38. eccentric

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Amber and Hank decided to go on a quick roadtrip together. They had grown closer and closer to each other by the end of the school year.

Their flaws and insecurities rarely tempting them, and their hearts intertwining the longer they were in each other's presence.

Sure, Amber still received annoying teases about being Asian, but it didn't matter to her. She was proud of her race, and thrived in school. She also had become fit, and found a spot on the volleyball team as a Libero (the backrow position player that can go in for any person on the backrow & not be counted as a substitute in the game).

Hank no longer took any negative thoughts on his appearance or intelligence. He started to find a passion for photography.

Their separate worlds collided and became one. Still broken from the past, but built to last, the two became inseparable.

Amber and Charlie still were good friends - turns out, Evan was madly in love with Charlie, not Amber. But even though they rarely hung out, they still communicated.

Just like life, Hank and Amber decided the road trip was just going to be an adventure full of surprises and memories.

It was kind of funny because . . . they wanted beauty, and ended up being just that without having to try.

Even if they may be a little eccentric, they glowed with the sort of beauty that glowed and never dimmed.

t h e e n d

that's the end. i didn't want to put in too much romance because i wanted to point out that you can build yourself and see your beauty even without a love interest or a crush.

You all are so beautiful, even if not physically, but your hearts are. There's so much evil in this world, and you are good. Show the world that there is hope and love and true beauty without appealing physically but emotionally and so on. Be the light of the world, and guide our dark world into a new age of light and love.

Thank you guys so much for reading!
I really enjoyed writing this piece and being a part of an amazing campaign. I will be writing more for more campaigns (so watch out for me)!

I honestly truly do love you all even if you think you're a monster or don't deserve love or will never be loved.

Believe it or not, I love you.


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