chapter twenty-seven

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Time jump (last flashback)

Hank p.o.v

I was smoke dashing from building to building with my daughter in my arms. She was frightened by the fact that she is 30 stories high and the fact that I just yanked her off the couch and just made a run for it. "Dad, what's going on? Where are we going?" May asked. "Away from here. Don't worry May, I won't let anyone get to you" I said kissing her forehead. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a concrete brute jumped up from God knows where and tackled me. We all land in the park area near a pond. The brute fell in the pond and me and May fell in the trees. "May, are you alright?" I asked, hoping to hear a response. "That was...... AWESOME! Can we go again?!" May said as she let go of the branch she was holding on and landed on the ground. I however fell through the leaves of the tree and landed on my back. "Ahh! Crap that hurt!" I said. May giggled as she helped me up. "You have to be lighter on your feet daddy" she said giggling once more. I smiled. "Yeah I guess you're right" I said as I stretched to crack my back. "There you are!" The brute said as he charged at us. "May, go! Hide!" I ordered her. She nodded her head as she ran through the park. She ran as fast as she could to her favourite hiding places in the park. She would hide there when her and her father would play hide and go seek and she would always beat him because her spot was always so secretive that she only knew about it. No other kid knew that park like she did. And now her knowledge of the park has come to good use to her, especially now of all times. As I knew that my daughter was one hundred percent hidden, I attacked first. I smoke dashed around them so fast that it was basically like a fire tornado. The brute was burning alive. As the brute turned to ash, I stopped the tornado and focus on the soldiers. "So this is where the Rowe kid got his powers. His powers pale to the comparison of this guy!" One of the soldiers thought. 'If the kid finds out about the length of my powers, he'll hunt me down and make me train him. I'll never get a moment of silence' I thought smiling.  "Trust me, the last thing you wanna do is underestimate that kid. I maybe the person who gave him his powers but he's mastered them quicker than I have" I said. "he'll be the number one conduit in no time" . "That's where you're wrong Henry" Augustine said appearing from the concrete pathway. But it wasn't the fact that she just appeared from the ground. It was what was in her arms that surprised him. In Augustine's arms was his daughter, May. "I thought I told you to hide?!" Hank said stressed. "I did! She found me!" May said trying to break free from Augustine's death grip on her. "Yeah, hiding in a hole doesn't hide you well from a person who could move underground" Augustine smirked. "Let her go!" Hank said charging at her. A soldier ran up and shot Hank with a grenade launcher. The grenade hit Hank's chest and he flew back. "Daddy!" May said. Now she was squirming around in Augustine's arms like her life depended on it, which it really did. Augustine got annoyed quickly and she hit May in the neck, knocking her out. "Shut up! I had enough of you" Augustine said. "Let her go!!....". "You know what Henry, I had enough of you" Augustine said. "Always escaping, trying to run away from your fate! You cause so much trouble. I don't think I can keep doing this and more". Augustine rose her hand cause some concrete to rise off the ground and pinned him from the nearest tree. "What are you doing?" Hank asked nervously. "While I have you here, I might as well put an end to it. You're not worth the trouble and the budget to keep buying new equipment and soldiers. You're no Delsin Rowe" Augustine said. "Come on you can't do this! You're crazy!" I said trying to escape by smoke dashing, but I couldn't. "Try all you want, that concrete shard is made to bind and absorb the prisoner's power, it's the same kind of concrete I used for the handcuffs" Augustine explained. Augustine handed May to one of the soldiers. She whispered into his ear and the soldier nodded. He was walking away with May in his arms and put her in the trunk. "Hey! Hey! Where are you taking her?!" I asked struggling to break free. "Well after I'm finished with you, I'm gonna run some tests and see if she a conduit, just like you". "She's not! She doesn't even have any powers!" I said crying. "It doesn't matter if she's got powers or not. It's the DNA, the genes. She could possibly be a conduit but doesn't have to be her own power. She could catch it from someone. Just like how you, Abigail and Eugene transferred your powers to Delsin" Augustine said. "Relax, if she really isn't a conduit, then we'll just dump her in the nearest orphanage, cause she won't have no father to return to" Augustine said as she shot a concrete shard near my head. It left a cut on my left cheek and it wouldn't heal because my powers were being drained. Then it hit me..... "What will you do to May if she is a conduit?" I asked. "Hmm....You know what the answer is to that so why bother asking Henry" Augustine smirked. "No I don't so if you just stop smirking like a little bitch and just tell me......" Suddenly, I felt pain brush across my face as my whole head had been pushed to the side by a fist. One of the brutes grabbed my neck and choked me slightly. "Don't you ever call Lady Augustine a bitch again!" The brute said. "Awww! Did I upset you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult your mother!" I teasted. "Why you!...." The Brute said raising his fist before he was interrupted by Augustine. "Enough! Let him go" Augustine said annoyed with her soldier. The brute nodded and let my neck go. "I'll deal with him myself" Augustine said walking up to me. As she reached me, I was looking down at her feet. She grabbed my chin and made me look up at her. "This is it for you Henry Daughtry, it's been fun" Augustine said smiling. "You might want to close your eyes for this...." Augustine said as her hand turned into a concrete drill that she used to dig the ground. I closed my eyes while tears streamed down. "Just...Make it quick" I said. "I try but I can't promise anything" Augustine whispered in my ear as she was about to swing her arm out and strike my chest. Suddenly, there were sounds of something being shredded, Augustine stopped her drill and I was confused. I still kept my eyes closed because I was still in shock that I'm going to die, untill I heard Augustine talk. "What are you doing here. I thought I left you back at curden cave!" She said. "No miss Augustine you mustn't kill anymore! You're turning into a monster" another voice said. I immediately opened my eyes to see a little girl wearing a paper bunny mask. "Get back to the truck now! Get her!" Augustine said. "Please!!!" Was what all she said before she got picked up by a brute. I looked at Augustine. She had a look of.....Regret. she looked like she regretted her decision of making the soldiers grab her. I've never seen her like this. It was scary. "Wait! Stop!" Augustine said. The brute stopped cold. He turned his head towards his boss, waiting for her next order. Augustine turned her head towards me. She smirked. "You caught yourself a break Henry" Augustine said taking the shard that pinned me to the tree off me. "Ahh thank you Augustine" I said. "Don't thank me, thank Cecilia" Augustine walked to her truck. "Cecilia?" I repeated. 'that must be the little girl's name' I thought. "Alright so just pass me May and we'll all just go our ways...." I said. Suddenly, the Brutes behind me held both my arms and cuffed me. "Yeah, I'm not going to kill you, but I'm definitely not setting you free" Augustine said. "Oh! also.... I'm giving you one last chance, Henry, don't push it". She said as the b shoved me in the back of the truck. Same truck as Cecilia and May. May was still unconscious but Cecilia just looked at me. "Your name is Henry right? Hi my name is....". "Cecilia...Yeah I heard" I said. "Thanks kid. If it wasn't for you, my guts would be one with the tree. I owe you my life" I said with relief. "No problem..... I just have one request..." Cecilia said. "And that request is?....". "Be my friend?..." Cecilia said. "I smiled. "I can do that" I said. We both laughed untill our eyes watered.

