Chapter 22

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Maya's Pov.

Tour with the boys has been great! We're currently on a stop in London and next we're going to Brighton. I'm excited but also scared ... A few days ago I got a phone call from Skylar's parents saying that she's back home in Brighton with a broken rib cage... I want to visit her bit I don't want the boys to know I went to her... Especially James... I heard about the whole affair and to be honest I hate seeing James like this. Ever since he's been really upset and just isn't himself. I can't blame Skylar, she had a bit of a ride with him a few days ago...

"Maya, we're going to do some interviews. Mind coming with us?" Brad asked

"Nah thanks, I think I'm gonna walk around and get some memories " I smile

"Okay , just be safe alright love?" He kissed my forehead heading to the door.

"Always!" I screamed as he was already out the door.

Even though my childhood wasn't the best , I still had great memories with London. I remember I always wanted to grow up and move but then come back to London when I get old... Just like my grandma. Gran Elisa moved to Australia when she was 19 , a two years later my mom was born. My dad was from London. Gran and mom went to hometown for holidays , thats when my mom met my dad... They had a long distance relationship when they decided they want something more. Dad proposed to mom an she went back to London with Dad...

Its actually amazing how my mom could take the long distance. I probably wouldn't take it even for one day...

Anyways I don't want to sit here all day so I got dressed and headed out the door. It wasn't really warm today but like what do you expect , its the UK. I'm just thankful that it wasn't rainning. I strolled down calmly down the streets just taking in all the memories... Friends , school, family time... Sometimes I wonder how my life would have looked if my family was normal... I probably wouldn't have gone to New York and met Skylar and the boys, I wouldn't have even got the Chance to get into university! Speaking of I start in like a week... am I ready ? Nope. Honestly I just want to live a careless life like the boys. Go around the world not worring about school or anything like that... I don't know what I'm gonna do... I think I'll have to talk it through with Sky tommorow.

I still need to make something up so the boys won't get suspisious...

Finally after walking and ranting I found a Starbucks. I gladly went inside and ordered myself the usual. I wasn't in a hurry so I took my time , sat and drank the drink.

I was on level 76 of Best Fiends when I got a text.

Yeah yeah I play best fiends I'm THAT cool...

The text was from Connor asing me if I ws ok and informing that Brads phone had died. I replied quickly when the time caught my eye. It was 7:55... I've been walking around for good two hours and sat here about an hour... Wow...

I was so into the hardcore game and my drink that I didn't even notice that the boys concert had already started. Thats why Con texted! They were probably worried why I wasn't there.

I finally manager to drink the latte and I headed out. It got a bit darker but that just made a perfect senerio for a "Tumblr" Picture. So Maya being Maya stood on the middle of the pavement and started taking pictures that were some what artsy. After a while I decided I had enough and headed back to the venue.

Just as I got there the boys were running out of the back door into the building part which coud mean only that in a good 10 seconds a huge fangirl base would for here, so I might say... I started to run for my dear life!

The boys had a little party after the show and hung out with some fans that won some kind of contest. After their "Meeting" was done we headed back to the bus. Everyone was too tired to speak or do anything so we just headed to bed, well or bunks.

Tommorow will be an interesting day...

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