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{can we talk about Louis in a crop top please? I cri}


Louis and Harry had been hiding in one of the bathroom stalls in the stadium for a little under an hour. Louis was rubbing Harry's back and whispering soothing words to the younger boy as he threw up in the toilet that he's been leaning over. It has come to the point where Harry wasn't even getting things out of his stomach. It was just gagging and stomach acid being pushed up unwillingly. It hurt Harry's throat and his stomach as he kept trying to take deep breaths to make it stop, but it wouldn't for at least another twenty minutes or so. Louis though, even if slightly disgusted by the vomit, was right by Harry's side and helping calm the boy down.

"Alright, love?" He asked the boy when he hadn't vomited for a few minutes. Harry sighed and sat up, leaning his head on Louis' shoulder and took deep breaths. Louis ran his fingers through his hair soothingly, waiting for Harry to say something.

"I need a toothbrush," Harry states after a few minutes. Louis chuckles but nods and helps Harry stand up. He guides him through the halls and to Lou, who was in the process of fixing up Cheryl's hair and scolding Lux for whatever the little girl had done. Harry sighed and sat down on the sofa and closed his eyes, headache kicking full force right then. Louis smiles over at lux before getting Lou's attention. The blonde haired woman stops styling Cheryl's hair and turns to Louis. She glances over at Harry and seeing him sitting on the sofa, obviously not feeling well and she immediately asks what's wrong.

"Harry's sick," Louis says simply. "The stomach flu or summat. Have you got a spare toothbrush floating around in that makeup bag of yours?"

Lou nods and begins digging around for it. Cheryl turns in her chair before standing up and walking over to Harry and putting her hand on his forehead.

"He's burning up." She says. "Harry, honey, do you want me to call one of the doctors around? How bad are you feeling?"

"M'fine. Really. I'll be okay before the show." Harry says but he was lying. He was ill and definitely was not going to be okay before the show. He was trying to put on a front, make it seem like he's strong, but everyone in the room could see that he just needed rest.

Louis was the one who spoke up about it though, saying, "Absolutely not Harry. You're ill and need rest. You aren't going on stage like this."

If Harry weren't so tired he'd roll his eyes at Louis' overprotectiveness. He was fine. If someone would just let him sleep for a bit and take some medicine he'd be okay for the show.

Yeah, if the show were tomorrow. Harry thinks to himself.

Louis shakes his head and takes the toothbrush from Lou when she hands it to him.

"I'm going to tell the producers that he's ill and they can figure out something. He's definitely not going to be doing the group performance, but maybe he can just stand out there for the results for a bit." Cheryl says and scurries away. Louis nods and helps Harry stand and walks him over to the sink that was in the dressing room. He put toothpaste on the toothbrush for him and hands it to Harry. Harry mumbles a 'thanks' and brushes his teeth quickly, successfully getting the gross taste of vomit off of his tongue. After, Louis leads him back to the sofa and sits him down. Lux was staring at Harry with wide eyes and curiosity coating her face.

"Louis?" She asked him. Louis looked away from Harry and to the small girl standing a few feet away. "Is Harry okay?"

Louis smiles, "He's just ill, love. He's okay."

Harry grunted and sat up, looking over at Lux as well and smiling at her softly. She was easily one of the cutest kids Harry has ever seen and he always enjoyed seeing her run around while Lou did his hair.

"I'm fine Lux," he smiled again, but it was obviously forced. "Do you mind handing me that water bottle over there, love?"

The little girl smiled and nodded before rushing off to the tray that had a few water bottles sitting on it and grabbed one for Harry. She ran back to him and handed it over and Harry thanked her. After that Lux suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, so Lou rushed her there at the same time Cheryl was walking through the door with a doctor and Simon following behind. Not too far behind them was Nick as well and Louis mentally groans at the sight of the obnoxious radio host.

"Are you alright Harry?" Simon asked the sick boy. Harry nodded and let the doctor take a look at him. He checked his throat, nose, ears, and asked where he was hurting and when he had started vomiting. Everyone kept quiet as the doctor looked over Harry, even Nick, much to Louis' surprise. When the doctor confirmed that it was just a stomach bug and gave Harry so medicine to make him feel slightly better, everyone thanked him and he left.

"It's almost like he's pregnant," Nick says after a while. Louis rolls his eyes at the idea because one, what the fuck, and two, who let Nick in the room?

"Do you not understand how pregnancy works Nick?" Louis snapped.

The man smirked, "It'd make sense if you did, with the new coming baby and all. Congrats on that by the way."

"What the fuck are you saying?" Louis scowls. Harry had positioned himself so he could see Louis better and started to actually listen to their conversation. He glanced over at Simon and Cheryl and saw their curious faces and he thinks that everyone was thoroughly confused by what was happening.

"You haven't heard? There's a girl claiming you got her pregnant. Doesn't make much sense though, seeing as you're gay and have a boyfriend." Nick smirks even more. Louis' eyes widen and he feels a link form in his throat. He just fucking said that in front of Simon, Louis screams in his head. Harry's eyes widened too, not expecting those words to fall from Nick's lips.

Nick takes in everyone's shocked facial expressions - Simon wide eyed and mouth agape, same as Cheryl's. He tries to successfully force his smirk off of his face, but he fails as he lets himself continue talking.

"Oh, did no one else know? Simon? Cheryl? Oh, I know Harry knows." He says.

"Nick," Louis growls, muscles tensing, knowing where he was going with this. "If you say one more fucking word, I will not hesitate to kick your ass before the show. Got it?"

"What do you mean?" Nick raises his hand as a way to show he didn't mean to start anything. "Have you not told Simon that you and Harry were secretly fucking around behind everyone's back?"

And, okay, Louis probably shouldn't have punched Nick, but he did and he didn't regret it as Simon pulled him away from him and dragged him and Harry out of the room, Harry coughing and sputtering as they left the scene.


what the fuck did I just write?

Idk what I just wrote.

Someone help.

Okay, but anyways, I'm sick ("are you actually sick or are you just wanting to make me get everything for you?" -my mom) and I kinda just whipped this together really quick because my head hurts and I can't breathe. I didn't want to miss another Saturday.

Also, a girl is "pregnant" with Louis' baby, Nick told Simon and Cheryl, Louis punched him, and Harry's sick. So... There was a lot that happened in this tiny chapter of 1.3k words. Idk. Hoped you liked it either way I guess.

Chapter question;

What do you think Simon is going to do and say to Harry and Louis? What about the girl claiming to be pregnant with Louis' baby?

Thank you for reading and stuff. Please don't forget to vote and comment because it makes me happy and makes me want to update more. So, please, do so if you want. I can't force you. I love you either way.

See you Wednesday!


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