Chapter 17

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Maya's POV.

I woke up strangely early, it was still mid-dark outside. I sat up checking my phone realizing it was only 6:25 am. Sleep was not the thing on my mind so I got up and went to check on Tessa. She was sound asleep in bed cuddling her favorite plush monkey that I got her when she was born.

Smiling I walked to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I had some frozen pizza so I heated up the stove and put in it. Waiting for my oh so fancy breakfast I went to pick out clothes for today.

For me I choose a white crop top, some high waisted denim shorts and a peach colored lace cardigan. On the other side for Tessa I picked out a black and white striped dress like shirt with some navy leggings and a jean jacket. I laid the outfits out and went to eat my breakfast.

After I was done it was already 6:57 am so I checked on Tessa and after making sure she's okay , I went to take a shower. I quickly washed my hair and got out drying of. I got dressed and did a bit of natural make-up. After I was done I heard a bit of voices coming out of the other room. I dashed to Tessa's room to see her wide awake, smiling with the plush squeezed against her. I smiled and quickly picked her up.

"Hey sweetheart! Had a good sleep?" I asked even though I know she won't answer. She started giggling so I took that as a yes. We headed to the kitchen and I sat her in the swing seat turning on her favorite show while I go and make her breakfast. Cara said that she usually eats her favorite cereal so that's what I made her. It only took 10 minutes to feed her with minimal breaks for Tessa to get back to the real word after being hipnotized by Dora. Eventually I gave her a bath and dressed her up. I was really lucky cuz Tessa has pretty decent middle hair. They were a little over her shoulders when they were straight. I did her hair into a French braid and added a little bow to the end. By the time we were done it was 8:54 am. We had tickets for the zoo at 9:45 and Brad was coming over at 9:00 so we were just waiting for him to come. Tessa was playing on the mat and watching TV while I packed up her bag for the day. I was just about to put her bottle in the bag when there was a door bell. I knew it was Brad so I shouted "its open". Soon two pair of strong arms were around my waist.

"Ready to go Love?" He asked spinning me around kissing me.

"Yup! Oh here are the keys to my car go take the car seat to your we'll be out in a minute" I said

"Oh right , I'll take the stroller now too. Should I take the bag?" Brad asked

"Yeah sure!" I exclaimed putting my white converse on.

"Kay see you outside!" And he left.

I went to Tessa and put on her white converse , grabbing my purse and phone. I turn everything off and head out side. Locking the door I take Tessa in my arms. Brad took Tessa from me putting her in her car seat while I got into my seat. Soon we drove off . We had a good 35 minute drive so I gave Tessa her Tablet and put on some kind of show.

The phone ride went without any problems, we got to the zoo and Brad parked nearby. As I was taking Tessa out of her seat Brad was setting up the stroller. I put Tes in the stroller and gave her some cookies and her sippy cup. Soon we were at the entrance with our tickets. A man lead us through the gate and we were all to our selfs to explore. We walked along the tourist gide seeing some birds, monkey's which interested both me and Tes. We saw some giraffes and elephant's and then headed into an aquarium building with thousands of colorful fishes.

We realized that we were walking around for almost two hours now so we stopped by a rainforest cafe/restaurant. There me and Brad got some chicken while Tessa had fries. After eating we went for icecream outside the building. Brad and I enjoyed ourselves while Tessa was having fun at a playground.

"Thanks for taking us here!" I said

"Anything for you" Brad winked kissing my cheek.

"Sooo I was wondering if you would like to come on a small tour with us? For a week ?" He asked

"Ummm , me, and 4 boys, in one bus, for a week... ummm" I laughed

"Don't worry Sky is coming too!" He resured me

"Oh then of course! " I smiled

After we were done with the ice cream we took Tes and headed of touring again. Brad insisted that he would cary Tessa so I just pushed an empty stroller watching the two being complete goof balls. Soon we got to a lion runway and we took a selfie with one... well on a safe distance. We saw much more animals and after seeing everything possible we decided to go back home. On the way back we stopped by McDonalds to eat and then went straight home. Tessa was fast asleep so we had some time. I fell asleep myself but soon getting woken up by my phone ringing. I sat up and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Maya! " the voice said

"Oh hey Cara what's up? "

"I have good news! We found a perfect house !" She exclaimed.

"That's fantastic! " I replied

"We need about 4 days to decorate and stuff so I'll be picking Tessa up on Thursday instead of Sunday." She explained

"Aww ok! By the way were just getting back from the zoo!" I laughed

"Uuuu how was it?!" Cara asked

"Awesome! Tessa seemed to have fun also! "

"That's awesome! Thanks Maya, for everything! "

"No problem Cara! After all you guys are all I have ..." as soon as I said that Brad turned to me with a shocked look.

"Awww don't say that! And btw you're welcome anytime here!"

"I know I know" I laughed

"Oh I was meant to ask, if there's another cute or important occasion then tell us cuz we'll have to make a new charm for Christmas! " Cara laughed

"Cara soon all I'll have will be charms!" I laughed

"Yeah yeah, but still"

"I know i know!" I laughed

"Kay so I gotta go ! See you in a few days!"

"Bye Cara!"


I hung up and went straight to photos. I found a real cute one with the whole three of us and one of Tessa and Brad near the monkey's. I asked Brad if I could post them to which he agreed.

"So whats up with those charm things?" Brad asked

"Oh well you see this, well its my lucky charm bracelet that I got from my dad and every bead represents an important part in my life. Like for example this, the day Tessa was born, my brother's wedding, my dad's death..." I explained showing him the beads.

"Oh that's cool! But why do you have to tell Cara i think something important, and for Christmas? " he asked

"Oh well , its kind of a tradition! They buy me custom beads or charms for different occasions! " I explained

"Ohhh now I get it! Mind if I buy you one?" Brad asked

"No! Why would I mind?"

"I don't know . I just don't want to ruin your tradition..." he trailed off

"Brad... you're apart of the tradition now " I smiled .


"Yup! "

" I love you Maya..."

"I love you too Brad..."

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