
775 21 16

Sorry I didn't post on Saturday omg.

But anyways, I made a Spotify playlist for this story and stuff. Here it is;


Feel free to suggest songs for me to add to it that you think will go well. Thank you.

Please vote and comment :)


Louis was worried.

No, he wasn't worried about him loosing his job, or getting a bad reputation in the media if nick were to share that he and Harry were dating. He was worried about Harry being kicked out of the competition and known as Louis' toy, or something along the lines of that, because Harry didn't deserve that. And since Nick found out, Louis would see him around and he'd see this glint of evil in his eyes and the sly smirk on his face, like he was better than Louis - which he fucking wasn't. And he was driving Louis mad, because if he didn't have a reason to be a dick before, he did now and he was using it to his advantage. If Louis didn't want to kick his ass before, be definitely did now.

They were currently sitting in the dressing room, Nick getting his hair fixed up and Louis was chilling back on the sofa with Lou'd daughter Lux. Nick, being the fake asshole he is, was chatting happily to Lou as she combed the hair glue into his brown locks.

"Mummy put red lipstick on me yesterday, Louis!" The little four year old girl says as she sat next to Louis and they chat. Louis, being very fond of kids, was enjoying listening to her ramble and stumble over he words as she tried to find the right ones to use every now and then.

"I bet you looked very pretty with it on," Louis tells her and combs his fingers through her blonde hair.

She nods, "I did. You should let her do it on you!"

Nick, listening in on their conversation - nosey little shit - smirks and looks back at them in the mirror.

"She's right Louis," he says. "Let your true self out, right?"

Louis rolls his eyes but ignored the man sitting at the chair and continued to chat with the small blonde girl. Lux went on about a story that her father had read to her while she was with him and Louis nodded along, taking in everything she was saying as she stumbled over her words and took long breaks to figure out what she wanted to tell Louis. Lux reminded Louis of his younger sisters and he loved that, because he really misses them. He couldn't wait until he got to see them again, along with his mum, and maybe he'd bring Harry along or something for them to meet.

An hour later, after Nick's rude comments to Louis and Louis ignoring him and speaking with someone else, they were on stage and the first performer, Zayn, was about to go on after the commercial break. Louis knew he was going to do well with his performance of one of Chris Brown's songs called Next To You. Zayn had one of those voices that sent chills up your body, and damn could this kid hit those high notes. He was definitely one of Louis' favourites, right behind Harry, because there was just something about Harry's voice that made Louis stop breathing and want to listen for the rest of his life.

Louis was spinning around in his chair, occupying his time before the show started back up and he turned and scammed the audience and saw Anne and Gemma sitting not too far away from him. Gemma saw him looking at them and she smirked, something Louis noticed she does a lot, and she waved over at him. Louis smiled back and waved before turning back around in his chair to face the stage again, only to see Cheryl smiling at him softly.

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