Chapter 16

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Maya's POV.

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm clock. Today Cara and Tessa are flying in. They were supposed to come tomorrow but there expecting a big storm so the flight was moved. I got up and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower I put on a big oversized shirt and some shorts and headed to make breakfast. I made myself an omlet and a beagle with cream cheese.

After eating I cleaned up and went to get dressed. I got a red flowy top with some black leggings and a light brown cardigan. I got a metal bracelet and threw on my shoes. For my make-up I just used mascara and lip balm. I left my hair down naturally curly but still damp. I grabbed my keys and phone and headed to the nearest store, which happened to be Walmart.

I decided on buying Tessa her own bed so she could have it for other visits. I got a few baby stuff like toys and little play mat. I also got a little swing thingy that she could watch TV in. After gathering everything and paying I stopped by Starbucks. I got my drink and headed back home to set everything up.

After about an hour I done everything and headed to the airport. There it took me 25 minutes to wait until I finally saw the doors opening revealing Cara with Tessa in her arms. I quickly aproched them taking them into a big hug.

"I missed you sooo much" I exclaimed

"I know I missed you too! Its been too long!" Cara replied

"Omg look at my little princess !" I beamed taking Tessa in for a hug.

"You ready to have some fun with auntie?" I asked her

She nodded and flashed a big smile.

"Okay so I have to catch my flight back in an hour so I'll help you to the car." Cara said

"Okay! It's sad that you're just here for like an hour!" I said

"I know but, there are things that need to be taken care of! Besides it was much easier I mean if I were to stay I would have to take clothes and everything and then pack and un-pack. Too much work! Right now I only have a purse in which are headphones, my phone, some water, my wallet with passport and stuff and a book!" Cara explained

"Yeah true! But still you guys have to come and visit!" I said

"We know , maybe somewhere around Christmas" she winked

We both laughed and got to my car. Tessa was fast asleep in her stroller while Cara helped me put up the car seat. It was really cool because it was more like a carrier that you click into this base. I carefully took Tessa out of the stroller and into the carrier and buckled her up. I opened my trunk putting in her stroller and bags. We stood awhile in the parking lot with Cara explaining what to do in case Tessa has a mood or how to make her fall asleep faster. We went trough all her favorite things such as food and TV shows. She even told me her favorite color and what she's allergic to. After a good 20 minute talk Cara had to go check in for her flight so we said goodbye and headed back home.
We got home after about 15 minutes with Tessa still sleeping. I got her out of the car and went up. I got her out and put her to sleep in the bed I got. I made sure that she was OK and went to get the rest of her stuff. I had to go down two times.

After gathering everything in my room I took out her clothes and put them in a little closet in the guest room. I cleaned up and sat down checking twitter, until I got a text from Sky that they are boarding the plane. I replied and went back to twitter when I got a phone call. It was Brad.

"Hey Brad!" I answered

"Hey Maya, how are you ?" He asked

"Good just hanging in my house."

"Ohh, mind if I come over?"

"Nope not at all!" Happiness was boiling inside of me.

"Kay , I'll be there in 10!"

"Okay, see you later"

"Bye, gorgeous" he ended as I blushed.

Just as I got of the phone I heard slight  crying. Tessa must've woke up. I got to
the room to see the little princess standing in the bed looking around.

"Hey Tessa! Had a good sleep?" I smiled taking her in my arms. She immediately smiled and started giggling snuggling up to me. I decided to get her dressed and ready. I decided on a really cute plaid dress and just clipped her hair back. Checking the time I realized she would be hungry by now so I gave her those jar soup things. Tessa ate everything which was followed by an award... A cookie. I sat Tessa down in the swing turning on her favorite TV show and starting to clean up what so ever.

After finally getting everything done
I set out the play mat for her and started playing along. It wasn't 10 minutes when the bell rung with me getting up.

"Hey love!" Bard cheered as he took me in a hug

"Hey!" I said back letting him in.

I went into the kitchen to get us some snacks and something to drink. When I came into the living room I saw the most adorable thing ever. Brad sat with Tessa playing and making her laugh. I giggled and just looked at them in awe.

"Oh hey sorry I didn't see you there! You never told me you had a child!" He stood up

"What! No! Brad that's my godchild! She's my brothers daughter!" I explained

"Ohhh I'm so sorry I didn't know!"

"Hahaha its fine! I guess I should've told you!" I laughed

"Sooo what's this cuties name?" Brad asked taking Tessa in his arms and tickling her slightly.

"Her names Tessa, she's turning two in like 4 days!" I explained

"Awe, hey there Tessa!" Brad cheered to her. She immediately smiled and started giggling.

"Soooo I was thinking about going bowling tomorrow but since you have this little angel maybe we could go somewhere appropriate for her! Oh I know how about the zoo?" Brad suggest

"Yeah that would be fun!" I replied

"So its settled!" He smiled

The rest of the day we played with Tessa and later on went on a walk. Brad left home since it was getting late and I got back home. Tessa was already asleep so I carefully changed her into her pajamas and put her into the bed. I got changed myself and laied in bed falling asleep immediately.

Heyyy guysss!

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Love you all,

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