21. eccentric

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Their eyes seemed to always find each others no matter where they were. It was as if they had some sort of attraction like magnets.

Amber couldn't stop herself from searching for Hank. Ever since that night they sat together in the park, her body yearned to be near his.

She still detested her appearance, but it wasn't as bad as it used to be. She found things that she loved in herself that she never knew would ever be possible.

Amber continued to hang out with Charlie and her friends, but felt an overbearing emotion that it just wasn't the same as hanging out with Hank (though, they only had ever been together twice).

With her group of friends, she felt overwhelmed with the amount of people and volume. Due to the high number of males, it was always loud and obnoxious.

But with Hank, it was peaceful and quiet. Not that she always enjoyed that, but she liked the aura.

Amber stared from across the cafeteria as Hank laughed with a girl at his table. It was the first time she noticed him interacting with anyone other than her.

She shrank in her seat drowning herself into her past thoughts as she analyzed the girl once more before glaring at her lunch.

I'll never be as pretty as her, she sighed and glanced back at the girl next to Hank.

I'll never make him smile like that, she sadly looked away feeling her stomach clench. It churned and she felt nauseated - sick.

She didn't like this feeling.

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