate in his hands. "Hey Raven, thought you might want to eat" Trigon said handing me the plate. The plate was big. It had a big piece of meat on a bone. It didn't look cooked but I didn't care. "What is this?" I asked munching on the meat. "A human limb" Trigon said. "Excuse me?" I said. "I went to earth and killed a human to feed you. You should be grateful" Trigon said. "Why would I be grateful you took a life to feed me?" I said. But I couldn't stop. I was just so....hungry. "So if you are ashamed of eating humans, then why are you still eating it?" Trigon teased. "Please, leave me alone. I need to sleep" Raven said. "Fine. Training starts tomorrow, get your rest" Trigon said slamming the door behind him. As the door closed, I went back to eating the limb. I felt so dirty but it tasted so good. I couldn't stop. I was that hungry. As I finished eating the limb, I wiped my mouth and went to bed. I looked at the plate with a bone on it and started crying. I ate a human without a care in the world. The worst part of it that I enjoyed every minute of it. If Delsin could see me now, he'll never look at me the same way again. He'll think I'm a killer and disgusting person for eating the victim afterwards. I just layed in bed crying myself to sleep.

Delsin p.o.v.

"Okay Delsin, what happened to Raven? Who took her?" Nightwing asked. "She said it was Trigon but she wouldn't have been kidnapped. If she would've been kidnapped, Trigon wouldn't wait 3 days" I said. "What do you mean 3 days?" Starfire asked. "Look at her latest book entry of Raven's diary. It says Trigon was coming for her in 3 days. It sounded like she had no choice" I said. "So you think she was blackmailed?" Cyborg asked. "Yeah I do. I don't know what Trigon was blackmailing her with but all I got was this. But I need to figure out where she is and if it's not in my reach then how?" I said. "Well there was this one place" Garfield said. "What place are you talking about?" I asked. "I think I know what Garfield is talking about" Nightwing said. What is it?" I asked. "Its this place where Raven came from. Her father still lives there, I think. What was it called?" Cyborg said using his thinking face. "Azarath?". "Yeah that place! You know it?" Garfield asked. "Raven told me about it. She never brought me there but it sounds like a glorious place to be if Trigon wasn't ruling it" I said. "So how do we get there?". "I don't know, Raven usually summons a portal but we're not magical demons" Terra said. "But I know who is" I said turning to Sabrina and Zack. "I'm sorry dad. I want to help but I didn't get to that part of the spell book" Sabrina said. "And I just learned that I'm part demon" Zack said. "Yeah I guess you can't do the spell then" I said picking up Zack and spinning around. "Oh! Is that my favorite nephew in the world!" Starfire said taking Zack out of my hands. "Well dad maybe I can learn the spell. Just to try and help out" Sabrina said. "Thanks Sabrina. That really means alot to me" I said hugging my daughter. "Delsin, you got any breakfast ideas, I'm hungry" Fetch said. "Yeah um... to be honest, I don't have anything to feed you with" I said ashamed. "Hey, don't sweat it. We can just go to the Tower. It would be better there" Nightwing said. "Alright, Zack and Sabrina, go upstairs and get your stuff packed. We're going to the Tower!" Zack and Sabrina jumped for joy and ran upstairs to get packed. "So Nightwing, you have a plan?" I asked. "I don't know, you tell me?" Nightwing said. "I don't understand, you're the leader. You're supposed to... um.. I don't know..LEAD!" I said. "You called the meeting, Delsin. You're the leader here. Not me" Nightwing said. I stood there in shock. "Don't be surprised Delsin. You led us all the time. You're a great leader" Eugene said. "Yeah D! We look to you for guidance, inspiration and determination! You're a great leader" Fetch said. "I hope you're right" I said. "Well, let's load on the ship then. Zack! Sabrina! Let's go!" I shouted. Zack neon sprinted downstairs with his Thomas the tank engine suitcase. Sabrina followed with her Dora the explorer backpack. "Before you say anything, this is the only bag l had at the moment" Sabrina said. "No one is judging you. Do you have your mother's spell book?" I asked. She nodded. "Great lets go to the Tower"

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