Six Chair Challenge

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Harry was still confused. He was still very confused. By Louis, by his mum, by everything really. But, he had to push that aside and get ready for the Six Chair Challenge. He was performing that night and he desperately needed to do as well as he could to get through to the next level. He wanted to do his best. He couldn't go home. Not yet. Not until he proved to the world and to himself that he could do it.

The young boy was bouncing around on his toes as he was about to fix his hair up and get dressed. He was more nervous now then he has ever been in his life. His nerves during his first audition were nothing compared to what he was feeling now. He had to somehow convince whatever judge that was going to be his coach that he had it. That he was talented enough to go on to the judges house.

As Harry started pulling his black shirt over his head, his door was pushed open and one of the stylists from the show walked in with he hair cut short and spiked up in a quiff. She had glasses perched on her nose and a black leather jacket on her shoulders. Harry was told that she was coming in the day before so he wasn't surprised by her appearance.

"Hi Harry," the lady greets. Harry smiles and walks over to her to shake her hand but was instead pulled into a hug.

"I'm Gemma," the stylist says. "And I'm a hugger. Sorry about that."

Harry chuckles slightly and runs his fingers through his messy curls.

"My older sister's name is Gemma." Harry tells her.

It didn't take long for her to help Harry get dressed and fix his hair so it wouldn't look like a birds nest. He really enjoyed being in her presence, with how funny and smart she was. Harry was glad that it was Gemma and not someone else that was there to help him out.

Gemma dressed him in a plain black shirt and some black skinny jeans, which Harry was going to end up wearing anyways since that's basically all that he has in his closet. She told him how to fix his hair properly--which he was thankful for because it was a mess--and she dusted a bit of powder across his face so he wouldn't shine under the stage lights. When she was done, Harry thanked her and they walked out of the room together, with Gemma going one way to help another contestant, and Harry going the other way to sit with the rest of the boys before they were told to go out on stage to find out which judge would be their mentor. Harry really hoped that he would get Louis as a mentor.

Cheryl would also be a very good mentor as well, in Harry's opinion. She was sweet and she knew what she was doing when it came to this show, but Louis seemed like he just had that natural ability to be an incredible coach. Plus, he was cute and no matter what Harry says, obviously he has at least a small crush on the man, which was strange for him to think about because Louis is who he is and Harry is just a lanky eighteen year old man child that was trying his best to win a silly singing competition.

As Harry walked into the area where he was supposed to be before the show started, he saw Niall chatting to someone that Harry didn't know. It didn't surprise him to see Niall chatting with someone though. Niall talked to everyone. Hell, Harry thinks, he's probably the type of person that would talk to another person while using the toilet. There was no doubt in Harry's mind that Niall would do that.

Harry made his way over to his blond Irish friend and sat down next to him. Niall gave him a slight wave but didn't turn away from the guy he was talking to. Harry waited patiently until Niall was finally done with his intense conversation with the dark haired man. When Niall finished, he turned to Harry finally and nudged him with his shoulder.

"Hey Harry," Niall smiles. Harry nods and glances at the guy sitting next to them again, which Niall notices and laughed.

"That's Zayn. Met him about an hour and a half ago. Zayn, this is Harry." Niall introduces that two. Harry smiles and shakes Zayn's hand. Zayn does the same and smiled at Harry. The three chat until it was time for them to go out on stage to see who their judges were going to be. The people that helped direct everyone to where they're supposed to be led all of the boys on stage and to a group of chairs. Harry noticed the girls and the groups were already out on stage and now they were just waiting on the overs and the judges to come out to see which group was getting which judge.

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