Chapter 23

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Skylar's Pov.

It's official...The boys are performing in Brighton today. I really want to go but I can't...I just can't risk seeing James and having my feelings all come back. I've been going through alot past these days and the last thing I need is to re-build my feelings for James. I've heard that he isn't himself either... I don't blame him. He basically confessed his love to a girl that ran away and fell into a coma later on... I just don't want to rush n on things, I want everything to be as it was... Me cruhing on James without him knowing.

Anyways I'm sat here alone in my huge family home while my mother is shopping with a friend for a party they're making tonight , my brother out with his friends and my father is at work finishing up major projects. It's funny how it only takes 3 people to make this house fell full and warm and loved. I really don't know how my mom sits here all day infront of the computer doing her job. I mean sure she is occupied by something but still...

If your wondering the house is a typical mountian cabin home. My dad wanted to be original so he decided green over sand and thats how we got here. My mom is actually from Amsterdam and was raised in a typical farm home so she just wanted to feel at home. i really don't mind though! Our home is perfect! Well atleast for me... It's made out of wood and it has this warm and cozy vibe to it inside. Its just perfect...

But this perfectness can get boring sometimes... All I did this whole time was lay in my bed.. Doctors Orders! I must admit it was fun at first. Everybody was jumping all around me making sure im ok and that I had everything i needed. But now i just want to get out of bed... Move around go even shopping! The fact that they left me alone must mean that I have to go and walk around so hey!

Just as I was about to sit up I got a text from my mom. "Hey sugar! Forggot to add that I put some snaks and food in your nightstand so you won't have to stand up, xoxo". Great. I opened the night stand to find like 5 bags of chips, some friut, drinks from water to juice,and home made sandwiches wrapped in foil.

Still being the stubborn girl I am I sat up and swung my feet over the bed. Ignoring the throbbing pain in my ribs I stand up and walk to the door. Huh... Thinking about it I haven't had a good walk for about a week, and to be honest I could walk to Asia right now...

I carefully make my way down the long wooden stairs soon to Fing myself in the kitchen. I get some leftover lasagna from last night and heat it up. I make my way to the table and turn on the radio eating my meal. Just for my luck the doorbell rang... Well I wasn't expecting anyone but umm... I stand up a little too quick almost falling to the floor from the pain in my ribs. I still make my way to the front door and open it. Side note, Sky remember to ALWAYS look in the peek thingy as there may be a criminal at the door...
I open the door to find the person I missed the most...

"MAYA!!!" I screamed attacking her with a hug
"SKY YOUR ALIVE!" Maya joked
"Omg what, How?!?" I still couldn't believe that she was here... How did she get out without the boys on her back?
"Well... I tricked the boys that I don't feel good and that I want to stay in the bus so yeah!" She explained
"Wow they actually bought it? I always tried that and it never worked" I laughed
"They just know you too good" Maya laughed along.

After our laughing fit we got inside and I made some Hot Chocolate for us.
"Sooo.... How are you? How are the ribs?" Maya started
"Well... I shouldn't be walking but Im OK haha" I lie... My ribs hurt like hell but I don't want another week of hospital care..
"You sure? You look like your literally walking on glass..." Maya worried
"Yup! All good! I can even go to a party right now " I joke
"How about the boys concert? I mean I'm sure they would love to see you!" She smiled

Thinking about it... It will get me out of the house and plus It'll give me a chance to talk to James...
"Yeah actually why not!" I smile back
"Omg really?!" Said a almost chocking on chocolate Maya.
"Yeah! I really miss the boys you know!" I smile again
"Alright then! Let's get you ready!" She smiled grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs. I ignore the sharp pain and just follow.

After hours of going through my closet we finally found something pleasing.
I picked out a nice white crop top along with my all time favorite black flowery skirt and a jean jacket. I paired that up with my black Converse.
Maya carefully curled my hair into beach waves. I did my own make up while Maya fixed her own.

After a while we were all ready. I still feel pretty bad... My ribs hurt like hell and I feel guilty for actually getting out of bed. Maybe everyone was right... Maybe I really should have stayed in bed , maybe the ribs didn't heal fully... Oh God... I'm minutes away from seeing the boys and I'm standing here starting to regret the whole thing.

"Ok I'm all done! We should get going" Maya exclaimed

I just smiled at her and nodded. I didn't want to show my weakness or my hesitation. I just wanted to have a good time with my best friend and see the people I literally grew up with.

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