End of Flashback

"And that's how we became friends" I explained. "Oh my god that's a bunch of crap!" Delsin said. "Believe it or not, it happened" I said. "I believe you" The red headed girl said. "Starfire, don't fall for it. If this guy is good at anything, it's lying" Delsin said. "Delsin why would he lie? He has nothing left to lose. Besides, don't you think that story was a little too detailed for it to be made up?" Starfire said. "I don't know, anything could be fake when it comes to Hank, He's selfish. He'd sellout anyone to save himself" Delsin said crossing his arms. "That's not fair kid, people can change" I said. "When will you let it go kid it was an accident, I never meant for your brother to get killed. She said she was just gonna capture you and let him go". "Yeah but instead you got him killed. Wow, what a plan!" Delsin said sarcastically. "How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry...". "YOU NEVER SAID IT THE FIRST TIME!!!" Delsin shouted. It was silent from that point on. Did I really not say sorry to him? After all those years of him mourning for his brother and I didn't even think about it? I mean the kid probably would've killed me the second he saw me but before we parted ways, I didn't even apologiz to him. But before more silent went on, I remembered something. "What was the other thing you wanted from me" I asked. Delsin lifted his head and smiled. "Give me your hand" Delsin said as he lifted his own. I suddenly got the picture. "What happened to the power I gave you?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Augustine took all of my powers and now I need more. I've been stocking up my powers since I got here and if you give me your power, then all I'll need is concrete" Delsin said. "But you do realize that the only person who has concrete powers is Augustine, right? I'm not so sure she'll be willing to give you her power like she did last time" I stated. "No, this time it'll be different. This time she won't have to give it to me, I'll take it without her approval!" Delsin said smirking. "Now shut up and give me your power!" Delsin said raising his hand once more. I hesitated but eventually did it. 'I gotta say: the kid has guts!' I thought. Suddenly, Delsin flew back from the aftermath of the transfermation. "Delsin!" The girl flew. She caught him but he was past out. "What happened?! What's wrong with Delsin?! What did you do?!" The girl quickly turned on me. "Whoa already your on my case! Relax, he did this the first time I transferred my powers to him" I said. "It'll just take an hour or two". "An hour or two?! We don't have that kind of time! Come on Delsin! Wake up!" The said slapping the kid's cheek lightly. "You can't rush a transfermation. You have to let it run its course" I said sitting down. "But what if someone sees us?" The asked nervously. "Than we are screwed. So you know what we're gonna have to do, right?" I asked. She shook her head no. "we're going to have to hide. Stay in this room and don't leave. Lock all the doors and close every window so we don't get caught. Augustine is already looking for you guys, so you better pray that who ever else came with is still walking free"I said as I was already working on our security protocols.

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