Chapter 12

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Brad's Pov.
I woke up to my phone going of. I realized that it was our manager, Joe calling. I sat up carefully not to wake up Maya and answered the phone.

"Hey Brad you coming to the studio today?" Dang I completely forgot about the studio!
"Yeah I am! Sorry I forgot, but um can I  bring Maya with me?" I ask
"Yeah of course, just come as quickly as possible!" He said
"We'll be there in 30 minutes!" I said
"Ok see you guys !" Joe said
As I hung up I quickly get up and get dressed.
After getting dressed I run downstairs and decide to make some pancakes for breakfast. About ten minutes later I was all done and went up to wake Maya.
"Good morning love " I said getting into the bed and kissing her cheek.
" Good morning " she smiled
"Hey um do you mind if we go to the studio for a bit?" I asked
"I think Sky will be there!" I added
"Yeah sure I just need to get dressed." She said getting up.
"No no no no , I made breakfast and it's going to be cold so let's eat first!" I exclaimed
"Okay" she smiled

We went downstairs and ate the pancakes. After we were done Maya went to get dressed while I did the dishes. Wow... I must be really in love if I'm doing the dishes ... Normally James does the cleaning up.

After I was done I put on some cologne and sat on the couch checking my Twitter. Ten minutes later Maya finally got down. She was wearing black shorts and a maroon Arctic Monkey shirt along with black vans. Man... I think I found my perfect match... I got snapped out of my day dream by my phone ringing.
"Hello" I answered
"Brad are you on your way?" Joe asked
"Yeah we're leaving the house right now" I said as I signaled Maya to come with me .
"Okay we're waiting for you, See you!" Joe said as he hung up.

We got into my car and drove off to the studio. On the way there we were listening to Arctic Monkeys and The Neighborhood. We were jamming around intill Sweater Weather came on. Me and Maya both sang along on top of out lungs. As the song ended we got to the building. I went and parked in the underground parking and after finding a spot we headed out to the elevators.

As we were going up we talked about the smallest things like what songs we're going to record and if we're planning any music videos.

The thing that really attached me to Maya is that she actually cares. Not like the other girls who just want fame from me. She genuinely listens and cares. I think this ones a keeper...

We finally got to our floor and got out to see the boys and Julia but no sign of Sky. Connor was talking to Tris and James was just sitting with his head in his hands and Julia all over him.

As Tris saw me he quickly yanked me from Maya and took me to the other room.
"Listen I know we're supposed to be supportive and everything but I can't stand that B*tch being in this room!" He yelled at me
"Wait are you talking bout Maya!?" I asked with anger boiling in me
"No ! Bloody Hell she's awesome! Im talking about Julia!" He explained

In one point I felt relief in my chest but I still didn't understand why he hated Julia.
"Okay but why?" I asked
"She hurt Skylar in high school!" He yelled
"Okay but how exactly?" I asked still confused
20 minutes have passed and Tris finally finished telling me about Julia and Sky. I never knew something like that happened! I sure do have a lot to talk to with James and Her. We got back to the recording room as I told him to just ignore her and there we saw Maya and Connor chatting along. It made me happy that she fit in so easily with the boys. She's really a keeper!

After about 10 minutes Joe and Dean finally got to the studio and we got started with recording. I had an idea to make another cover so in the middle of Written Off , I ran to Joe and asked him If we could. He agreed and I went back to recording. After we finished I told the boys what we would be covering. They all agreed and we started playing "Sweater Weather " by The Neighborhood . As soon as Maya heard the first note her eyes shot up and lit up instantly. She smiled from ear to ear jamming along to the song.
My eyes were concentrated on her the whole time. We were half way through the song when the doors opened and there stood Sky in a grey and black shirt and black shorts along with her famous grey converse.Her eyes were swollen and red as she stood in the door way.

The minute James saw her he was glued to her. Maya quickly ran up to her and gave her a big hug while Dean joined in laughing. I smiled a bit and turned to Tris and Con. They were both smiling widely at the sight. We finally finished the song when James wanted to run out. Joe told us to do one more song so we had to stay. The song was of course Risk it All. Maya stood next to Sky and they both jammed out with us. I was happy that Sky is a little bit better, I hate seeing her sad and even though she's not the happiest right now she still had a small smile so that counts!
We were finally done with recording and James bulted toward the doors running to Sky. As he got close she wanted to leave , but James grabbed her arm just in time. I heard him say something to Julia and then quickly leaving with Sky. I really hope they will sort things out, they're perfect for each other!

I walked out of the booth and went to Maya. We all sat down in the bean bag section leaving Julia on her own on the couch. Yeah it was rude but she's Skylar's bullying and plus she doesn't even answer us so why bother. Me and the boys decided that it would be cool if we would make a TwitCam, so Joe brought us a laptop and we got started. Maya was also in this with us! We were asked several times if we're dating or something like that. One person even said that Maya and me would be #goals, others started a hashtag Madley or Braya. I just laughed at it while Maya blushed hard core. The next question went to Maya about her cute charm bracelet. They asked if its just a normal bracelet or if it means something. Maya replied saying in short what each bead means and how she got it. Honestly it made my heart melt that she's so sincere, and strong! I never knew about her dad, or her disease, I also didn't know that she has a Older brother and that she has a godchild. It's crazy how through one bracelet you can learn a person's whole story. I'm feeling that I need to do something special for her ...

The TwitCam went on and Maya completely opened up to our fans, and they seem to love her also! We finally ended the TwitCam after two long hours and James and Sky were still gone. We started getting worried so Maya decided to call Sky. As she got her phone out the two came in as if nothing happened, but the difference was that James was smiling and Sky was blushing, hard core.

"Okayyy... So um I gotta get going, Sky , wanna sleepover?" Maya asked
"Sure why not!" Sky exclaimed
"Uuuu can we join?!" Connor and Tris yelled
"If you'll buy pizza and stuff then yeah!" Maya laughed
"Yayyyy!" The boys screamed
"Hey no fair me and James want to sleepover too!" I pouted
"Yeah!" James said as Julia gave him a dirty look... Yup she's sadly still here.
"Oh fine, go get your stuff and food and we'll meet up at my place at 7:35?" Maya asked
"Deal!" We all yelled
"Hey so um Julia I'll drive you home, and then I'll get to you guys ok?" James asked
"Yeah ok!" We all replied
James left with Julia and while he was walking out he sent Sky a quick smile.
I really need to figure out what happened between them! We all soon went in separate ways. I was done packing up first so I went out to Tesco and bought something for the sleepover. I also stopped by our favorite pizza place and ordered tons of pizza. I also went to Starbucks and got everyone a drink. After I was done I git back to the house to put everything away and went back to the Ben and Jerry ice cream store and bought tons of ice cream. After I paid I went to pick up the pizza that I ordered. Finally I got everything done and went back home . As I got there I hid the ice cream and put the pizza on the counter. I saw that James was on the couch tweeting something. I decided to find out what happened today....

Maya's Pov.

On our way back home we stopped by Nando's and got ourselves some food since we were starving . We ate peacefully in the restaurant paying for our meals and getting back on the road. Sky wanted McFlurys from McDonald so we had to stop there.

After we got to McDonald I got a chocolate shake and Skylar got a McFlury.

"Sooo..." I started
"Now that you have a McFlury would you mind telling me what happened with you and mister McVey?" I asked giving her the look

Hi guys sorry its been too long but this is one long chapter! I gave ya there a little cliffhanger but heyyy! Why not?!

Anyways don't forget to vote , comment and share on!

Love you all
       Kayla x

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