Chapter 14

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Maya's POV.

I wake up the next day in my bed. I don't remember that someone brought me her but um ok. I look next to me and see Brad still sleeping. His curly brown hair was all over his face. I slowly reached to gather them away when he twitched and opened his eyes.

"Good morning love" he smiled.

"Hey..." I giggled

"So, what's the plan for today?" He asked sitting up.

"Umm I wanted to go for some back to school shopping... So..." I started

"Awesome ! I'll come with you!" He exclaimed

"Thanks , that would be fun " I replied

"Let's go to get breakfast huh?" Brad asked getting up.

"Yup" I exclaimed

We both went to the kitchen hand in hand. When we finally got there we saw Con , Tris, James but no sign of Skylar.

"Hey where's Sky ?" I asked

Tris then made his way up to me and leant in to my ear.

"She's in the bathroom throwing up... She's really dehydrated..." He whispered

Just as I was about to run to her Sky came in the room looking pale as a ghost. I dashed to her and hugged her tightly. She looked at me with pure terror.

" Can we go out.." She mubbled.

I got my car keys and phone and left telling Brad that I'll be back in an hour.

We got into the car and Sky told me to drive her home. On the way there she told me that she feels sick and doesn't want to be social at the moment. I dropped her off and offered to stay for a bit but she kindly denied due to her not being in the mood.

I watched as she walked into the building and slowly drove away. I pulled over to a near by Starbucks and got myself a muffin and a cappuccino. After eating it I got back to my car and called Brad telling him that I'll be over in 10 minutes.

I plugged my phone to the radio and turned on my playlist blasting the music as loud as I can. Eventually I got to Brad's house and parked in front. It took him 2 minutes to get out and into the car.

"Hello love" he said while kissing my cheek.

"Hey! Ready to go shopping?" I exclaimed

"Oh bloody hell I am!" Brad shouted.

I laughed and turned to my phone putting on Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys. We both started jamming as I rode through the highway.

After a 15 minute drive we finally got to the mall. The first place that we went to was Target. I was told that I will have a locker in the school so I went straight to the locker decor section. I got a turquoise wallpaper and a black rug that would match perfectly. I also got a black shelf and turquoise mini mirror and little shelves. I also got some string lights and a little pen cup.

After getting that I went to the notebook section. I got a couple cute notebooks and a binder. I got a notebook-calendar for the school year and a normal hanging calendar.

After all of that I went to the pencil case section. I got two cute ones. One turquoise with white designs and one shiny black.

We headed to the check out. Along the way Brad got a few things for tour, like new ear buds and a pillow for plane rides.

We then headed to Aeropostal to find a book bag and some clothes. I found a perfect bookbag and also got a regular black bag. I didn't see anything that interesting so all I got were two shirts and a new bathing suit.

We exited the store and headed over to Mc Donalds.

"So you had fun?" I asked Brad

"Well I spent the day with you so amazing!" He explained which made me blush. We got our food and ate throwing in some small talk in between.

After finishing we headed out and Brad had to use the bathroom. I used that to call Sky and check up on her. I actually got her a shirt and a really cute big frame for like 6 pictures. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. After the third ring she finally answered.

"Hey May Bæ !" She laughed

Well she's better now...

"Hi, haha your better I see!" I laughed

"Yuppp! Omg omggg guess what!" She yelled

"What haha" I asked

"Con and Tris got our four tickets to Gran Canaria in Spain for a week!" She exclaimed

"Omg that's so cool! But wait four so You, Con, Tris and who else?" I asked

"Oh um Con's girlfriend Emma! I actually met her today, she's super nice!" Sky explained happily.

"That's nice , oh well I'll call you later Brad's coming back. See you tomorrow! Mwahhh" I quickly said before hearing a bye and Mwah back and ending the phone call.

"Where to now?" I ask as Brad aproches me.

"Umm I have an idea! Following me!" He smiled

We got to the car and before I could even get to the car Brad was already by the drivers side.

"I guess your driving?" I joked

"Yup!" He said proudly putting out his hands for me to give him the keys.

I tossed him the keys and he successfully caught them getting into the car. We drove for a good 10 minutes in till Brad parked in the parking spaces near the beach. It wasn't the warmest today but still was amazing.

We walked hand in hand on the board walk. We walked around just laughing and talking. I really enjoy time with Brad. It took him three weeks to make me forget about all of my drama. He makes me feel special.

We got to the very end of the board walk and sat at the edge admiring the sunset. After 5 minutes of silence Brad turned around towards me and took my hand looking in my eyes.

"Maya... I wanted to wait until another time, but nothings gonna be more perfect then this. What I'm trying to say is... Maya Hayens , will you be my girlfriend?" Brad asked sincerely.

"Brad... Of course I will!" I exclaimed

His face glowed up like a little kids at Christmas. He carefully picked me up and spun me around. After setting me down we had that cliché moment and Brad went in for my lips and we both connected them together. There and then I had my very first kiss, with my very first boyfriend.

After we pulled away we saw a little girl about 10 or 12 years old standing there holding her phone.

"I though you would want to save this forever so I took a picture! Here send it over to you, cuz all I know is how to call momma and take pictures." The little girl said

Me and Brad both looked at the picture and smiled at the little girl. Brad went and sent the picture to him and me .

"Thank you so very much !" I exclaimed

"Your welcome! Oh my momma is calling me I got to go! Have a beautiful relationship! Bye" she waved as she walked away.

We both giggled waving back and then turning to the parking spaces. We got to the car and Brad decided that we will have a movie night at his and with that I ended up sleeping over.

Hi guys ! Like I promised , two updates a week. And OMGGG Madley is finally together yayayayayya!

Anyways don't forget to vote, comment and share the story!

Love you all,

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