chapter thirty-one

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Sabrina p.o.v

As Augustine got off the P.A system, she walked closer to me and made eye contact with me. "Are you having fun?" She asked. "Screw you!" I spat in her face. She smiled at me. It was more of a sick sadistic smile. She looked at me with killer intent and she slapped me. My head did a 180 degree spin, leaving a handprint on my cheek. "Please, don't get fresh with me child! I don't want to have to ring that pretty little neck of yours" Augustine said coldly. I smiled at that comment. "For my father to have to ring your pretty little neck? You wouldn't dare do that" I said confidently. "You rely too much on your father. At your age I was already fending for myself! Here's a life lesson little girl, one day, your father won't be there for you. One day, the only person who can defend you is you! You have to learn to fight for yourself" Augustine said. "Who are you giving me life lessons like your my mother! Well let me tell you something, who gave you the right......". I was interrupted by Augustine's hand grabbing my arm, yanking me off the chair and pulling me out the door. "Ow! Hey! where are you taking me?!" I shouted. "To the facility of course, but first, we're going to make a little stop at the holding cells. We're gonna pick up your friends" Augustine said as she rushed down the hall with me in her grasp. "Hah! Didn't you see? Their already probably free by now" I smiled. "I wouldn't be so sure about that......". Augustine stopped in front of an elevator and pushed the 'down' button. "What do you mean by that? Huh?! Their free I'm sure of it!". "Ohhh we'll see about that..." She said as she pushed me in the elevator. My head hit the handlebar, causing me to fall down on the floor hard. "Sorry about that" Augustine said as she smiled innocently. I glared at her and thinking of slow and painful ways of killing her but without making a mess. "Going down?" Augustine said as she pressed the 'down' button once again and the elevator started moving.

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened automatically. "Move" was all she said as she pushed me out. "A 'please' couldn't hurt ya know" I said. "Your my prisoner. There's no need for words like 'please' or 'Thank you'. What I tell you to do, you do it without hesitation" she said harshly. I didn't even bother to reply with a sly comment, I just kept going. "Whatever" I said as I just shrugged my shoulders. As we reached the cell room, I was about to open the door when Augustine stopped me. "What are you doing?" Augustine said. "Well you just said. 'we're going to the cell room' so here we are..." I replied. "Yes I know what I said, but firstly, do you really think that the door to the holding cells is just open for anybody to just waltz in?" Augustine said as she stepped aside, revealing a keypad and an retinal scan. She typed in the password and then leaned forward so the computer can scan her eye. As the computer accepted the password and retinal scan, we heard a click on the lock of the door, showing us that it's open. "...... Secondly, you don't get to open doors, or do you want to get shot?". "Just shut up and open the door!" I said annoyed. "Watch your mouth little girl! Remember, you're my prisoner! Don't get bright!". As Augustine walked in, I was right behind her. We were walking down another hallway, there were cells of other conduits in an orange jumpsuit. "What are they doing here? I thought conduits are supposed to be at Curden Cay?" I asked. "Hmmm? Looks like someone has been doing their homework! Well you are right, they were supposed to be at Curden Cay but your father freed them after he exposed me to the public on what I had been doing". "What he hadn't known was that he is endangering them by letting them be free. If they roam around in the open the government will strike them down and their will be a battle of the ages between humans and Bio terrorists. Billions will die!" Augustine said breathing heavily as she hyperventilating. She squeezed my hand so tight, the fingertips were turning blue. "Hey...You alright?" I asked for the sake of my hand. "y-yes..." She said only. She was leading me to another door where the security lockup. "Well I'll let you do the honors" Augustine said as she unlocked the door using more passwords and retinal scans but this time she used fingerprints. 'well I guess this is it' I thought. The door opened slightly as Augustine turned to me and looked at me with a 'well, I'm waiting' look. I shot a glare at her and touched the doorknob and pulled it open, building the tension in my chest. As I saw through the passageway, my eyes almost popped out of my skull. In front of my eyes revealed my family. Uncle Greyson, Aunt Terra, Uncle Garfield, uncle Cyborg, Aunty Fetch, Uncle Eugene and my friends. Michelle, Leo, Nick and.....
"Zack?...Is that you?" I said tearing up at the sight of my brother. "Hey big sis, yeah it's me" Zack said as he smiled. I ran at him without​ any hesitation and tackled him to the ground and hugged the crap out of him. "I missed you so much! Idiot!" I said as I punched him in his face. "Ow! What the hell?!" He said rubbing his cheek. "Don't you ever run off like that again or I'll actually kill you" I said crying. "Never again" he smiled and hugged me again. "Aww it's cute to see you two reunited again but time is short" Augustine said. "Where are you taking us?" Cyborg said. "Oh nowhere special just to see the last two members of your little family" Augustine said. As everyone looked to be pondering on what she was talking about, when it all hit them as their eyes widened and some mouths had opened. "Alright, men take them to the facility!" Augustine ordered them and they replied with a "Ma'am" and each soldier picked up one person and dragged them to the facility, while Augustine grabbed me and began forcing me to walk. "Move" she told me coldly. "Whatever" I said as started walking. 'Daddy please save us'

