Fake Date

634 17 2

Lolz another update :)

Ps- I've never been to a club so idk how stuff goes in one, but bear with me one this, thanks.


"Listen," Louis says. "I'm just going to let you know, I don't want to be here. Nothing personal, I just want to get this over with, yeah?"

Briana seemed a bit offended by his words, but Louis didn't give a shit. He just wanted to go home and talk to Harry for the rest of the night. Was that too much to ask?

"I'm sorry Lou," Briana tells him with a frown on her face. They were in one of the cars Louis' cars being driven to a club and they had just picked up Briana with paps surrounding them, getting great photos of them for magazines and websites.

"Don't call me that. Nicknames are reserved for friends and family. We aren't friends." Louis shakes his head. Briana scoffs and says nothing else throughout the rest of the ride and Louis shrugs and goes to his phone and sends a quick text to Harry.

To Haz❤️: I miss you !

Harry was quick to respond with: miss you too Lou. How's it?

To Haz❤️: awful. She keeps calling me Lou and I told her that she couldn't. Can't wait to get to the club and get a few pints

From Haz❤️: don't drink too much, OK? You're the worst when you're hungover.

To Haz❤️: I'll try babe. See you soon 😘

From Haz❤️: don't have too much fun. Xx.

Louis chuckles to himself and locks his phone back when the driver announced that they were at the club. Louis reaches across Briana and pushes the door open and gestures for her to go ahead and get out. There were paps surrounding the car as she stepped out followed by Louis and his body guard, Preston, was leading them to the club. People kept shouting and Louis just sighed and grabbed Briana's hand in his, keeping her close.

"Why are you out at a club if you're pregnant?" One of the paps shouted and Louis kept his head down as he smirked. He mentally thanked his management for being completely dumb and telling them to go to a fucking club when Briana was 'pregnant'. He questioned their intelligence most of that time and wondered if they were even fit for their jobs. How could a group of people be so stupid and still be in charge of someone's life? What sense did that make?

The crowd of paps kept taking photos though and Preston helped get the two inside. Briana had her head turns towards Louis to keep the flashing lights out of her eyes and Louis pulled her along with him until they got into the club, which was packed full of people. He thanked Preston for getting them in and he was quick to pull Briana over to a table to the side before going to the bar. He ordered two shots to down before ordering a simple beer and some fruity drink for Briana. The bartender gets him what he needs and Louis tells him to keep his tab open, knowing that's he'll be back for more drinks before the night ended. Once finished, he headed back to Briana and handed the girl her drink and chugged half of his beer.

"I am sorry about this Louis," Briana decides to tell him.

Louis shrugs, "Not really your fault, I guess."

When Louis finally got a proper buzz from his alcohol, he pulled Briana to the dance floor and started dancing. Not with her, more like just moving to the music next to her, like one would at a school dance or something. He felt uncomfortable dancing with her anyways, because she wasn't anything like Harry. She was short - the same height as him - and she had long blonde hair and she was a girl. And most importantly, she wasn't Harry.

The whole dancing this was kind of awkward but once Louis had a few pints in him, he was opening up and dancing along with everyone. He even started dancing with men because he was just a touchy person when he was drunk, and he was definitely drunk right now. He didn't have a care in the world as he grinds against people he didn't know, not knowing about people taking photos of him as he did so, he didn't even care where Briana disappeared to. The strobe lights were flashing and the music was thumping and Louis was happy.

An hour later he ended up with Briana though, dancing with her again, and this time actual dancing and not the school dance type dancing. He had his arms wrapped around her and held her close as they moved to the music. Her head was thrown back, rested on his shoulder and his arms were tight around her waist as they moved to the beat of some Snoop Dog song. He was completely unaware of the people around him snapping pictures of them, but even if he was, he knew that's what management wanted to happen. They wanted as many pictures to prove that Louis was in a relationship as possible. And that's what they were going to get by the time the night ended.

By the end, Louis was smashed. He had downed fifteen shots, seven beers, and he had constantly been taking sips from Briana's little fruity drinks that surprisingly had more alcohol content in it than he thought it would.

When they were leaving there were even more paps waiting outside for them, but this time there were fans as well. Preston tried his best to get them to the car without someone getting to them, and for the most part, he did. Except for when they actually got to the car and there was a fan standing there waiting for them. She looked about nineteen or twenty years old and he was holding an iPhone in her had, staring down at it.

"Hi love," Louis greeted her, obviously intoxicated.

"Oh," she looked up, surprised. "Louis! Hi. Do you mind if I get a picture with you?"

Louis smiles and says that he would and the girl asks Briana, a very annoyed Briana, to take their photo. The blonde girl takes the phone from her hand and does as asked before handing the phone back. That fan eyes her before thanking her.

"Is that your girlfriend Lou" the fan asks. Louis, because drunk, couldn't help his sour expression when she asked that but he was quick to slightly nod. The fan frowned at that and after getting a hug from Louis, she was walking away. Preston opened the car door for them and louis climbed in first, followed by Briana, who sat nearly on top of him. Louis grunts in annoyance and nudges her off of his thigh, but not before a few paps could snap a picture of the girl in his lap from the outside of the car.

Preston gets the driver to drive them to a hotel because management had told Louis to bring her back to one so it could give off the appearance that he was taking her 'home'. Originally they wanted him to bring her back to his house, which wasn't far at all, but Louis was quick to reject that and tell them that the one allowed in his home was friends, family, and Harry. So, a hotel was the next best option.

When they got to the hotel, paps and fans were littering around outside. There weren't many, but enough to make sure that everyone knew Louis was bringing a girl back with him. Louis was quick to walk inside though, wanting nothing more than to sleep now. He went to the elevator with Briana and once the doors were closed, he let go of her hand and slumped back against the wall.

"Your room is right next to mine. We aren't sharing." Louis tells her. She nods and gratefully takes get room key from Preston and goes straight to her to her room when they reach their floor. Louis bids a goodnight to Preston before going to his room and diving into bed.

Just as he was about to go to sleep, he sends a quick text to Harry saying, this sucks and I still miss you. Goodnight sunshine xx.


Happy Lou day! My baby is 4 now. I cri. I love him so much and I'm so proud of him and I hope he's having a wonderful time with his family right now.


Lol okay I'm fine. No jk. I'm not fine. Brb. *cries*

Anywayyyyyyys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was short and shit but whatever.

Question of the chapter:

What do you think Harry got Louis for his birthday and Christmas? (Not related to the chapter, but very important.)

Thank you for reading and I love you. I hope today and tomorrow and the rest of your life is wonderful.

Happy holidays and birthday to Lou.


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