37. eccentric

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The wish seemed to have come true. Amber smiled real smiles and laughed real laughs. Hank couldn't be any happier.

He ditched the wrist bands accepting his scars. They were the flaws that he was embarrassed of. He learned to accept his body and his own self after Amber shared her words of wisdom.

She liked him for who he was. She didn't even notice his scarred arms. Amber cared more about his own heart, mind, and soul.

Hank felt himself not falling, but becoming in love with Amber. It wasn't a very obvious emotion, but he could sense the warmth of his heart outreaching towards hers when he would watch her gaze at the sky.

Questions she fired at him when she would watch the clouds blow by made his heart pound even harder, and he'd have to take deep breaths to control his heart.

This was the beginning to the end.

a u t h o r s n o t e
the next chapter is the last chapter :)

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