Delsin p.o.v

As we were standing in Facility B, it was just pure silence. Hank was staring at the door while I was staring at the wall on the opposite side of the door. I can tell Starfire was in the middle of glancing at both of us because she was trying to keep the peace but the killing intent that rolled off of us was tremendous and viscous. The KI (Killing Intent) was so thick that I even started to choke on it a little and from a couple of coughs coming from beside me, I could tell Starfire and Hank weren't faring too well either. At this point, Starfire spoke up, "Do you think Michelle and Sabrina are alright? Augustine maybe evil but she wouldn't hurt them would she?". "I don't know Star, take a look at Cecilia. She's just a little girl and look how she turned out. Trying to escape and killing guards that stands in her way" I stated. Starfire looked at me with concern in her green orbs. "Yeah you're right. Let us not forget Gwen, her own daughter. When she said she was joining us, Augustine threatened to kill her if she stood in her way. She literally trapped her in a concrete cocoon!" She said. Hank then turned around and looked at us with shock and excitement. "Gwen? Did you just say Gwen?! As in 'Gwen Sullivan?!'". "Yes that particular Gwen yes" Starfire said. "Why you know her?" I asked curiously​. "Know her?! She was the only one in this hellhole that kept me and Cecilia sane! She got out?!" He asked. "Yeah, she was used by her mother to get close to us so that she could strike Delsin down and take back her control over Seattle and capture more conduits" Starfire said. "But she refused to kill me and we all followed her so that we could stop her. Most of us were captured, and we had to come and get them back and here we are....." I said. "But we need to get them and get out of here! There are bigger things we need to worry about". "Like what?" Hank asked. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, so forget it" Starfire said. "Try me, if anything I'll help...."." I would rather die than get help from you" Delsin spat back. "Oh Delsin still stubborn as ever" a new voice said. We all turn our heads to see Augustine standing near the huge facility chamber doors. Behind her was my daughter, Sabrina. "Sabrina!" I called out to her. "Daddy! Help us!" She said. 'Us? Who's us?' I thought. As I was about to say something, Starfire flies forward and tries to land a solid punch on Augustine. "Let her go!!" Starfire shouted in her battlecry. Augustine remained calm as she saw her burst into speed I've never seen her even attempted before. As Starfire flew her fist back, a large amount of concrete came and protected Augustine from the power punch and shot a couple at Starfire. Star kept dodging them but you you could tell by her lack of speed she took off avoid the concrete that she wasn't​ gonna be able to dodge forever. My suspicions were correct as she barely dodged one and it left a cut on her left arm. It wasn't​ deep but you could tell it stung. "Although I had fun toying with you, you're not the one I wanted to kill today. But since you're in the way, I guess I have no choice" Augustine said as she gathered so much concrete around her, she looked like a giant concrete bomb. She then started rolling over to starfire, trying to squash her. Starfire tried flying away, only to be shot in the leg by a sniper rifle from one of the spying soldiers. Starfire dropped to the ground, clutching her wounded leg. Then, the shadow of an overly sized bowling ball is in Starfire's vision. I neon sprinted over there and overcharged my smoke to send a powerful​ smoke wave to.....send her flying off the floor a few inches. I realized I was fucked! I didn't have my concrete power to use its momentum and beat the crap out of Augustine but that power isn't in my grasp at the moment. So I then realized a different solution. As the ball rolled it's way to us, I had my video sword charged up but this time I laced it with some neon to give it a little extra kick. As the ball was in enough distance I swung my sword at the ball, it smashed it into pieces as Augustine layed there confused and shocked that that just happened. "H-how did that?" Augustine said in fear. I held my sword at her neck and smirked. "Training. Now, before me and you go all out...... I have a proposition for you"

I am soooooooooooooo sorry this took so long but you know how school is and stuff and I was kinda in a stage of writer's block and stuff so I apologize if some of the stuff in this particular chapter doesn't​make sense so please if there's something you don't understand, DM me and I'll try and help out and fix the problem but with that said hope you enjoyed it as more will be coming..... hopefully a lot faster. But please vote and comment 😁😁😁😁

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