Chapter 4

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Maya' Pov
I woke up the next morning at 7:30. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out that I fell asleep on the couch with an empty box after fries laying on the floor. After about 10 minutes I finally got up and decided to clean up. It wasn't raining at the moment so I planned on going to the mall to by a few things for the house. When I got done with cleaning, I went to my room and picked out an outfit for today. After finding some clothes I took out my hair from the messy bun and started to de-tangle it. Eventually I got in the bathroom and had a quick shower also washing my hair.
  About 5 minutes later I got out and went to get dressed. Today I decided on  some dark red skinny jeans, a white lace shirt and my favorite light brown jacket. I put on some black converse and did light natural make-up. After all that I dried my hair and put it into loose curls. I sprayed some perfume, grabbed my bag and keys and left the house.
I decided on stopping by Starbucks for some breakfast so I head of to the my local Starbucks . There I got a Chocolate Chip Frappe and a muffin. I sat down and went on my phone checking Twitter.

After I ate my muffin I took my Frappe and left the store. Thank god that the mall was right next to Starbucks because it started to rain. I quickly got into the building and went to my must have destination , which was Target.

I got out of the store after like an hour with 4 bags fulled with room decor. I still had a little of time before my Uber came so I quickly went to Walmart to get some food, I mean im not gonnalive on Starbucks and McDonalds all the time. It took me a good 30 minutes to get everything and pay for it. I still had like 15 minutes before my Uber came so I stopped by Forever 21 and got a sweatshirt and a new cardigan. I quickly paid and headed outside. I got in , told the adress and enjoyed the ride. After 10 minutes I got home. I was unpacking the groceries when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to find a mail man with a envelop in his hands. He asked me for my name and then handed me the envelop kindly asking to put my signature on a paper. I signed the paper and thanked him before closing the door. Making my way to my couch I opened the envelop to see a letter from the University College in Birmingham.

I totally forgot that I sent my papers there! I quickly yet nervously opened the letter reading it carefully.

"Dear Miss Hayens,

We would be more than happy to tell you that you have been exepted to our University! Your terms past these years we're amazing and the fact that you helped out in the kids shelter whenever you had free time is truly inspiring! We would love to have you as a sudent representing our school.

If you accept this once in a life time ofer please contact us as soon as you recive your letter( The number is on the envelop under the adress.) Of course having these good grades plus after-school activities helping your surrounding , You are getting a full time scollar ship for 4 years of education.

As for a place to live , in offer to the scollar ship we have two people dorm rooms , but if you would like to you can rent out or buy a house or apartment anywhere around the campus for half the prize. After finishing college you can either stay at the house but pay full time for it ( which will be very expensive due to the destination ) or you will have about three months to setle down and find a new place to live in.

All books are provided by the school and are to get at the administration on the first day.

School year starts on August 28th but you must check in to the administration 3 days earlier. If picking a dorm you must come atleast a week before the begining of the school year, if picking an apartment/ house you can come whenever you can as long as you get everthing settled down before the school year starts.

We really hope that you will our University to expand your knowledge. See you in August,

University College in Brimingham.

I put down the letter feeling my eyes watering up... I have been dreaming about this day since my first year of middle school. I remember always dreaming about going to collage there and then opening up my own business with my dads help.

You see that's the thing... My dad ... he used to go there when he was young... He had and amazing life after it. I mean that's the place where he met mom. I always told him that when I grow up I would be just like him, While he would always promise that he would help me with a business plan...

Those dreams can actually come true! After he died My brother, Jack, and I , found out that he gave up everything just to us. Jack got a home back in London and 50 Thousand pounds for living. Jack didn't want to stay anywhere near mom so he sold the house , bought him an his then girlfriend Cara airplane tickets and left to California buying a big family house there and opening up his own business. I , on the other side got 100 Thousand pounds to spend on a car , house , basically anything I wanted.

There was a big part of money still flowing on to his acount every 3 months due to the fact that he was serving in the army for over 10 years. My brother decided that I should take the bigger half because I was still young , without a house , job or anything , so now I get 8 Thousand ever 3 months and Jack gets 2 Thousand.

I didn't have to even re-think it , I already knew what I wanted to do.

I ran to my room with the blue envelop in my hands dialing the number under the adress. After a couple of rings a nice sounding lady picked up the phone.

~1 and a half Hours later~

I finally ended the phone call. I accepted the offer and got to know everthing about the campus. By the time I ended the phone call it was already 7:35 pm. I got a little hungry so I went to the kitchen preparing some Pop Tarts. As they were cooking I went to my desk to get a phone number book. I got back to the kitchen taking the Pop Tarts and sitting down at my island.

When I ate everthing I went on my couch searching through the numeres willing to find some kind of number to the airport. I finnally found it and called asking when was the soonest ride to Brimingham. I got the ticket and thanked the lady before ending the call. I have about 2 weeks intill the flight so pretty much all Im doing is 1. Packing 2. Finding an apartment and 3. Getting another moving truck and packing all of my furniture.

I decided that I would start planing everthing tommorow due to the part that it's already 9 pm and Im exausted.

I went to the bathroom taking of my makeup and going in for a quick shower.

After showering I changed into some shorts and a tank top and headed to bed.

The next 2 weeks will be crazy...

Hi guys ! So I've wrote this while being bored , but now I actually want it to be something big. I decided that I'm going to turn this into a fanfic about The Vamps! I hope you will like it !

I also want to dedicade this story to my best friend in the whole wide world Good_Day_Mcvey ! Go check out her Imagines there amazing!

I hope you like this chapter!

Love ,


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