Boot Camp (I)

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Harry was packing his bag for boot camp. He was leaving the next morning so he could make it to London early enough to make it to his hotel room, take a shower and get dressed, then go to wherever it was that boot camp was being held. His mum had told him to pack two days before but he chose to ignore her words and procrastinate until the night before, like always.

"Have you packed yet Harry?" His mum calls up the stairs to him.

Harry sighs and zips up his suitcase before going to his door and opening it. "Yes mum. Just finished."

"Okay love, you might want to go ahead and get to bed. We have to leave early in the morning to make it on time." His mum told him. Harry said okay and shut his door back and quickly changed out of his jeans and sweater to just his boxers—he likes to sleep naked but that last time he did that his mum came and woke him up because he was late and yanked the duvet off of him, and let's just say that Harry's been wearing at least boxers when he goes to bed from now on.

As he crawled into bed his nerves were picking up again and he suddenly couldn't get comfortable in his queen sized bed. He'd have to perform again the next day with the judges watching him and other contestants watching and he suddenly wasn't as confident in his voice as he was just a few moments ago. There was going to be super good singers there, some with a lot more experience than he had, some with just natural abilities that Harry didn't have. Was he going to be able to compete with the best? He didn't think so and that worried him. Singing is something he really wanted to continue doing and making a career out of it would be incredible. It was something he was passionate about and didn't want to give up. And losing this competition would crush him.

Harry didn't sleep well that night. His thoughts kept drifting off to what the competition would be like and he kept worrying about if he'd make it through, so when his mum came in to wake him up the next morning and he was awake with his eyes closed, his mum was surprised when he got up so quickly.

"How long have you been awake?" She asked him as he sat up.

"I only slept three hours last night," Harry grunts and look at his phone to see the time. 6:32 a.m.. Great. Anne sighs and pats his head before telling him to get ready while she goes and starts making a quick breakfast for them to eat before they had to go.

Harry walks over to his closet and pulls out his white shirt and black jeans and quickly throws them on. When he does that, he goes to his bathroom and makes sure to comb his hair so it doesn't look like a bird made a nest in it and when it wouldn't cooperate with him he grunted and pulled on a beanie. And after putting on his converse, he went to the kitchen where he could smell toast or something being cooked.

When he walked into the kitchen, his sister was sitting there in her pyjamas and messy hair and his Mum's boyfriend was reading the paper while sipping his tea.

"Morning," Harry chirped.

"Ooh, Harry, are you nervous yet?" Gemma asks. Harry takes his seat next to her and pulls his beanie farther down on his head.

"Really nervous." He sighs and slumps down in his seat.

"You'll do great. And I'm inviting friends over to watching you on telly when they air the show. It'll be great." Gemma laughs. Harry rolls his eyes at that.

"And if I do horrendous?"

"Even better," she winked.

Harry scoffed and when his mum out his toast in front of him he ate quickly and after a ton of goodbyes and good lucks, he and his mum left.

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