Chapter 1

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Maya's POV.

I look back one more Time at my room. Nothing on my walls , the desk empty, the closet also empty, And right next to me stood 2 big suitcases And one smaler one. I looked one more Time And then left the room. I walk down the stairs all the way from the fourth level. Yeah its a big 5 level home. You can say its a manshion but it just another house in London. Yeah... I live in London. I dont have that british accent that evrrybody has. Thats Because i was born in New York.

Oh wait i didnt introduce myself.

Well my Name is Maya Hayens. Im turning 18 in exactly one day. I have 5 siblings. You can say im the middle child. I dont really get alone with any of them. I only get alone with my older brother, Jack. He's 24 And lives in L.A so we dont see eachother that often but we facetime all the Time. Anyways my Dad is sadly dead.... He got poisioned at one party an he died . My Mom has another husband And 2 other kids with him. You see They are really snobby And think They are perfect. There's Katherine which is 16 And Romeo , 14. I also have another younger brother that i absoulutle love. His Name is Hunter And he's 15. We get alone so dang good that Sometimes people think were not related.

Your probably also wondering why my room is empty... Well you see my 18 birthday will be celebrated on a plane. Yeah you Heard right. Im finally moving out of here! Im moving back to New York And starting all over again.

I already have an apartament bought And my furniture is already sent there.

I cant wait to just stop being that rich London girl. I didnt have any friends ... All i ever did was go to school, come back , do homework , And then just sit by my Window looking at the London eye , or just sitting there And admiring the beautiful statue that my Dad gave me , thats standing on my desk.

As i was saying , tomorrow im starting a brand new life ... And i cant wait for it!

Hiyaaaa !! Ok so i was bored one day And then BAM! The idea of this story! Anyways i hope you will like it ;)


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