Contestant House

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Sorry for it being so late. My original chapter got deleted by Wattpad for some reason. Anyways, here it is.

Also, the house above is what I've envisioned for The House.



Harry was slightly worried what living at the contestant house was going to be like. He knew that everyone in the competition was lovely and kind and they were already so close, like a family, but you don't really know a person until you live with they. When you live with people you see which ones are the dramatic ones, the divas, the messy ones, the clean ones, the lazy ones. Harry wasn't particularly fond of any of those - besides the clean ones, which he hoped was all of them because he really hated messes - and he hoped that no one in the house would turn out being any of the negative things. Harry already loved all of them so much, but again, living with someone changes that if they changed what they acted like. And Harry hoped he didn't change for the worst.

He was sitting with Niall and Zayn in the car, on the way to the house. He was already curious what the house would look like and Niall said he was almost positive it was very large with a room for each contestant and Simon probably picked it out. Well, he wasn't necessarily wrong, Harry decided when they car stopped in front of a gloriously large house with a nice fountain sitting in the front and the driveway curving around it. The house, from what Harry could tell, was three stories and had at least eight bedrooms within it. The porch had a beautiful chandelier hanging down and rocking chairs sitting on both sides. Harry was already in love with the house and never wanted to leave.

Him, Niall, and Zayn traveled into the nice house and were greeted by the girls and they hugged before leading the boys up to their room that had their names write on it. It was written in scribbled handwriting, all the letters small and slanted and Harry wondered who wrote it, because it wasn't one of the girls who did it.

"Louis wrote it I think," Amber, one of the girls, told Harry when he voiced his thoughts. He nodded and smiled slightly, thinking about how adorable the older man must've looked while write out all of there names on a whiteboard and pasting it to their door.

Zayn was the first to walk into the room, with Niall and Harry following and Harry nearly pissed his pants at how big the room for the three was. It's bigger than my entire house, Harry thought, what the fuck? He was the last one to choose a bed, with Niall calling dibs on the top bunk and Zayn wanting the single bed by the window, Harry was stuck having the bottom bunk under Niall.

Harry was fine with the bed situation though, as long as he got a bed he would've been fine if he was honest. He sat down on the bed and started to unpack his back, as well as Niall and Zayn - Niall sitting in the middle of the floor with jeans and tee shirts thrown everywhere, along with a couple pairs of shoes. Harry really hoped Niall was planning on actually picking up his clothes, if not Harry might do it for him.

Thankfully though, Niall did and put them in one of the three dressers located in the large room and once he and Zayn had succeeded in putting all of their things away, they dashed off to check out the rest of the house, leaving Harry alone to finish neatly folding his shirts and pants and putting them away. It didn't take him long to do, seeing as being neat wasn't even a hard thing to do, and when he was done he plopped down on his bed - carful not to hit his head on the top bunk.

His thoughts raced over all of the possible themes the live shows would hold because there was a different one every week. Harry knew that with whatever it was, Louis was going to coach him well and Harry definitely wasn't going to let him down.

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