chapter twenty-one

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Raven p.o.v

In Raven's mind

I squinted my eyes as I opened them because I'm in a bright room. I sprung up of the ground and looked around. "Oh no!...not this! Anything but this!" I said freaking out. I knew exactly what was going on: My inner demon has awoken. I've been in this state before. I was on the verge of losing complete control over my powers. But this time was different. This time I was completely lost. All can do is just watch through the eyes. 'No! What am I saying! I have to do something.... I have to defeat my father so I can be free of him. So that I can be with Delsin and my kids' I thought. "Maybe there's something in the my memory that I can use to help me get out of here". I walked around the white room to find a door to the memory. "Man, I haven't been here in a very long time.....I don't even remember where the door is" I said as I leaned against the wall and it opened. I fell to the ground. I winced in pain. "Well.....found it"

Michelle p.o.v

I woke up to find out I was still in this stinken cage! What a day! Sabrina was awake too but she was looking outside the cage with a frighten face. "Sabrina! Sabrina! What's wrong!?" I asked. She didn't move a muscle. "Sabrina! What's got you so shaky?". She didn't answer but she pointed towards the door on the outside of the cage. Curiously, my eyes followed where Sabrina's finger was pointing at, to see four yellow eyes staring at us in the shadows of the doorway. For a second, I thought it was Trigon or his servent, Goliath. But that wasn't it. For the first time since I've been held hostage here, I'm actually glad that I'm behind these bars. Those eyes were terrifying! I wanted to look away but I was to terrified to even blink. "W-what i-is....that th-ing?". I couldn't even speak properly. Her eyes are gouging their way at my soul. Until finally, Sabrina gathered the courage to talk to that thing. "Enough. Why don't you come out of the shadows and show yourself. Come on! We can't hurt you in here!" Sabrina said. Suddenly, it blinked. "Sabrina I really wouldn't....". "Come on you coward! Show yourself!" Sabrina said. Suddenly, that thing started walking closer and when it came into the light, I couldn't believe my eyes. "M-mom? Is that you?" Sabrina said shivering in fear. "Mrs. Rowe, what happened to you?" I asked. She had red skin with black strips running down her arms. She had four eyes and they were yellow. Her nails and teeth have sharpened and she definitely grew a few inches. All she could do was growl. "Hello Michelle......Sabrina" Mrs. Rowe said in a monstrous voice. "Mom what happened to you?!" Sabrina asked. "Im not your mother! Your mother's long gone! Im here to assist Trigon to concur this world! You and your family will be crushed by foot of Trigon!" Mrs. Rowe said. "Oh yeah! Well that's not gonna happen, not if my father has something to say about it!" Sabrina said. I scoffed at the beast. "Who? The Second Son? He was the first victim in my path!" She said. "Wait what do you mean was?" Sabrina asked worriedly. "He was the first line of defense and let's say I took care of him" Mrs. Rowe said. "No!....oh god no! Mom you didn't!....." Sabrina said crying. "Damn right I did! And now it's YOUR TURN!" Mrs Rowe said as she swung her arm and scratched the cage open. I shot my starbolt in her face to stun her as Sabrina and I escaped. We flew out into the hallway. But it was hard to steer ourselves because we were both injured. But we flew out of there as fast as we could. I looked behind Us to see she is was not to far behind. We can't escape her. We're too injured but we can cut some tight corners and cut her off. "Sabrina! Turn here!" I said. She nodded her head and did as I said. We made a tight turn and that horrible monster hit the wall pretty hard. But she was still able to move. "No! Stay away!" Sabrina said as she threw a ball of magic at her used to be mother. Then Sabrina opened up a portal back home before the magicball went off. As we reached into this dimension, I landed on my broken arm. "Arghh!" I cried in pain. "Michelle! Are you alright?!" Sabrina asked helping me up. "Yeah....I j-just landed on my broken arm. I'll be fine". "Well lets get to the emergency room and patch ourselves up" Sabrina said. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I held her up with my good arm. We would've just floated there but Sabrina would've had to launch off her feet and I was too tired to take flight. We were walking out of my room to notice that the Tower's in a wreck! "Oh my god! What the hell happened here?!" I asked. "My mom happened, that's what" Sabrina said. "No this isn't....well not partially all your mother's work" I said touching the walls. The walls were covered with some concrete. "What are you saying?" Sabrina asked. "I'm saying that there's concrete on the walls. Now the only people we know who has concrete powers are....". "......Brooke Augustine and my father" Sabrina finished my sentence. "Exactly! One of those two must've been fighting or trapping something or someone in these concrete cocoon and I don't think Mr. Rowe would try and kill his teammates" I said. "So you're saying that Augustine was here?". I nodded my head. "Okay? But that just leaves us with one question......". "Where is everyone?". Suddenly, we heard voices coming from the elevator. "Hide!" Sabrina whispered to me. I nodded and hid behind the couch. Sabrina hid in the kitchen. "No where to be found! Where could Augustine have gone! I know she didn't leave the city but where is she?" A voice said. That voice sounded familiar. It sounded like Mr. Rowe! "We've searched the city without being seen by the DUP'S . Maybe it's time we search again....this time we use force!" Another voice said. I knew that voice anywhere...that was my favourite uncle Cy! "Hey Cy, can you scan the area for any D.U.P? I want to make sure this area's safe and secure" Mr. Rowe said. "Alright let's see what I can do...". So that tereterous demon was wrong, Sabrina's father's alive. I knew it! It'll take more than a sleezy little demon to take down Mr. Rowe. "Uhh....Del?" Cyborg called. "There's a couple of unidentified heat signatures in this very room right now!". "How many and where!?" Mr. Rowe said. "There's two! One's behind the sofa and the other's in the kitchen!" Cyborg said. Ah crap! They found us! "Show yourselves!" Mr. Rowe yelled. Sabrina came out the kitchen and I leaped from behind the couch. "Sabrina? Michelle?"

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