Chapter 9

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Brad's Pov.

I woke up to my phone going off. Turning of the alarm I checked my notifications to see that I had a text from last night from James saying that he was going to stay at Sky's for the night.

Don't tell Sky or James but I'm a HUGE Jaylar fan. It's just that there always so cute together! I really wish I had a relationship like that. Where both , feel the same way and do everything and anything for the other.

On the other side , I did meet a gorgeous girl yesterday. I just really hope that Maya won't turn out to be just like Annabelle... Ugh just saying her name makes me sick.

I eventually got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. As I made myself some bacon and eggs my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked since there was no caller ID.

"Hey Brad! It's me , Maya" the voice said

"Oh hey! How are you?" I asked.

I'm actually happy that she called...

"Well nothing much but... I have a question" Maya said

"What's up?" I asked

"Well I was wondering If you could maybe help me get a car, I don't really know where any car salon's are and I need to get a car" She said

"Yeah of course I could help you! Hey maybe after we get you that car I can help you unpack and maybe put the furniture together?" I offered

"Yeah that would be nice! Thanks Brad!" Maya said.

I could obviously hear the happiness in her voice. That made me smile...

"You're very Welcome , Love! So I will pick you up in like an hour. Is that okay?" I asked

"Yeah of course! Oh I'll send you my adress by text , is that ok?" She asked

" Yeah! Alright I've got to get going! See you soon!" I replied happily.

"See ya soon, Bye!" She exclaimed

"Bye." And with that I finished the phone call.

I quickly ate and got dressed.

I still had about 30 minutes to go so I got in my car and stopped by Starbucks.

Maya's Pov

After I called Brad I quickly went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I decided to wash my hair so it would style better.

After I got out I quickly dried off and dried my hair.

I got dressed into some high waisted shorts and a very light pink sweater. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on my charm bracelet on my right arm.

The bracelet itself is braided with black leather strands. In total it has 5 charms , and every single one has a strong meaning to me. One came with the bracelet, it's a little monkey head and truly it means a lot.

Basically , long story short. When I was 5 I went to the Zoo with my dad celebrating my birthday , and let's just say , when I was little I had a strong obsesion over monkey's. Like literally I had everything in monkey's.

Anyways my dad got me it saying that no matter how old I will be or where I will be , it will always protect me, and ever since that day I never took it off.

The next two that I got where a basic oval bead. One is marble and it represents my anxiety.

I got it right after I found out I had anxiety. It basically told me to keep on fighting and that's what I do.

The other one was a black one with turquoise glitter. I got it from my grandma from my dad's side on the day of his funeral. It's black because , it's a sad color and turquoise because my dad's favourite color was turquoise. It means a lot and kinda makes me feel as if dad was still with me.

Another two that I got refer to my brother. The first was a rinestone square bead representing his wedding with Cara. The next and since then last one is a metal diamond bead with the date 20.08.2014. That one represents the birth of my goddaughter, and also my brother's 3 child and first girl!

Yup I'm an aunt of three little beauty's. The two first are Dominic and Shawn. Dominic is 7 and Shawn  is 4. Then there is my little sunshine Tessa which is turning 2 in a couple of weeks!

Anyways I got my make up done and headed to get my purse when my phone vibrated. I checked my phone while gathering my wallet and all the important papers that you need to buy a car.

As I put it in my purse I read that Brad will be here in like 10 minutes.

I put on my shoes and went outside waiting for Brad.

After 3 minutes he came and we drove off.

~~~~~~~ 3 Hours later~~~~~~~

We just got out of the car salon with everthing done. I finally had my very own car. If your wondering I got the same exact as I rented in New York, an Audi Q7.

The man there was so messed up that literally a 2 year old could do a better job.

We got out hungry as hell so we went to Mcdonalds.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I waisted your time today." I said to Brad while we where waiting for our food.

"Oh please! I had fun! Especially since I was with you" Brad smiled

I blushed and immediatly looked down.

"Hey now..." he said lifting up my face

"... No need to be embareced , Love!" Brad smiled looking into my eyes.

We talked for a bit getting to know eachother. Turns out we had a lot in common!

Our food finally got here and we ate saying something from time to time.

"Hey Maya, what are you doing tommorow?" Brad asked me.

" Um well nothing I guess. Why?" I replied

"Well... I was wondering if you would like to...maybe go out with me tommorow?" he asked shyly

Wait , what?!

"But like as a date?" I asked

"Yeah... but of course if you want to!" He quickly said

" Of course I would like to" I smiled at him

"Really?" His whole face lit up brighter than a Christmas Tree.

"Yeah, hah" I laughed at how cute he was.

After we ate we went back to my house and Brad called the rest of the boys to help with the furniture, intstead Skylar and me went around and decorated the flat.

Soon it was all done and we were all laying on the big couch watching Netflix.

Eventually we all felt sleepy so I sugested them to stay.

I went to the closet and took out the matress and pumped it in the kitchen, since there was more room, for Tris and Con to sleep on it. Sky and James shared the big couch and Brad and I went to my room to sleep on my bed.

We eventually both fell asleep ...

Wow... tommorow I'm going on a date with Brad!

Hiii guysss!!! Sorry I didn't update last night but I wasn't in the strenght to do anything. I'm thinking of updating this book every two days, since I don't always have to update all the time.

Anyways vote , comment, and share it with your friends!

Love you all,


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