chapter thirty-seven

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Delsin p.o.v

In the mind

I couldn't breath. ED (Evil Delsin) had a hold on my foot. He was not letting me come up for air. It was like he was saying through actions 'If I'm  dying, you're dying with me!'. He was relentless. I finally had found the strength to kick him off me as I swam up. As I reached the surface, I jumped on a nearby dock that leads to to the town. ED followed me shortly after. He jumped up and kicked me down. I flew back from the powerful kick. "Do you even realize how powerful we- no I am?! This is the power of a true conduit!" ED said as he launched three smoke missiles....SIMULTANEOUSLY! I dodged the first one and blocked the second and third one with a concrete shield I  made instantly. The only problem was, was that it blocked my face, giving  ED a perfect chance to move in with a punch in my face. The force of it launched me into a car and even that didn't stop my momentum. It took roughly two trucks to stop me and even then, you could hear the tires screeching on the ground from their skidding. ED neon sprinted to me and sent a punch to my stomach. I dodged and kicked his chest sending him back a little. 'I put all of my power into that kick and  it barely even phased him' I thought. ED smirked. "Is that all you got?". I frowned. "What are you?". ED evily chuckled. "Finally, you ask me that! I've been waiting for you to ask me that". I cocked an eyebrow. 'What is he talking about?' I thought. 'Remember that day when you got that tattoo on your forearm?" ED asked. I glanced at my arm with my tattoo. "Yeah, vaguely. All I remember that it hurt like a bitch. I was 17 at the time and it was years ago" I answered. ED nodded. "Right, well lets dig into your memory, shall we?". With that, ED shot out some neon strings and it hit my head, digging deep in my nerves. "Arraaghhhh!" I screamed. It hurt. Like a bitch. It felt like someone took a knife, doused it in fire and sliced deep in my vains slowly. I as the pain slowly started to subside, I started to see it. The memory of me getting my first tattoo.


Delsin p.o.v

"Delsin this is completely pointless! Why the hell do you want a tattoo? Aunt Betty will-" Reggie started but I interrupted him. "Aunt Betty isn't going to know. Trust me, Reg'. I know what I'm doing". Reggie sighed. "Aunt Betty is soooo going to kill me. I don't know what's worse. The fact I'm driving you to get a tattoo or the fact that I'm allowing you get one at the age of 16....". I mockingly glared at him. "Actually I'm 17 so get your facts in check". Reggie sighed as he pulled up to the store. I didn't even wait for him to stop the truck, I just jumped out and ran in. "Delsin!!.... god dammit!" Reggie said as he parked. I was too busy looking around to see all the crazy tattoo styles on the wall. There were skulls, flames, crosses, they even did Japanese sayings. I just didn't know what to get. "Just to let you know, if you end up getting caught, at least make sure the tattoo is decent and not some kind of Skull vomiting up some vampire monkeys or something?" Reggie said as he appeared behind me. "A skull vomiting up vampire monkeys? That's a new one? Maybe you should think about getting that yourself. Like honestly, what do you really think about me?" I said as I walked in. "I don't know what goes on in your head! But just know nothing stupid or weird looking....". "Alright Reggie...". Reggie grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. "I mean it Delsin....anything that is in those categories....I'll literally peel of the skin the tattoo is on, clear". Reggie was serious. He tightened his grip on my shoulder and stared at me with his crazy Reggie eyes. Once time, I accidentally ate his chicken pot pie from the shack across town that Reggie apparently loves and he glared at me with those same eyes. I barely escaped with a inch of my life that night. If it weren't for Aunt Betty wasn't visiting that day..... I still don't like the thought of 'what if'. It gives me the creeps. "Alright, Reggie. Chill out! I wasn't planning on getting any monkey vampires or skulls vomiting up some other sort of demonic stuff, alright?" I reassured him. Reggie smiled slightly. "Good. Alright that takes a slight load off my shoulders. SLIGHT!". I smirked. "That's all that matters". We both sat down and waited for the tattoo artists to be done with their current customers. Reggie was still looking like he was losing his mind. Was it really that hard to accept that I'm getting a tattoo? I don't get why he's being such a stickler. I on the other hand was still scoping out the amazing tattoos. I knew I had to choose wisely as this will be permanent. Also it'll get me alot of attention from the girls in school. They love a guy with a nice, clean tattoo. I sighed as I looked around. Nothing was interesting untill I saw it.....the one. "Excuse me young boy. You ready for your tat?" a man said. I glanced at him and I just felt odd..... The man had this...aura around him that felt mischievous and evil. The man was black. He was fairly bald as well as he had a few scars on his face. "Whoa! Dude, what's with the scars?" I asked. The man smiled slightly as he pointed to his face. "Oh these? There just accidents after tattooing people who couldn't hold in their pain. So I hope for my sake and yours that you could hold in yours. Hello, my name is John White, your tattoo artist. Would you please step in the back where you will begin the process of getting your tattoo?". I nodded and walked in the back, moving the curtain to the side as I walked by. Reggie was behind me but John stopped him. "I'm sorry but only the customer is allowed to be in the back, any other guests will have to stay here". Reggie looked like he was gonna protest but I stopped him. "Reg' chill out here for awhile. It won't take too long. I know what tattoo I'm gonna get" I said. Reggie glared at me but sighed as he released it. "Fine but remember what I said...No-". "No Skulls vomiting up vampire monkeys, I get it" I interrupted him as I walked into the back, not noticing John's eyes were glowing red.

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