19. eccentric

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So much had changed from the beginning of fall. Amber became more social and even smiled more at home.

Her mother became happier and her father started to bring home dinner since his hours were scheduled back to normal hours.

Things were running smoothly, but Amber still felt troubled even when she was having fun. There was something not right about the way she was living.

So, on a Friday night, she packed a blanket and dressed warmly. She drove down to the park and even brought her hot chocolate in a thermos.

Amber laid her blanket on the grass and lied on the fabric feeling the blades prick her even through the thickness of her jacket and blanket.

It was strange.

Night was like a different world from day.

Why did billions of people spend so much time working and living in the day time when there were things that could be done at night?

Amber admired the stars and shivered at the autumn breeze.

Her cheeks reddened from the pinch of the cold. She began to shiver until another blanket was thrown onto her and Hank smiled with his grey eyes shining at her in the night.

"Cold?" he asked.

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